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Old 10-26-2023, 10:52 PM   #32541 (permalink)
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Rush - Neurotica
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Old 10-29-2023, 10:10 AM   #32542 (permalink)
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New clip of the Ukrainian band The Hardkiss. Although the song is not new.
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Old 10-29-2023, 11:29 AM   #32543 (permalink)
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[QUOTE=SergiyY;2235363]New clip of the Ukrainian band The Hardkiss. Although the song is not new.

Nice, I like that. Ukrainian is not Russian but it's close. I choose your dreams for you every night... so sweet.

Discussing guitar, lead, rhythm, bass in another topic, had to pull this oldie out of my hat. Mostly because 0:35. And then everything after. Roy Khan.

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Old 10-29-2023, 02:52 PM   #32544 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Roguette View Post
Nice, I like that. Ukrainian is not Russian but it's close...
Ukrainian is similar to Russian, but still it is more similar to Belarusian, Polish and other Slavic languages. Russians are more ethnically and culturally distant from Ukrainians than other Slavic peoples. The Ukrainian language is more melodious, requires more vertical movements of the lips, and Russian - more horizontal, so the Ukrainian language has many shibboleths for Russians, most of whom have not been familiar with the Ukrainian language since childhood. In general, this is a difficult topic.
Originally Posted by Roguette View Post
...I choose your dreams for you every night... so sweet.
In general, it is very similar to the fact that the song itself was written by the soloist of the band based on those events that happened at the very beginning of her relationship with her current man, with whom she now has a happy family and creative collaboration. This song is about a meetings at midnight and about a woman's anxiety for her beloved man who is risking his life, but it is still a song about happy events. But the theme of the clip was influenced by events related to the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine. And in the context of this clip, the song is on behalf of that woman who remained alive only in the memory of the hero of the clip and those who knew her. And it is the memories of her and his daughter, as well as the need to help others, that keeps him from committing suicide.
In general, if you are interested, the band The Hardkiss has a lot of interesting things both in Ukrainian and in English. They are a rock band, but some of their songs deviate from that style. I will post two of their music videos here, one for a Ukrainian song, the other for an English song, although there are still many interesting things in them.

In general, Ukrainian performers have created a lot of interesting things since the beginning of the 90s, and especially in the last decade. And we have enough of these performers for different tastes and styles. If you want I will post some of the interesting stuff here (once a day or two).

Originally Posted by Roguette View Post
Discussing guitar, lead, rhythm, bass in another topic, had to pull this oldie out of my hat. Mostly because 0:35. And then everything after. Roy Khan.
Thanks, Good stuff! I have already listened three times.

Last edited by SergiyY; 11-01-2023 at 08:34 PM.
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Old 10-29-2023, 03:23 PM   #32545 (permalink)
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Magnolia - Laufey

I really like her; she has a real 'Broadway' feel to her songs.
My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.
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Old 10-29-2023, 10:46 PM   #32546 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SergiyY View Post
Ukrainian is similar to Russian, but still it is more similar to Belarusian, Polish and other Slavic languages. Russians are more ethnically and culturally distant from Ukrainians than other Slavic peoples. The Ukrainian language is more melodious.....
Thank you Sergiy for ALL of that! I only mentioned Russian because I'm a little familiar with that language (will explain tomorrow night in a messge) but I do understand that Ukrainian language shares more with other Slavic languages. A friend of mine also has a friend from Poland, one who actually escaped from Communist USSR more than 40 years ago. This friend of mine (not the Polish guy) also told me about a Ukrainian lady that he met about 15 years ago. She was still learning Ukrainian after speaking only Russian (and English) all of her life.

Originally Posted by SergiyY View Post
Thanks, Good stuff! I have already listened three times.
Glad you like! My boyfriend actually introduced me to Kamelot many years ago with that song. Roy Khan left Kamelot more than 10 years but he was really great.

