I definitely vote "I Touch Myself". Such a great song which I've always found surprisingly bittersweet sounding considering the content. As for Frank Goes to Hollywood, I've always much preferred "When Two Tribes Go to War" over "Relax".
If you're on a quest to find very carnal, female-penned songs, might I recommend "Hombre" by MIA:
Yes, I was on a quest to find very carnal, female-penned songs! :D Well put, Janszoon. Thank you for the suggestion.
MIA's song is definitely carnal. However, I don't like the feeling of the song or its disdain for the wifey at home with the kiddee. I just don't relate to the song. I will catalog "Hombre" along with "Shewolf," another carnal song I don't like. Still, I'm glad to have heard it.
My quest for carnal, female-penned songs was short-lived. Now I'm at the opposite pole, listening to ethereal music by Enya, whose music definitely seems more about the "spirit" than the flesh to me. Ideally, there would be some nice songs that combine both pleasures of the body and the spirit as the subject matter, since I feel they are one entity, indivisible.
Enya - Marble Halls
Haunting and sad with longing, but not very carnal. I love the gloomy, wistful mood of the song, though.
Enya - Caribbean Blue
My favorite song of all of hers. I love the low gong sound and the feeling of waves and echos. The song feels magical and so I feel the video suits it well.
I looked up the lyrics since I've never done that before and I wanted to be sure I wasn't mishearing them. I hoped the lyrics, which always seemed somewhat cryptic to me, would make more sense upon reading them but...they don't. :( Still, I like the song very much. :)