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Antonio 04-14-2009 12:51 AM

Do you care if an artist is a d*ck?
I mean some people i talk to say a band sucks cause their singer's a douchebag or something. what do you guys think?

IMO, if they can make good music, i don't mind if they're just A-Holes.

Antonio 04-14-2009 01:39 AM


Brent-on-the-Run 04-14-2009 02:00 AM

I don't mind. In fact, especially when it comes to politics, I would rather not know what their political leanings are. It sort of bugs me, too, that some artists talk about that crap on stage, I'm there for the music, not what they think about this or that.

I saw Ryan Adams several years ago. Awful show. Drunk as a skunk. But I got over it and love him again.

mr dave 04-14-2009 02:11 AM

most rockstars are pretentious a-holes. doesn't stop me from buying the discs.

The Unfan 04-14-2009 03:38 AM

Good music is good music regardless of who made it.

Comus 04-14-2009 03:53 AM

Exactly, I don't care who made the music, I'm going to be listening to it, not going to a dinnerparty with the artist.

Dr_Rez 04-14-2009 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by mr dave (Post 637559)
doesn't stop me from buying the discs.

Ah but the internet does :)

Farfisa 04-14-2009 04:03 AM

I'm pretty big on Lilys and to find out that the core of the band (Kurt Heasley) is a doped up wack job is just a plus. Regardless, I still would have listened to his music if he was a pretentious a-hole... good songwriting = good songwriting.

Comus 04-14-2009 07:28 AM

I can however understand boycotting an artist, if when you, personally, ask for an autograph and get spat on (literally) instead.

dac 04-14-2009 08:15 AM

I don't care if they're douchebags or whatever, but it IS a plus when an artist you like really is a good person or whatever.

Mirrorball95 04-14-2009 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Brent-on-the-Run (Post 637555)
I don't mind. In fact, especially when it comes to politics, I would rather not know what their political leanings are. It sort of bugs me, too, that some artists talk about that crap on stage, I'm there for the music, not what they think about this or that.

I saw Ryan Adams several years ago. Awful show. Drunk as a skunk. But I got over it and love him again.

I heard a story about Ryan Adams. He was playing a gig (cant remember where exactly), and he asked the crowd for a suggestion on which song to play next, and someone shouted out 'Summer Of 69' (which I thought was quite funny), however Mr.Adams did not and had the guy thrown out and his ticket refunded. But I still like his music;I dont understand anybody who says they dont like somebodys music because of things they have done in other situations.
Another example I have (this is pretty embarassing but...) is Oasis. I used to be really into them when I was back in High School 2 or years ago but obviously I hate Liam Gallagher & more recentley Noel Gallagher, just because of their attitudes that they are 'the best' etc etc but it didnt affect me when I listened to their music. I have sinced 'grown out' of Oasis and realise now that their lyrics mean sod all, that Noel Gallagher is 'not' a genious and that basically they are just crap.(I realised this when somebody introduced me to Neil Young).

LoathsomePete 04-14-2009 09:03 AM

I use to let it not bother me, but over the years I've started to change that idea. There are certain bands like Mayhem, which I just refuse to listen to or buy their music or even download it because of my hatred towards Varg Vikernes. Another example is The Smashing Pumpkins. Back when I was 16 I use to be a huge SP fan and I was also aware of Billy Corgan's monstrous ego. Whenever I listened to them I had this little doubt in the back of my mind, a little guilty doubt and anger that I'm worshiping this man even though he's a huge douche. One of the things that I like about listening almost exclusively to underground music is that the artists are too small to really have gotten that ego boost, or if they do and are douche bags the media doesn't ever really talk about it so I'm left blissfully ignorant, which I can live with.

Zarko 04-14-2009 09:14 AM

It doesn't really effect me on the large scale... With local bands, sure, if it is doucheville, I will generally avoid them. But it's just the lifestyle sometimes I guess.

One of my favourite musicians ever, Mingus, was apparently one of the most aggressive wankers ever, getting into random fights, getting arrested before sets and then being released to do that set, etc etc. Doesn't make him a worse musician, and unless I know him personally, I don't know how being a twat really effects me.

Janszoon 04-14-2009 09:28 AM

I try to separate the music from the musician. Like dac said, it's kind of a plus when the musician is a nice person but they don't have to be. On the other hand if the person is dick to me directly it does affect my feelings about the music. For example, I met Damon Tutunjian from the Swirlies before and I thought he was an obnoxious, arrogant indie-prick and I have to confess it made me not want to buy any more Swirlies albums.

The Cat 04-14-2009 09:34 AM

Like has been said as long as the music is good then i couldn't care if the artistis a D**K, but you have to admit that some poeple get all of those little monkeys in your head pressing the wrong button and then.........sorry i can't buy a Pete Doherty album:laughing:

Antonio 04-14-2009 09:57 AM

well i'm glad most of you people care more about the music and not how some dude acts

Flower Child 04-14-2009 09:57 AM

I have always been a huge Kurt Cobain fan. I have the t-shirts, the posters, the dvds, everything. But man, after I watched him act like a little spoiled brat on Nirvana: MTV Unplugged I was very dissapointed. And all of his band members had to pretty much babysit his ass the whole time through the show, I lost some major respect for ol' Kurt.

