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Old 11-03-2023, 09:15 AM   #32561 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Roguette View Post
My kohannya (is that a good word for me to use? kind of like rusky 'dushen'ka'?) loves strong violin and that's how he found her I suppose. And then he bought that CD 'Homo Novus'.
"Мій коханий", "Miy kohaniy" ("my darling" or if literally "my beloved man")
"Моя кохана", "Moya kohana" (if literally "my beloved wooman")/
I can advise you to pay attention to 2Cellos and Tina Guo. They don't play the violin, but the cello, and maybe, but that's what immediately came to my mind
Originally Posted by Roguette View Post
Would love to know the lyrics of that Ukrainian folk song by Mnishek.
Ukrainian version
Коли не було з Нащада Світа Святий Вечір!
Тоді не було Неба ні Землі Добрий Вечір!
А но лем було Синєє Море Святий Вечір!
А серед Моря Зелений Явір Добрий Вечір!

На Явороньку Три Голубоньки Святий Вечір!
Три Голубоньки Радоньку радять Добрий Вечір!
Радоньку радять як Сьвіт сновати Святий Вечір!

Та спустимося на Дно до Моря Добрий Вечір!
Та дістанемо Дрібного Піску Святий Вечір!
Дрібний Пісочок посіємо Ми Добрий Вечір!

Там Нам ся стане Чорна Землиця Святий Вечір!
Та спустимося на Дно до Моря Добрий Вечір!
Там дістанемо Золотий Камінь Святий Вечір!
Золотий Камінь посіємо Ми Добрий Вечір!
Там Нам ся стане Ясне Небонько Святий Вечір!

Ясне Небонько Світле Сонінько Добрий Вечір!
Світле Сонінько Ясен Місячик Святий Вечір!
Ясен Місячик Ясна Зірниця Добрий Вечір!
Ясна Зірниця Дрібні Звіздочки Святий Вечір!
My translation. I don't know English very well (although it's already much better than before), so I use the help of Google translator, but here I tried to convey the essence of the song as accurately as possible, so I also used a dictionary and checked much more carefully, but I could still make some mistakes somewhere.
When there was nothing at the beginning of time. Christmas Eve! Good evening!
Then there was neither heaven nor earth (land). Christmas Eve! Good evening!
There was only a blue sea. Christmas Eve! Good evening!
And in the middle of the sea there was a green maple tree (meaning a subspecies of Acer pseudoplatanus maple). Christmas Eve! Good evening!

Three doves (females) sat on that maple tree. Christmas Eve! Good evening!
Three doves consult... Christmas Eve! Good evening!
Three doves consult on how to create the world. Christmas Eve! Good evening!

Let's go down to the bottom of the sea Christmas Eve! Good evening!
and get some fine sand. Christmas Eve! Good evening!
We will sow that fine sand... Christmas Eve! Good evening!

...and there we will have black soil. Christmas Eve! Good evening!
Let's go down to the bottom of the sea Christmas Eve! Good evening!
There we will find a golden stone (here, most likely, golden stones are meant, although in the song it sounds in the singular form). Christmas Eve! Good evening!
We will sow a golden stone. Christmas Eve! Good evening!
And a clear sky will appear there Christmas Eve! Good evening!

Clear sky, bright sun Christmas Eve! Good evening!
Bright sun, shining moon Christmas Eve! Good evening!
Shining moon, Shining/light morning star/dawn (The original Ukrainian word in the song can also mean both the planet Venus, or as it was previously called Aurora, and the dawn itself as a phenomenon) Christmas Eve! Good evening!
Shining/light morning star/dawn, small stars. Christmas Eve! Good evening!
The last couplet is not in the Mnishek song, but it is probably in the original ethnographic recording of this folk song, so I translated it too, but highlighted it in a different color.
Originally Posted by Roguette View Post
And that long horn.... looks (and sounds) like an Australian didgeridoo?
This is the trembita "trembita" - a Ukrainian folk wind mouthpiece musical instrument. Its length is 3-4 m, and the longest trembits are as much as 8 m. Widespread in the Ukrainian Carpathians. It used to be not only a musical instrument but also a notification instrument in mountainous areas, as its sound spread up to 10 km. With its help, the shepherd reported on how cattle grazing was going on, reported the time, reported danger. The sound of trembits was also used to spread the news about weddings, births or funerals. By the way, in addition to the didgeridoo and trembita, there is another similar instrument, the Swiss Alpine horn.
Originally Posted by Roguette View Post
I almost hate to mention the Mongolian hints in the first video because, well, istorichna. Batu Khan and Kiev, 1240. The Mongolian Terror. But still, that was then and this is now. I've posted this song in another topic but I couldn't help wanting to play this song again. I can't resist anything that vibrates my senses like this throat singing and it's just amazing.
This is already a story from which certain lessons can be drawn. And as for the Mongol invasion of Ukraine, their destructive influence on our lands seems to have been an exaggeration. Yes, they took Kyiv, but there was no total devastation. This is at least if certain historians are to be believed (of course, it still needs to be checked more thoroughly to be sure). And they did not leave a noticeable genetic trace here. But the first destruction of Kyiv in the history was not arranged by Baty, but by Andrii Bogolyubskyi. It is precisely from this event that one can begin to count the enmity of Russians against Ukrainians, but that is another story. The only thing that can be noted here is that we no longer have any complaints about the Mongols, and about the Russians, until 2014, most of us believed that their illness had passed and we could be normal neighbors. It hasn't passed... And the song is quite powerful!