From one of my youtube playlists. My boyfriend is a werewolf so I dance with the wolves
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ADDED.... I will finish listening to those videos tomorrow. She has a beautiful voice!
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Old 10-30-2023, 07:19 PM   #32547 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Roguette View Post
This friend of mine (not the Polish guy) also told me about a Ukrainian lady that he met about 15 years ago. She was still learning Ukrainian after speaking only Russian (and English) all of her life.
In the Russian Empire and later - in the Soviet Union, a policy of gradual Russification was carried out in relation to Ukraine, which proceeded with different intensity in different periods. Therefore, those who graduated from a Russian school and whose parents were already Russified are forced to switch to Ukrainian. And for some, this is quite a difficult problem, especially with age and in the absence of sufficient incentive, since Ukrainian speakers will understand you anyway. But in fact, the transition of the majority of Ukrainians to the Ukrainian language and separation from the language and culture of the occupiers is simply vital.
Originally Posted by Roguette View Post
From one of my youtube playlists. My boyfriend is a werewolf so I dance with the wolves
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The very name "Dance With the Wolves" reminded me of Aurora's song "Running with the wolves", which I first heard in the wonderful Irish animated film "Wolfwalkers". At first I thought that you were recommending some foreign artist for me until I realized what kind of song it was And the lyrics of the song are quite similar to Aurora's song, but that's another story.
Of course I know this artist and this song. This is Ruslana (Ruslana Lezhychko), she won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2004 with the song "Wild Dances". Well, for several years I listened to her songs from the album "Wild Dances", which includes the song "Dance With the Wolves". It was back when I was a student, and during the Orange Revolution. By the way, you can see some footage from the events of this revolution in the clip, because Ruslana supported it then. At that time, the first personal computers began to appear in our home, and we visited each other with hard drives to exchange information and various curiosities, since not everyone had a recording disk drive for optical discs then. Around then I got her songs, including "Dance With the Wolves", although I didn't understand what that English-language song was about. Even earlier, I remember her song "The Ballad of the Princess" (I was still in school then), and another wonderful song she sang with the children for the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest. After that, I didn't particularly follow or listen to her work, but she also created a little. Thanks for reminding me)
Today I will share a few things from the Ukrainian punk rock band FliT from different periods of their work. Although they themselves call their direction of music "intellectual punk rock". Unfortunately, this group is not so well-known, because the peak of their activity did not fall on the best period for Ukrainian performers, and maybe the reason is different, but their work is still quite interesting.

Last edited by SergiyY; 10-30-2023 at 07:37 PM.
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Old 10-30-2023, 07:55 PM   #32548 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SergiyY View Post
In the Russian Empire and later - in the Soviet Union, a policy of gradual Russification was carried out in relation to Ukraine.... separation from the language and culture of the occupiers is simply vital. [YES!]

.... Ruslana (Ruslana Lezhychko), she won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2004 with the song "Wild Dances"..... Orange Revolution.... Ruslana supported it then....

.... Ukrainian punk rock band FliT from different periods of their work. Although they themselves call their direction of music "intellectual punk rock"....
Oh my God, FLIT! They may not be that well-known but I know them now and their music is GREAT!! I'm an old Punk Rocker (not 'old' but I used to follow some of that) and the first song that you posted up there sounds almost like classic western Punk. I love it!

Ruslana and Orange Revolution.... I also saw her in the Netflix film "Winter On Fire", Maidan 2014-2015. That really made me a fan of hers. (Please know that there is also an Oliver Stone film of Maidan out there, but it's junk, very dishonest. Don't get that film confused with "Winter On Fire" which was all about the people.)

I could write so much more but trying not to make this too long (thank you again for being so informative) I want to just throw this song out here because it's kind of my present Punk-ish favorite. Kind of techno-punk or something. Lykke Li, Swedish, about my age, this was the very first song of hers that I discovered about 12 years ago. She isn't really Punk, she has her very own sound but it's raw and simple and I love her early music to death. This is an original version of "I Follow Rivers":

My favorite version of that song can be found on youtube if you search "i follow rivers magician remix extended" (without the quotes!), it should be near the top. It was for me here in the USA anyway.