I don't know about you guys but when I hear someone sing a song, I get an image in my head about what they look like and what their personality is probably like. Doing this helps me get the extra feeling for the song they are singing. and when they turn out really ugly or if they are a **** then yes I can't think of the song in the same way as what I used to.

jackhammer 04-14-2009 10:08 AM

I just listen to the music. Do you stop reading a book because the author was a twat? No. The only time I would draw the line is convicted kiddie fiddlers.

Schizotypic 04-14-2009 10:59 AM

At my first concert (and this was recently) one of the weirdest things was seeing a band/artists standing there in front of me. This is because I naturally just disconnect the music from the musician(s). Although, like Janszoon said, if I went to a concert and someone was a fucking dick directly in front of me- it would be harder to forget. But dammit, I would try. Why let them spoil good music for you?

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-14-2009 11:01 AM

Do you think i'd listen to The Fall if it bothered me?

DeepDishBedPan 04-14-2009 11:18 AM

As much as I enjoy the music and try not to worry about the musicians person lives and personalities, it does bother me if I go to a show and the artist is in any way offensive towards the audience.

The Cat 04-14-2009 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 637764)
I just listen to the music. Do you stop reading a book because the author was a twat? No. The only time I would draw the line is convicted kiddie fiddlers.

Are they a new band?:yikes:

Janszoon 04-14-2009 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by The Cat (Post 637859)
Are they a new band?:yikes:

What, you've never heard of Chubby Dickinson & the Convicted Kiddie Fiddlers?

The Cat 04-14-2009 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 637867)
What, you've never heard of Chubby Dickinson & the Convicted Kiddie Fiddlers?

Wasn't Captain Haddock their singer?:laughing:

Janszoon 04-14-2009 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by The Cat (Post 637903)
Wasn't Captain Haddock their singer?:laughing:

Thank you for that very disturbing image. :laughing:

jackhammer 04-14-2009 01:07 PM

Seaman staines was on guitar too.

Janszoon 04-14-2009 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 637915)
Seaman staines was on guitar too.

Slick Cox on bass...

Molecules 04-14-2009 01:14 PM

Put it this way, Phil Spector has just been found guilty of murder and has allegedly threatened some greats bands at gunpoint down the years, but I'm not going to boycott the Ronettes. The mentally damaged and socially inept always make the best music anyway.
It's all about the music/lyrics, if Kanye West made earth-shatteringly revolutionary stuff I would be more sympathetic; but as it happens his personality is just the icing on the cake of his overwhelming mediocrity. Same goes for Oasis. I mention lyrics because if I'm enraptured by something and the lyrics are offensive to good taste or something I strongly disagree with it'll turn me right off

Alfred 04-14-2009 01:54 PM

Cedric and Omar are huge pretentious cocks, but I love their music. So no.

simplephysics 04-14-2009 02:44 PM

Do artists care if the people listening to their music are *******s? Probably not.

Alfred 04-14-2009 02:46 PM

Kurt Cobain did.

simplephysics 04-14-2009 02:48 PM

the biggest ******* of them all.

Molecules 04-14-2009 03:40 PM

musicians can't choose their fans though, they're our performing monkeys mwahahaha

The only stupid thing Kurt ever did was the repugnant human being and shameless opportunist Courtney Love

40ozCasualty 04-14-2009 03:49 PM

I hate bands based on what i think of the people in the bands. GG allin is a prime example. Sure its pretty good punk rock, but GG is a piece of ****. Someone that can go around molesting people, does not get my support regardless of how good there music is. Skrewdriver and countless other right wing bands are the same story.

jackhammer 04-14-2009 04:10 PM

GG Allin was one messed up individual but no one was forced to see one of his shows and they knew what they were getting if they did. i have never even thought of GG Allin in this way. he was unique whether morally questionable or not.

Alfred 04-14-2009 04:13 PM

GG Allin was an asshole and so was his fanbase. Get a load of the lame goth chick.

40ozCasualty 04-14-2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 638132)
GG Allin was one messed up individual but no one was forced to see one of his shows and they knew what they were getting if they did. i have never even thought of GG Allin in this way. he was unique whether morally questionable or not.

Your right no one was forced to go see him, but IF someone that did know what he was about DID go see him and get molested against their will, it is not excusable. and that's why i hate him and his music, based on the fact he was despicable.

40ozCasualty 04-14-2009 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 638137)

GG Allin was an asshole and so was his fanbase. Get a load of the lame goth chick.

Dude, I'm not even a 3rd of the way through the video and already I'm annoyed. GG's whole justification for raping someone is absolutely absurd.

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-14-2009 04:56 PM

I'd like to pretend that I don't listen to GG Allin on moral grounds but the truth is I find his music to be utter crap

Molecules 04-14-2009 04:56 PM

GG Allin was pandering to the wrong crowd really, who was that artist that had a friend shoot him in a gallery space in the seventies? And was it the same guy who nailed himself to a car or is that someone else?

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