01-28-2011 11:59 PM |
Originally Posted by Tumor
(Post 993440)
I interpreted the tone as more frusterated then angry but yeah. Accurate interpretation.
I've always liked her voice and the very repetitive structure. I guess in retrospect I CAN understand how people would not like it but its great to me. Feels right. Seems pure.
I agree the Bikini Kill singer's voice sounds pure. She emotes well. You can feel her aggression. Yes, I think you are right about her sounding frustrated in the song. I should have used that word, frustration.
The repetitive structure definitely makes the song sound like much punk music to me. Maybe I just diss it a bit because it sounds *easy* and I want more complexity. Or maybe I'm envious because I don't do "raw, sloppy anger" well or easily.
About my not-so-good critique of her voice: I suppose I fight with my internal programming (due to external programmers) that makes me tend to value "prettiness" even as I'm seething with deep hostilities and sadness inside and wanting very much to express the opposite of prettiness. I *like* that she isn't trying to sound "pretty" even as the unprettiness of her voice makes me think: "Not pretty." It's my issue. I'm getting over it, Tumor. :)
I like you. I just felt like saying that.