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joyboyo53 03-24-2009 11:15 AM

I like everything but country and rap... (bs)
i recently saw post of people discussing how 50% of MB members always cop out when they first start posting how they like 'everything but country and rap'. well i thought we could come up with a thread to show people that these 2 genres are nothing to be discarded and they should be just as open minded towards the wonderful music that both have to offer.

i would like to begin with my favorite country artist, johnny cash. he is one of the most influencial artist of the 20th century, selling over 90 million albums. his musicical authenticity and great song writing ability speaks for itself. enjoy.

rap is not exactly my favorite genre, but it doesnt mean that it isnt full of great musicians who make great music. personally i am a huge fan of outkast. these guys make groovtastic funkadelic jams. its hard not to love a group who made such a badass song dedicated to making love, stankonia. for impressive lyrical content look no further than the overplayed (yet amazing) ms jackson, where andre discuss's his failed relationship with erika badu and the aftermath that followed.

now obviously there is a lot more obscure artist out there, but i wanted to start with something everyone would (should) have at least heard of. so please come one come all, and lets end this musical bigotry... can i get some mf doom or david allen coe?

Blue 03-24-2009 11:30 AM

I used to listen to hip-hop actually, and I was a big fan of a lot of 2pac's material. I know everyone's probably heard this, but for the sake of the thread...

LoathsomePete 03-24-2009 11:36 AM

I've been trying to expose more people to the alternative country music, you should check out my "Gothic Country/Americana" threat in the country section. However for the sake of exposing more mus I'll post a few songs.

dac 03-24-2009 12:39 PM

I don't know if I'll ever come around to modern country, but rap has somewhat been growing on me. I've been getting into a lot of trip hop and I've always had a thing for Jurassic 5.

midnight rain 03-24-2009 01:32 PM

Jurassic 5 is excellent, Quality Control is still one of my favorites of the decade so far and their debut was stellar too. Shame they never followed up on their legendary album

jackhammer 03-24-2009 02:33 PM

Great hip hop band:

What's not to like?

ninaNirvana 03-24-2009 03:05 PM

Here's the White Stripes version of Jolene! :-) I always loved the Dolly Parton version too.

simplephysics 03-24-2009 03:12 PM

It bothers me more that many call it rap instead of hip hop. :(

jackhammer 03-24-2009 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 621551)
It bothers me more that many call it rap instead of hip hop. :(

*ahem* not me :D

joyboyo53 03-24-2009 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 621527)
Great hip hop band:

What's not to like?

i dig dead prez music, but listening to their stuff i get a very black panther feel... they come off as those people who are so deeply affected by the racism against african americans that they themselves resort to racism.

i started listening to them after i first heard them on the chapelle show (intro) back in the day. i do think they are talented artist however.

jackhammer 03-24-2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by jgd85 (Post 621558)
i dig the music, but listening to their stuff i get a very black panther feel... they come off as those people who are so deeply affected by the racism against african americans that they themselves resort to racism.

Yeah that vid does sem that way and although i have their 'Let's Get Free' album I don't know any background on the band.

simplephysics 03-24-2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by jgd85 (Post 621558)
i dig the music, but listening to their stuff i get a very black panther feel... they come off as those people who are so deeply affected by the racism against african americans that they themselves resort to racism.

haha, like MF Doom's really early stuff.. before he was MF Doom, there's a pretty strong 'kill whitey' vibe in some of that material.

joyboyo53 03-24-2009 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 621564)
haha, like MF Doom's really early stuff.. before he was MF Doom, there's a pretty strong 'kill whitey' vibe in some of that material.

i honestly dont listen to much MF Doom so i wouldnt know about that; i just know a lot of my friends who listen to more rap than me talk him up big. like i said, rap isnt my favorite genre i just hate how everyone comes in with the same bull**** attitude towards rap and country. all music has relevance.

simplephysics 03-24-2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by jgd85 (Post 621569)
i honestly dont listen to much MF Doom so i wouldnt know about that; i just know a lot of my friends who listen to more rap than me talk him up big. like i said, rap isnt my favorite genre i just hate how everyone comes in with the same bull**** attitude towards rap and country. all music has relevance.

I can respect that, but again, the genre is called hip hop.. not rap! I agree with you though, people shouldn't dismiss an entire genre if they've only heard the ****tiest of examples, or if anything at all.

