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dac 01-27-2009 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by River Man (Post 585874)
I skimmed through my library and picked out what I believe will be classics. Some of my choices, though, are based on a general view of music as well, not just my own preference. I didn't include Allmusic links for all of them because, well, you most likely have heard of the album or have read their review already. Enjoy!

** = Recommended especially for listeners under the influence..



Originally Posted by River Man (Post 585874)
Andrew W.K. - I Get Wet (2001)
Allmusic -



Originally Posted by River Man (Post 585874)
** Radiohead - In Rainbows (2008)
I do consider this one of their best albums, although that's not my reasoning for placing this on here. Remember the whole, pay your own price deal? They might not have been the first to do it but, come on...Radiohead did it. One of the most popular bands on the planet. They somewhat advanced the evolution of the music industry with that move.

Yeah I could see this getting more coverage than OK Computer and such do to it's possible impact on the industry.


Originally Posted by River Man (Post 585874)
Maroon 5 - Songs About Jane (2002)



Originally Posted by River Man (Post 585874)
The Decemberists - The Crane Wife (2006)

Underrated band.


Originally Posted by River Man (Post 585874)
Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not (2006)
Yes, Arctic Monkeys. I can hear everyone bitching already.

You'll actually find a surprising amount of love for them here on MB. I prefer FWN myself but it's a good album and was a refreshing sound when it came out.


Originally Posted by River Man (Post 585874)
Coldplay - X&Y (2005)

They'll certainly get remembered for the superior 'Rush of Blood to the Head' or hyped up 'Viva La Vida' before they are remembered for X&Y.

lucifer_sam 01-27-2009 12:58 PM

Radiohead weren't the first to do the "pay your own price" deal. They probably will be one of the last though; everyone else lost a shitload of money.

Rainard Jalen 01-27-2009 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 586152)
Radiohead weren't the first to do the "pay your own price" deal. They probably will be one of the last though; everyone else lost a shitload of money.

Who was the first major (worth mentioning) outfit to do it?

lucifer_sam 01-27-2009 02:04 PM

Nine Inch Nails and Girl Talk, just to name a few.

Anteater 01-27-2009 02:18 PM

Modern day classics eh. Well, I'm certain album(s) both the Mars Volta and Pure Reason Revolution will be remembered for their contributions to a modern day progressive rock revival, and Sleepytime Gorilla Museum will be remembered for igniting the interest of many people post-2000 in avant-garde, and then there's Radiohead's Kid A to consider...

But yeah, I'm sure all the people who haven't figured out how to learn about new bands via things such as Wikipedia or who use for trend-following will all say stuff by Coldplay, Disturbed, the Ting Tings, John Mayer, blahblahblah are all "classics" of the current era. :laughing:

Sneer 01-27-2009 02:43 PM

The Ting Tings? :usehead: I dont think even a moron would label that as classic

billyjerome 01-27-2009 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 586152)
Radiohead weren't the first to do the "pay your own price" deal. They probably will be one of the last though; everyone else lost a shitload of money.

I never said they were the first. And I HIGHLY doubt they will be the last. The recording industry is rapidly changing and converting to more of an independent/grassroots-style since these recording companies are being so stubborn.

Janszoon 01-27-2009 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 585882)
The Darkness is already in Bargain bins over here. God they were awful. I think we can safely say that they wont reach classic status. Especially not over here anyhow.

They were pretty bad but their song "Get Your Hands Off My Woman" was freaking hilarious.

Janszoon 01-27-2009 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by dac (Post 586007)

Originally Posted by River Man
Andrew W.K. - I Get Wet (2001)


I know Andrew W.K. gets a lot of crap and I can understand why, but I Get Wet really is a solid rock n roll album from beginning to end. IMHO it's one of the best high energy, basic rock albums of the 00s.

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