Today I will post several clips of the Ukrainian singer Katya Chilly. Genres of her work: Folk, Electronic music, Pop, Rock, Trance, House (material from Wikipedia). Has a unique voice. The first two songs I posted are from her album "I am young", and the last one is from her relatively new work. Although there are even earlier albums, the clip "In the Earth" and recordings of her performances at the music festival in 1997 and later albums and separate things. He mainly sings Ukrainian folk songs in a modern arrangement. Used to use electronic music, now mainly live music. And it seems that a new stage in her work is being planned, in particular, on one of her channels she has started teaching Ukrainian folk lullabies in her performance and seems to be preparing something else.

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Old 11-05-2023, 08:56 PM   #32562 (permalink)
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Thank you so much for the translations! All of them, and info about the trembita too, of course. As for Katya Chilly.... 'Folk, Electronic music, Pop, Rock, Trance, House'.... I MUST check out her music as soon as I can.

Originally Posted by SergiyY View Post
.....Mongol invasion of Ukraine, their destructive influence on our lands seems to have been an exaggeration....
Nice to know. A few years ago I read a small part of a historical novel that described it as a total 'scorched earth' invasion. But 'scorched earth' happens more in fiction that in reality.
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Old 11-09-2023, 02:21 AM   #32563 (permalink)
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Simon Joyner - Petri-Dish

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Old 11-09-2023, 04:06 PM   #32564 (permalink)
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Old 11-11-2023, 04:47 AM   #32565 (permalink)
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Old 11-11-2023, 04:59 AM   #32566 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SergiyY View Post
Thank you for this song! I wish the Jewish people and the state of Israel victory and prosperity! Ukrainians and the Jewish people are now fighting on the same side. We also know on our own skin what it is like not to have our own state for centuries and what genocide is...
And what happened in Dagestan has a real basis and is only a small puzzle of a bigger picture. Back in 2006, in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, I got acquainted with the phenomenon that a couple of years later I conceptualized and called "informational worldview spaces" and I somehow managed to avoid becoming a supporter of any of them. Many of them were built around anti-Semitism. Now I understand that these things were FSB projects, which they first tested on Russians (the events in Dagestan are a consequence of that process), and then spread to other countries, in particular where they planned to use it. What happened in the Gaza Strip and what is happening in other countries where actions in support of the Palestinians are taking place, in my opinion, did not happen without these technologies developed in Russia. I think the time has come when the freedom of propaganda must be separated from the freedom of speech and this shameful phenomenon must be effectively counteracted, otherwise we are on the verge of the decline of human civilization.

I found this English translation. Would love to read Jadis's answer thoughabout this song.
Yes, I will defend the sand of Israel,
The land of Israel, the children of Israel;
Left to die for the sand of Israel,
The land of Israel, the children of Israel;
I will defend against any enemy,

Sand and earth, which I was promised
Left to die for the sand of Israel,
The cities of Israel, the land of Israel;
All the Goliaths from the pyramids,
Retreat before the Star of David.
Hey Sergiy, you might find this piece interesting
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Old 11-13-2023, 04:50 PM   #32567 (permalink)
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Old 11-14-2023, 09:25 PM   #32568 (permalink)
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First post on the forum, hi all
After scouring through the strange world of online music streams, discords, and large social media sites, it's comforting to find a discussional, slow-moving place.

Enjoyed the intimate Petri-Dish song. Same for the Sigur Ros, haven't really gotten into their music, but that track was graceful and comforting.

Seemingly I can't post links yet, but I wanted to recommend this: James K - Drunktrack. I specifically like her YouTube page, where there are some conceptual snippets, she takes good care to put the aesthetics first.
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Old 11-14-2023, 10:07 PM   #32569 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jadis View Post
I would say the opinions are divided....
About Israel.... I meant to say before, if I may say this without angering someone that very often it's only the loudest voices that we hear about, It is NOT necessarily the majority or even a large minority. And of course so many of the news channels only cover the loudest and most radical voices because of course the quiet ones are 'not news' at all.

Originally Posted by SergiyY View Post
..... what happened in Dagestan....
I don't know if this comment 'tickled my memory' of the song below (Dagestan, Caucasus region) but whatever it was, this song.... with the Circassian-styled video? definitely Circassian dance and costumes.... has been on my mind for several days. I'm only able to post it now because I just returned home last night. The lyrics of this song are immensely poetic and almost ethereal in how they stir my imagination, I get totally lost in daydreams. I've listened to the song about 10 times in the past 2 or 3 days. Loreena McKennitt has an amazing voice as well. Some words can be hard to understand because she is part Irish-Scottish-Canadian and the same word can sound different from one phrase to the next, but her singing and enunciations are just beautiful to me. The video is very old and not great quality and so it's best to play in youtube's standard 'mini-player' mode.
(I disagree with a couple of parts of song lyrics found online, but I may be wrong, any errors are my own.)

You ride on through the night
Ride on
You ride on through the night
Ride on

There are visions, there are memories
There are echoes of thundering hooves
There are fires, there is laughter
There's the sound of thousands of doves

You ride on through the night
Ride on
You ride on through the night
Ride on

In the velvet of the darkness
By the silhouette of silent trees
They are watching, they are waiting
They are witnessing life's mysteries

You ride on through the night
Ride on
You ride on through the night
Ride on

Cascading stars on the slumbering hills
They are dancing as far as the sea
Riding o'er the land you can feel its gentle hand
Leading on to its destiny

You ride on through the night
Ride on
You ride on through the night
Ride on

Take me with you on this journey
Where the boundaries of time are now tossed
In cathedrals of the forest
In the words of the tongues now lost

Find the answers, ask the questions
Find the roots of an ancient tree
Take me dancing, take me singing
I'll ride on till the moon meets the sea

You ride on through the night
Ride on
You ride on through the night
Ride on

You ride on through the night
Ride on
You ride on through the night
Ride on

Last edited by Roguette; 11-15-2023 at 07:58 AM.
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Old 11-14-2023, 11:41 PM   #32570 (permalink)
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