Molecules 03-24-2009 03:46 PM

sheez if you don't like the 'kill whitey' vibe you might as well forget anything affiliated with Wu-Tang and a bunch of names that won't mean anything to you. But if you check I think you'll find most of the hip-hop figureheads of now and yesteryear were/are members of the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X's church (before they killed him for not being corrupt and greedy, ironic much?)... if you want to narrow it down to nice Utopian hip-hop then you are talking De La Soul... but even Tribe and especially Jungle Brothers had plenty of black separatist overtones.

It's one of my favourite parts of hip-hop to be honest.
I haven't heard the Dead Prez thing in question, but it's not to say there is (often) open talk of killing white people, just getting as far away from them as f*cking possible

edit: and anyone that dismisses hip-hop and country entirely is... how can I put this.. a child. Or they certainly don't spend enough time listening to music to warrant signing up to a forum full of nuts. It's not subjective taste, you are missing a piece of your soul and you won't find it here. get your song title and GO AWAY

sweet_nothing 03-24-2009 03:57 PM

I like rap but I still cant stand country, alot of people say 'what about Jonny Cash', he's barely country to me, he's like the Bob Dylan of country everyone likes atleast one of his songs. But still cant get into country.

4ZZZ 03-24-2009 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by sweet_nothing (Post 621586)
I like rap but I still cant stand country, alot of people say 'what about Jonny Cash', he's barely country to me, he's like the Bob Dylan of country everyone likes atleast one of his songs. But still cant get into country.

But he is. The vast majority of his music is Country. He was influenced by Hank Williams. I have said it before and I will say it again. There is a young audience that only now like him due to Hurt.

I am not trying to force you to like Country but you don't get it if you think that Cash is not Country.

Alfred 03-24-2009 04:07 PM

Some damn good country.

Molecules 03-24-2009 04:11 PM

yeah JC is definitely country, and if you are into Bob Dylan you are halfway there really.
It's easier to digest country when you forget anything remotely modern (or whatever you'd call Garth Brooks and bands with plaid vests and on-stage pyrotechnics) and go back to all the really cool crossovers - Grateful Dead, Bobby D, the Stones... for me personally anyway.
I only recently graduated on to full-on country which maybe isn't for everyone but you need to hear the right stuff.

Although going on the assumption that living in Texas you are having it shoved down your throat from birth, I don't think i'd be too eager either

NSW 03-24-2009 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 621597)
Although going on the assumption that living in Texas you are having it shoved down your throat from birth, I don't think i'd be too eager either

I don't know where sweets is in Texas, but I can say having been born here that country music wasn't "shoved down" my throat. It may have to do with being in a big city though.

My point is...yes, country music is big here, but sometimes I get the feeling that (and I'm not pointing any fingers) people think we all wear cowboy hats, ride horses, have shot guns and own every album by Hank Williams and Dolly Parton or whoever else. lol...not so.

Sorry to get a little of subject...

sweet_nothing 03-24-2009 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 621607)
I don't know where sweets is in Texas, but I can say having been born here that country music wasn't "shoved down" my throat. It may have to do with being in a big city though.

My point is...yes, country music is big here, but sometimes I get the feeling that (and I'm not pointing any fingers) people think we all wear cowboy hats, ride horses, have shot guns and own every album by Hank Williams and Dolly Parton or whoever else. lol...not so.

Sorry to get a little of subject...

I live very close to the gulf, so yeh I know alot of people that listen to country alot of them are rednecks, so yeh I guess thats what turns me off of country music. =\

Molecules 03-24-2009 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife (Post 621607)
I don't know where sweets is in Texas, but I can say having been born here that country music wasn't "shoved down" my throat. It may have to do with being in a big city though.

My point is...yes, country music is big here, but sometimes I get the feeling that (and I'm not pointing any fingers) people think we all wear cowboy hats, ride horses, have shot guns and own every album by Hank Williams and Dolly Parton or whoever else. lol...not so.

Sorry to get a little of subject...

i didn't mean it in a Texan stereotype way, although I guess assuming country is omnipresent there was a bit presumptuous... It's like the American misconception that the English are obsessed with tea... okay we ARE but that's a bad example

NSW 03-24-2009 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Molecules (Post 621613)
i didn't mean it in a Texan stereotype way, although I guess assuming country is omnipresent there was a bit presumptuous... It's like the American misconception that the English are obsessed with tea... okay we ARE but that's a bad example

I know what you meant...besides I was just thinking that I do have a cowboy hat, I've rode a horse before, and I have a BB gun...not quite a shot gun, but whatcha gonna do? lol

No albums from Hank and Dolly though.


