My 2005 finds * ratings (and yours as well) (techno, blues, house) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 07-24-2005, 10:30 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: nj
Posts: 4
Default My 2005 finds * ratings (and yours as well)

All of this music was founded from this year. Now that doesn't necessarly mean that all of this music was created in 05, however simply just discovered by me (in this case, and hopefully you if you as well feel to contribute ). There have been quite a few bands that I have listened to so much music from just this past year it would really be difficult to remember it all, so this is all based on my music inventory.

Alien Sex Fiend

"Who's Been Sleeping In My Brain"


Just a fun punk band that I found on ssk one nite. I decided to keep the album because I might go back to listening to it again. Although as of right now I am 100% punkfree.

Animal Collective

"Sung Tongs"


It's a random album that a friend sent to me awhile back. I listened to it once or twice then never again because it's just to "out there" for my taste. I might grow to like a track and the album in time though.

Bloc Party

"Silent Alarm"


It's a good album and I was really impressed with it the first time I listened to it. In time it didn't really appeal to me as much as the first few times of listening. But since the drummer kicks so much ass, I keep a liking to this band.

Blonde Redhead

"Blonde Redhead"


Not a fan. Discovered this band at an Interpol concert. I might dl another album just to give them a fair shot of winning my heart over.

Boxor Rebellion



I am redownloading this album because my first attempt ended with missing tracks, and the ones I got were not in order. But when I manually placed them in order the album sounded really bad ass. My rating my go up after the next dl... I'll keep everyone posted. :-*

British Sea Power

"The Decline Of"


I'm starting to grow fond of this album the more I listen to it.

"Open Season"

Thus far I've been enjoying this album more-so then The Decline of for tracks "To Get To Sleep" & "Oh Larson B".

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

"Clap Your Hands Say Yeah"


I really liked this band the first time I listened to them. The vocalists voice is an either hit or miss (in my case, miss), but some people love them. Craptastic name for a band in my opinion, and not giving the album a self-title is kind of lame.


"The Back Room"

A band that sounds similar to Interpol, however no where near their awesomeness. Granted that I only listened to this album trice and know I may be being too critical this early in our relationship.


"Electro-Shock Blues"


I really liked there song "Whatever Happened To Soy Bomb" so I don't remember if I downloaded this one on my own or if someone sent it to me. Good album. One that I go back to listen to late late at nite, when I'm trying to go to bed. Not because it's bad, but becasue it's relaxing.

Groovehopper - egg=mc² ep 1

Random techno that is about to be deleted.


"The Dirt of Luck"


Blah. The first time I listened to it, they sounded a bit like Pavement. But in time I realized they didn't have the same long term appeal that Pavement do and I stopped listening to them.

Iron and Wine

"Our Endless Numbered Days"


I like this band, but I don't listen to merely enough of their material to give a 100% honest opinion on them. But I plan to!




Not my cup of tea. Dunno where the hell I got this album from. But it's there.

Kings Of Leon

"Aha Shake Heartbreak"


Catchy garage band that sounds AWFUL live.




My attempt to get back into Rap music. And if I listen to this album more frequently I'm sure I would. But I just don't... so much music so little time.

Neutral Milk Hotel

"On Avery Island"


I was big on this band the first month after I downloaded their album. In time they didn't age well, ...well this album in particular didn't because I found that a lot of their songs on it sound too much like the damn same. It's a fun album though.

"In The Aeroplane Over The Sea"


Good album, definintely their best. I can really get into it everytime I put it on. It fits a mood perfectly.




YEP. My best find of 2005. I <3 all of their albums, and collect all of their stickers and trade them w/my friends. They are sooooo dreamy. :wub:

Stephen Malkmus

"Face the Truth"

Good solo stuff. But not as great as what he once was.

Postal Service

"Give Up"


A little to emo for my taste. But it's not bad... just... yea.. :emo:




Downloaded this album for a friend on ssk because the guy I got it from was a ****. Turned out to be a decent album so I kept. I can't find myself motivated to find more of their material at this moment though. I listened to this album in it's completeness a few times. "Melon Yellow" & "Some Velvet Morning" seem to be the two tracks that I really enjoy the most.


"Girls Can Tell"

**1/2 (and growing)

This > "Kill The Moonlight". These guys are good. Immaculately crafted songs such as "Take the Fifth" & "Fitted Shirt" make me grow to like this album more the more I listen to it.

"Kill The Moonlight"


Granted that I haven't really listened to this as much as "Girls Can Tell" however from what I have listened to I didn't see a point to when my love for GCT is growing.

The Decemberists



They're good, but I don't like them as much as sooooooo many people tend to. I managed to go around the hype to find this band before a few others did on ssk.

The Hidden Cameras

"Mississauga Goddam"

Don't ask.

The Hong Kong

"Rock The Faces"


I liked the first time I listened to it... then I stopped listening to them because they hit a nerve. I don't like this album.

The Rapture



I freaking love this album. It's one that yes, a friend, sent in the beginning of the year that I listened to a few times, then stopped. I put them on my ipod and started listening to them again... and they blew me away. Their track compilation is done really well especially how "The Coming of Spring" meshes right into "House Of Jealous Lovers" (probably my favorite part of the album). I grow fond if this album the more I hear it and I think its easily the second best stuff I found this year behind Pavement.

The Unicorns

"Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone"


This is a great album that I got off ssk a few months ago. Upon download I listened to them for a week straight, then kind of got a bit tired of them. But they might turn into another Rapture trick... where when I go back they just mesmerize my brain cells.

The Wrens

"The Meadowlands"


I can't tell you how many times Amazon suggested this band to me (shortly after I bought a Shins album from them & Garden State). This isn't a bad album, but not one that I'm going to ponder back on on my summer of 05 music extravaganza.

Wolf Parade

"Apologies To The Queen Mary"


The newest to my music collection and one that I just grew an instant fond to after one listen.

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