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Akira 09-15-2008 06:23 PM

Before mp3 etc and when my collection was smaller I did have a small cd rack that fit about 100 cds so my favourites and essentials went in there. This was called my 'house on fire' rack. Easy to pick up and run with.

jackhammer 09-15-2008 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by SERIAL (Post 519267)
Honestly, my collection is a mess. I'm quite disappointed with myself, I can't even find half the boxes my cd's are in :(

That is disgraceful ;) Seriously though, if you pay money for CD'S why on earth would you have them scattered around getting scratched to buggery? I usually have a go at people if i'm visiting and their collection is being used as the carpet gggrrrrr

Urban Hat€monger ? 09-15-2008 06:33 PM

The worst thing about my computer dying on me was I lost my album list that I spent something like 9 years compiling.

I've spent nearly 5 months doing it again from scratch and i'm only up to M

gotjuice 09-15-2008 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Kirby (Post 519256)
When it comes to CD's...

I just have it, where...

Signed CD's are first, after that are the ones that I listen to the most, and then the ones that I have, that don't really get any play.

When it comes to MP3's...

Organized by Artist

I have to have it labeled perfect, in my way.
If it's not, I can't listen to it.

I have to have...

Song: Every Word Capitalized In The Title.
Artist: Singer ft. Guest

I can't have it say "Ft." "Feat." or "feat."

It has to say "ft."

I also have to do this. It's kind of funny when I'm over at my friend's house going through his music and he'll be like, "What are you doing?" "Oh, you didn't have the songs on Appetite For Destruction capitalized."

Urban Hat€monger ? 09-15-2008 06:45 PM

I always have a habit of leaving out the word 'the' when I use filenames so the album files all in alphabetical order. Yet when it comes to spanish or french bands I always leave it Los or La. I know they shouldn't be there but it just looks so wrong without.

I'm rubbish at this.

Kirby 09-15-2008 07:22 PM

I don't have to do that. :)
Zune doesn't include "The" in the actual name, although it appears.

Seltzer 09-15-2008 07:33 PM

I don't own enough CDs for organisation to be a huge issue... so mine are simply from favourite to least favourite atm.

Leeman 09-16-2008 08:22 AM

I buy most of my music on the iTunes store... so I don't really have many CDs. But if we are counting mp3's, I organize alphabetically.

Zarko 09-16-2008 09:34 AM

Dunno what organisation is :p

And it totally sucks that sometimes I just feel like something totally different and it takes me an hour to find it... Then to not listen to it again for yonks :p

I want to order it (Genre) But I am just too lazy sometimes... Plus I know I will never to be able to keep it organised...

All digitalised music is in order by genre or Australian... Which is odd when you read jazz, metal, etc etc then Australian as if it were its own genre :p

The Monkey 09-16-2008 10:28 AM

I don't own any CDs or LPs, but on iTunes I sort after artist (who doesn't?).

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