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TROY148 12-19-2008 05:54 PM

!!Schools Out!!
So as the title suggests I am out of school so I've decided to celebrate by putting up a playlist of my 22 favorite songs right now. I haven't been on MB much lately because of bloody homework, studying, papers, and the like so this is also in celebration of my return to my social life and music blogging so here we go:
numero uno-
All along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix
Not the most creative of choices but it makes a brilliant opener for my cd (I'm going to burn my playlist onto a cd, in case you didn't get that). I've just recently discovered the brilliance of Jimi Hendrix which shows just how deep of a cave I've been in because of my bloody education. Here's the song for all y'all:
YouTube - the jimi hendrix experience - All Along the Watchtower - Ele

TROY148 12-19-2008 06:06 PM

After that first post, I'm feeling extra good so here's number 2-
Sly and the Family Stone- If You Want Me to Stay

If I had to sum this song up in one word it would be "supafunkadelic". This has always been one of my favorite tracks but recently I've been getting more and more into funk so it's sounding extra good right now. So here's the song and enjoy the video, it may seem like a single title screen but if you watch very carefully...
YouTube - If You Want Me To Stay - Sly And The Family Stone

TROY148 12-19-2008 06:21 PM

sp in my effort to get the first four of my songs up here tonight, I'm going to continute replying to my own posts. At this point I don't really care how many people read this, I'm just ecstatic that I have some free time to waste. So her we go with numero trois-
Cornershop- Sleep on the Left Side
As I said before, I've been getting into funk lately and you can hear the funk influence in Cornershop. Although I would describe them as more of a psychedelic sounding group, they are also a little hip-hopish in sound (by hip-hopish I mean bass heavy, that beat is definitely the driving force of the song all else is irrelevent) At it's simplest, Sleep on the Left side is just a very, very chill song. Check it out yo:
YouTube - Cornershop - Sleep on the left side (Video)

TROY148 12-19-2008 06:44 PM

This is a bit of a long story, but I feel like telling it so deal. Here's my final entry for the day, number four-
Kings of Leon- The Bucket

I first heard Kings of Leon in the intro to fifa 04 when "Red Morning Light" Was the intro. I downloaded the song off of limewire and then proceded to download as much Kings of Leon as I could. I din't like any of it so I then proceded to remove all of the Kings of Leon I had jsut downloaded except "Red Morning Light", of course. Four years later I find myself watching Disturbia and at the end credits I am greeted by the song "Taper Jean Girl" by none other than Kings of Leon. I , of course, do not know this at the time. I google the song and discover who it's by and so I decide I'm going to youtube-preview this band before downloading and then having to delete their bloody discography. his is how I discovered "The Bucket" and I have enjoyed the song, and Kings of Leon, ever since. So here it is (note the Xtreme facial hair):
YouTube - Kings Of Leon - The Bucket

TROY148 12-19-2008 07:08 PM

I've posted four songs so I say it's high time for a good American rant so here goes:
Last week my teacher passes out English grades, I have a less-than-satisfactory grade in participation and preparation (this is because I had failed many-a-quiz including a couple I did the required readings for) and then a B and a C on my papers. This would not be so bad had it not been in the friggin' 2nd to last week of class, after we had stopped in-class discussions and muthaflippin' quizzes so all I can do to improve my grade is do really well on my final paper. So today I get my paper back and I'm reading through it (my teacher puts the grade on the final page just to heighten your anxiety) and in the column he writes "good" a fair number of times at different parts of the paper (Now this is a 2 page paper so I'm feeling pretty good about myself at this point) and then I look at the back and it is another less than satisfactory grade which has me feeling all "'good' me arse". So thank you teacher, for putting up my hopes and then crushing them just before the holidays...crappin' arse dude.
And that is my MB rant for the day

TROY148 07-01-2009 08:44 PM

Alright, to all of you readers out there (perhaps "readers" should be changed to the singular) I'm back after a very long hiatus and I know all of you have been wating for the next post. So obviously over such a long period of time, things have changed. My hard drive has been wiped which in turn, caused me to lose all of my music. But with hard work, diligence, and a program called bit torrent I managed to regain most of my collection and expand on it with much help from a jazz/funk enthusiast friend (thank you Andy). So I will continue this list for my own pleasure, as there seem to be no readers. So here goes...

TROY148 07-01-2009 08:49 PM

So I first heard this gem in the school computer lab. I was talking with a couple of jazz enthusiasts and I was telling them about how I loved the genre but I didn't know many songs. So They went to youtube and played a few tracks for me; this one being my favorite. So here it is folks, the long awaited song numero 5 on the list- Someday my Prince Will Come by Miles Davis a truly golden song:
YouTube - Miles Davis: Someday My Prince Will Come

TROY148 07-01-2009 08:52 PM

Also, if anyone is reading this, please show me some love! Leave a bloody hello or somehing just let me know there is life out there and that somebody has seen this. Even if it's a "hey man, every song on here sucks" That would be cool too. Not really, but still, just say bloody something!

TheCunningStunt 07-02-2009 02:35 AM

Hey man.

Every song on here sucks.

Antonio 07-02-2009 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 696895)
Hey man.

Every song on here sucks.

so you're saying that

All along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix
If You Want Me to Stay by Sly and the Family Stone
Sleep on the Left Side by Cornershop
The Bucket by Kings of Leon
and Someday my Prince Will Come by Miles Davis


well since you're such an expert on good music, why don't you regail us with your little playlist then?

EDIT:f*ck, i just read the post above yours. fml

but yeah OP, good stuff, looking forward to the rest of this

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