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Old 10-11-2009, 06:52 PM   #41 (permalink)
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Four of my friends were at that show, Nonsubmissivewife. Bastards didn't invite me

I heard it was fantastic though.
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:30 AM   #42 (permalink)
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Great review nonsub...made me want to be there and I'm not a fan either...
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Old 10-12-2009, 10:13 AM   #43 (permalink)
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I can totally relate to that. I've seen him live on a festival earlier this year and I felt the same way. Total respect for this guy. Even bought a couple of his albums after that.
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Old 10-12-2009, 10:26 AM   #44 (permalink)
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That sounds like an awesome show nsb. There is some Springsteen that I like and some that I don't, but he has always seemed like someone who would be very comfortable on stage.
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Old 10-12-2009, 10:39 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Hey, thanks for reading the review, and the responses you guys! Sorry I couldn’t be more detailed about which songs he played. But if y’all ever get a chance to see him, you have to do it. It’ll most definitely be worth it.

And yes, storymilo, he was very comfortable on stage and with the crowd. He really did seem like a pretty down to earth, working man's kinda person.
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Old 10-12-2009, 01:49 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife View Post
Hey, thanks for reading the review, and the responses you guys! Sorry I couldn’t be more detailed about which songs he played. But if y’all ever get a chance to see him, you have to do it. It’ll most definitely be worth it.

And yes, storymilo, he was very comfortable on stage and with the crowd. He really did seem like a pretty down to earth, working man's kinda person.
Sounds the complete opposite to watching Porcupine Tree on Saturday. Everyone was sat down (wtf?) and it was almost TOO polished. A little let down I have to say. Just got the nod this afternoon for seeing Slayer in a few weeks which has certainly made up for it

Glad you enjoyed the gig. No matter if you are a big fan of an artist. Good shows with lots of atmosphere are still magical.

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Old 01-12-2010, 12:09 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Between the Buried and Me, Devin Townsend Project- Houston Texas, January 11, 2010 I've only heard one album from either of these bands, but the tickets to this show were only $15.00 so I figured, hell, why not? I've been itching to go to a gig and this should be a high-energy, ass-kicking good time. The Meridian (the venue) is a great little place. Basically an old warehouse looking building in a bad part of town, standing room only on the inside, stage in front of you, a full bar on either side. Always a good crowd. Well, normally.

First off, there were two other bands (Cynic and Scale the Summit) that played before the two headliners. Show was supposed to start at 8:00 pm. We got there right at 8...Cynic had already played and Scale the Summit was on their last song. ??? No matter...I didn't go to see them anyways. Although that last song by Scale the Summit was decent. Too bad I can't remember the name of it (maybe it was "Omni"? Not sure).

Then it was time for Devin Townsend Project. Devin came out and the crowd started cheering, and I thought 'Good, now the fun starts". I've only had two beers at this point, but I'm ready for some action. And for the next 20 minutes we waited, because the sound guy couldn't get his shit together. Meantime, Devin's talking to the crowd, seems a great guy, down to earth, a little nerdy but secure with that. Finally everything was in order...He opened with "Disruptr" and there were apparently still some sound issues, but they were worked out quickly and the song went on, and everyone was happy. He was awesome and I was finally starting to get into the show. As the show progressed though, I noticed that the crowd wasn't really getting into it. I chocked it up to them all being there for BTBAM and not really caring about DTP. Except this one guy standing right next to me who was throwing them devil horns and banging his head like he was the only person in the room. I liked that guy. Sadly, DTP only got to play about 5 songs, I'm guessing because of all the initial sound problems. They closed the set with "Ziltoidia Attaxx!", which was amusing but surprisingly good. The friend I was with kept commenting on how great Devin's voice was, and I have to agree with her. Just as good live as on the album. I was sad when he and the band left the stage. So sad I switched from beer to rum and Coke.

Between the Buried and Me finally got on stage. Opened with a song I didn't know, the beginning of it sounded kind of middle eastern. It was enough to keep me interested anyway. They finished the first song and it was alright, but still I noticed the crowd was just standing there, not really doing anything. Not moshing, not head-banging...nothing. I started on my second rum and Coke, but it didn't really help me either. After the third song, I turned to my friend and asked her if she wanted to leave...yes.

Unfortunately, I didn't really care for what I heard of BTBAM. I left the show wishing that Devin Townsend had played last, and cursing the sound guys for screwing up their set. It was worth the money to go see him. At the end of the night, we ended up in a little dive of a bar, talking about how much we liked DTP and drinking more rum and Coke (and drunkenly comparing the new Star Trek movie to the original series, but that's besides the point. And shows how big of a nerd I am).
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Old 01-12-2010, 06:50 PM   #48 (permalink)
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Alrighty, nonsubmissive. Nice review. I've not heard any of The DTP that I know of, but I've seen Strapping Young Lad, and I know that Devin Townsend is a very talented man.

The BTBAM song you're referring to sounds like it might be "Informal Gluttony". One of my favorite BTBAM songs. I'm sorry your BTBAM experience was not a particularly pleasant one. And I'm really surprised that no one was doing anything throughout. That's fuckin' lame.
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Old 01-12-2010, 07:42 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Yeah, that one song was pretty damn good. The two songs after it were pretty lack luster though, and yes, maybe if the crowd was a little more into we would have thought to stay for the rest of the show. I've not written them off though. In fact, if you could recommend an album to start with (I've only heard Alaska) I'd appreciate it.
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Old 01-12-2010, 07:48 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife View Post
Yeah, that one song was pretty damn good. The two songs after it were pretty lack luster though, and yes, maybe if the crowd was a little more into we would have thought to stay for the rest of the show. I've not written them off though. In fact, if you could recommend an album to start with (I've only heard Alaska) I'd appreciate it.
Yeah, both times I've seen those guys, the crowd was totally amped. But they're actually from my area of the country, so people around here have been seeing those guys before they were even signed.

Well, I was going to recommend Alaska as a starting point. After that, I would recommend Colors. And their cover album, The Anatomy of Between the Buried and Me, definitely tells you a little bit more about their personal influences. And there's some surprising shit on there.
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