Last edited by Roguette; 10-30-2023 at 08:01 PM.
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Old 10-31-2023, 09:23 PM   #32549 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Roguette View Post
Ruslana and Orange Revolution.... I also saw her in the Netflix film "Winter On Fire", Maidan 2014-2015. That really made me a fan of hers. (Please know that there is also an Oliver Stone film of Maidan out there, but it's junk, very dishonest. Don't get that film confused with "Winter On Fire" which was all about the people.)
During the Orange Revolution in Kyiv, I was not on the Maidan, I was at a local protest. And in 2014, he was on the Maidan five times, including the day after the students were beaten, but he missed the main events in February 2014. It's just that I live in another region of Ukraine and I have to go to Kyiv within three to four hours. And I was also very busy with work at that time.
Originally Posted by Roguette View Post
My favorite version of that song can be found on youtube if you search "i follow rivers magician remix extended" (without the quotes!), it should be near the top. It was for me here in the USA anyway.
Thank you! I finally found what the song was. It was in this version that I heard it in 2015 more than once at work, when an employee in the opposite part of the room could not work without music and was listening to the radio. I don't remember what kind of radio station it was. Another song that I heard there and that I liked was "Sia - Chandelier" because there is such a chorus that you can understand by ear.

Originally Posted by Roguette View Post
Oh my God, FLIT! They may not be that well-known but I know them now and their music is GREAT!! I'm an old Punk Rocker (not 'old' but I used to follow some of that) and the first song that you posted up there sounds almost like classic western Punk. I love it!
Я з цим гуртом познайомився ще десь в 2012 році. Просто тоді свідомо відшукував в Інтернеті українських виконавців оскільки на FM радіо і на телебаченні тоді довго було засилля низькоякісного (як правило) російськомовного контенту. Коли я їх знайшов я був у захваті від їх творчості.

Today I will post two clips of the famous Ukrainian artist (now deceased) Kuzma Skryabin (Andrii Kuzmenko), who from the early 90s to 2015 created many albums and each of them has interesting things. By the way, there is one joint work with Andrii Kuzmenko in the FliT group. A very productive and charismatic artist. He and his band created a lot of interesting music. His only drawback is that his voice was not very suitable for a singer from the very beginning, and then it became even more hoarse due to smoking or some other reason. Therefore, since it is mainly an English-speaking audience that will not be able to listen to the quality of the lyrics of his songs and understand what is the fun of listening to songs performed in such a voice, I will present here two of his works created at the early stage of his work, which are very interesting in terms of musical performance and created in that the period when his voice was better. At an early stage, his music was greatly influenced by the works of the Cure and Depeche Mode. At a later stage, he changed the style of music to something more unique, so if you want to get acquainted with his later work, I can recommend the following things of his, search for what is in quotes along with the name of his band (Skryabin) "100 годин", "Еволюція", " Люди як кораблі", "Тепла зима", "Прогноз погоди", "Вибач", "Кінець траси", "Ніби в раю". And these are the twomusic videos from his early work. I'm listening to them right now. The first song (His joint work with Ulia Lord with whom he has another work "Коридори-нори") is about the fire of passion and has an interesting music video. The second is philosophical reflection on what will happen to us after death.

Last edited by SergiyY; 10-31-2023 at 09:34 PM.
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Old 11-01-2023, 05:26 PM   #32550 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SergiyY View Post
Thank you! I finally found what the song was. It was in this version that I heard it in 2015 more than once at work, when an employee in the opposite part of the room could not work without music and was listening to the radio. I don't remember what kind of radio station it was. Another song that I heard there and that I liked was "Sia - Chandelier" because there is such a chorus that you can understand by ear.

.... Я з цим гуртом познайомився ще десь в 2012 році....
That's funny, an employee who COULD NOT WORK without music ..... but maybe it's also sad because he may not have really enjoyed music as much, because he listened to 'too much' of it.

I forgot how much fun Sia's videos are to watch, she has SO MUCH ENERGY! Probably why she's so tiny?

Regretfully I have to be brief because we're going out of town and I need to pack. But as promised in my message:

And this, a Hindu song by Vera B.....

Last edited by Roguette; 11-01-2023 at 05:59 PM.
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