Originally Posted by sweet_nothing (Post 621612)
I live very close to the gulf, so yeh I know alot of people that listen to country alot of them are rednecks, so yeh I guess thats what turns me off of country music. =\

I understand where you're coming from. I assume though that these people are listening to the crap on the radio though? I know it's been said, but it's still worth it to look into country beyond the mainstream.

Mojo 03-25-2009 12:21 PM

It's only really in very recent years that I have started to expand my musical horizons and these 2 genres haven't really recieved any attention yet. My dad likes country music and everything he would listen to I hated, although I don't know if I would still feel the same now. I can now at least recognise that its probably worthy of a quick explore to see if theres anything I can get into that isnt Johnny Cash. I say that because Johnny Cash is probably all of the country music I own.

I liked the likes of Dre, Snoop Dog and Eminem when I was a bairn and would have it all on my minidisc player during school. I did have a awful taste in music then though to be fair. Since then I've gotten into J5 and some trip hop and thats about it.

So, thank you for this thread!

joyboyo53 03-25-2009 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 622190)
It's only really in very recent years that I have started to expand my musical horizons and these 2 genres haven't really recieved any attention yet. My dad likes country music and everything he would listen to I hated, although I don't know if I would still feel the same now. I can now at least recognise that its probably worthy of a quick explore to see if theres anything I can get into that isnt Johnny Cash. I say that because Johnny Cash is probably all of the country music I own.

I liked the likes of Dre, Snoop Dog and Eminem when I was a bairn and would have it all on my minidisc player during school. I did have a awful taste in music then though to be fair. Since then I've gotten into J5 and some trip hop and thats about it.

So, thank you for this thread!

mini-disk were so kick ass, i wish that would have caught on.

Mojo 03-25-2009 01:22 PM

They were alright if you had decent equipment to record onto. My hifi is the absolute doggs bollocks, I will seriously only ever get rid of it when it gives up and dies but it is quite old so it wasnt the best for recording onto minidisc.

Minidisc was great for that, but to buy albums in that format? I never understood why anyone would do that but then again, not many people did hence why it met its timely death.

The Unfan 03-26-2009 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by dreadnaught (Post 621551)
It bothers me more that many call it rap instead of hip hop. :(

It shouldn't. A lot of what people call rap is actually rap. Hip-hop is a blanket genre, rap is a sub-genre. Sort of like how all punk is rock but not all rock is punk. Hip-hop also refers to trip-hop, new jack swing, turntablism, scratch, reggaeton, etc.

333 03-26-2009 03:16 AM

Awesome thread. I've always been into hip-hop, but it wasn't until recently have I gotten into country. I started with O'Death. :) I've taken some of your suggestions on here, but any more in this genre?

As for hip-hop, it's another genre that's rapidly evolving. I see no one has mentioned Immortal Technique.:eek: If you have, :thumb:

If you haven't:
Cause of Death

And here's another O'Death:
Down to Rest

Bulldog 03-26-2009 05:45 AM

Great idea for a thread this.

A few of my favourite country tunes;

I don't listen to a lot of hip-hop at all, but I still have favourites;

Schredds 03-26-2009 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 621527)
Great hip hop band:

What's not to like?

Dead Prez is killer man!

joyboyo53 03-26-2009 08:25 AM

this one might be a little tougher pill to swallow for some of you, however the effects are well worth it. patsy cline is another on the most influencial and legendary voices of country music. her voice is so rich, unique, and beautiful.

Bane of your existence 03-26-2009 10:22 AM

Oh, Alexis! on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

Loveland on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

Hip Hop:
Bus Driver on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

Witness on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

NSW 03-26-2009 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by jgd85 (Post 622697)
this one might be a little tougher pill to swallow for some of you, however the effects are well worth it. patsy cline is another on the most influencial and legendary voices of country music. her voice is so rich, unique, and beautiful.

Love Patsy Cline! Not my fave song, but it's still a good one.

MochaJava 04-11-2009 02:05 PM

There's nothing wrong with country or rap. They're not my favourite genres of music but they do have some talented artists. Eminem is a phenominal rapper. His music is very catchy and he writes good lyrics. I also love the dixie chicks. They are amazing musicians and the lead singer is amazing live.

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