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FaSho 09-09-2008 01:28 PM

100 People Who Make Me Love Music
well i was afraid id get flamed if i started a FaSho 100 but i want to conform and make a top 100 thread and then this popped into to my head

some entries will be concise whyll others migt be lenghty, especially as the numbers get lower

I'll try to update it pretty frequently...hope you guys enjoy!
100. Travis Stever
This Guy's great not only is a ****ing amazing guitAR player but he is an inspiration to all the fatty's in the world, he says you don't need to be a skinny-ass scene kid to be a guitarist in a popular band nowadays...i really don't like Coheedand Cambria or Fire Duece very much but when i hear him wailing on his guitar it makes the song so much better, plus the english panther(solo project) ****ing rocks!

FaSho 09-09-2008 01:40 PM

^thanks for the support man

Piss Me Off 09-09-2008 01:58 PM

See also: Frank Black.

Sorry if i've nicked one of your entries there!

Double X 09-09-2008 02:00 PM

I don't mind these as long as it took some time and put some detailed or funny descriptions in.

FaSho 09-09-2008 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Piss Me Off (Post 516245)
See also: Frank Black.

Sorry if i've nicked one of your entries there!

good one! i didnt even think of him

lucifer_sam 09-09-2008 03:54 PM

Lee Altus is fatter. And better.

Sgt Pepper 09-09-2008 04:24 PM

Yeah I can't watch those things on E! unless I am trying to fall asleep.

FaSho 09-09-2008 04:47 PM

99. John Feldmann
Not Only was he in Goldfinger, but this dude is an amazing producer. He's done production work for great bands like Atreyu, Lostprophets, story of the year, cute is what we aim for, i mean **** he even made The Used sound good! with that line-up you can almost forgive him for working with good charlotte.

not to mention the fact he wrote a song called "**** Ted Nugent" makes him a winner in my book

FaSho 09-10-2008 06:41 PM
98. Travis Barker
is a kick-ass drummer and great DJ hell! he even made soulja boy sound good! most people who are in many bands arre in a lot of sucky ones but hes got blink(of course), he played with the aquabats on their best album the transplants rocked(just because of the drumming) its like he makes crappy bands sound good! I mean sure he came out with a crappy clothing line but come on, nobody's perfect. If any of you have been to Wahoo's Fish Tacos it's good eats ad he knows when a bands good too he has Expensive Taste on his label and they rock. has anybody heard TRVS DJAM yet? because its ****ing awesome. and seriously homany people can say that they played with Bun B Johnny Cash and Black Eyed peas?

Alfred 09-10-2008 07:43 PM

I'm gonna like this list, I know.

ProggyMan 09-10-2008 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by ImGettinThatFaSho (Post 516281)

99. John Feldmann
Not Only was he in Goldfinger, but this dude is an amazing producer. He's done production work for great bands like Atreyu, Lostprophets, story of the year, cute is what we aim for, i mean **** he even made The Used sound good! with that line-up you can almost forgive him for working with good charlotte.

not to mention the fact he wrote a song called "**** Ted Nugent" makes him a winner in my book

I know it's your list and all, but...

lucifer_sam 09-10-2008 11:00 PM

I'm pretty sure he's paying homage to everybody that nobody else would dare to. Pop-punk entrepreneurs are on my list of anal bumfuckery. I wouldn't dare to try to listen to them for very long.

FireInCairo 09-11-2008 02:57 AM

I already hate this list...

mr. goth glam 09-11-2008 09:40 AM

Sorry...can't really be on board for the Travis Barker thing.

Although those tattoos are going to look mighty amusing when he's eighty.

Demonoid 09-11-2008 09:53 AM

Ugh...what a cr@ppy list so far.
Oh well, It's just what YOU like...not a demonoid's list.

dac 09-11-2008 10:10 AM

any and all things blink related are bad...

Zombeels 09-11-2008 10:45 AM

Stop listening to the radio. Stop endorsing generic corporate designed pap.

sweet_nothing 09-11-2008 12:56 PM

You sure you have the right title for this thread?

FaSho 09-11-2008 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 516810)
I'm gonna like this list, I know.

i hope thats not sarcastic...because im not getting much positive feedback


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 516859)
I'm pretty sure he's paying homage to everybody that nobody else would dare to.

sure lets go with that

jackhammer 09-11-2008 03:10 PM

Alfred was'nt being sarcastic. He seems to like a lot of artists that are similar to yours, for others though that may not be the case. A lot of members frown upon many artists that you have mentioned, but fuck 'em. I personally don't care for many artists you have mentioned but at least you are on here and contributing. Keep it up.

Alfred 09-11-2008 03:22 PM

I wasn't being sarcastic.

Although, I think John Feldmann is kind of a douchebag, regardless of Goldfinger producing some great pop-punk tracks. I don't care much for their attempts at ska though.

ImGettinThatFaSho has pretty much the same taste I did when I joined this forum, though I still enjoy a lot of the same bands.

Pop-punk doesn't get a lot of love on this forum, just a helpful tip.

I hope you include Joey Cape on this list. He's awesome.

Sgt Pepper 09-11-2008 04:05 PM

I'm enjoying reading the list. I think its a good list so far. YAY LIST!

FaSho 09-11-2008 04:37 PM
97.Henry Rollins
Many of the punk rockers of the late '70s and early '80s have come of age and graduated to movies, TV series and Playboy pictorials - but the most prolific ex-punk man about the media would have to be Henry Rollins, originally of Washington D.C.
Black Flag were always trying to push the envelope of their music, incorporating influences from jazz, metal and contemporary classical music but an unforgivable faux pas for the punk rock elite. Thus, as the music evolved and slowed down, Black Flag started to turn away a considerable contingent of their original fan base, but later releases, such as 'My War' would go on to influence groundbreaking bands like Nirvana.
After the break-up of Black Flag, Rollins went on to front his own Rollins Band, which rocked, and made him even more popular among music fans.
Just like Travis Barker, he has an amazing line-up on his label.
As a spoken-word artist Rollins regales audiences with his experiences travelling around the world, socio-political musings and anecdotes from his time in bands
He still tours like ten months every year, and all this stuff is just about the musical aspect of his career hes done so much in the fields of writing and such as well

Gareth Brown 09-11-2008 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by ImGettinThatFaSho (Post 516281)

99. John Feldmann
Not Only was he in Goldfinger, but this dude is an amazing producer. He's done production work for great bands like Atreyu, Lostprophets, story of the year, cute is what we aim for, i mean **** he even made The Used sound good! with that line-up you can almost forgive him for working with good charlotte.

not to mention the fact he wrote a song called "**** Ted Nugent" makes him a winner in my book

Atreyu are absolutely appalling.

FireInCairo 09-11-2008 10:34 PM

finally someone decent!
rollins is badasss

sweet_nothing 09-11-2008 10:41 PM

All my hardcore friends, always hate on Henry saying 'Keith was way better'. First time I saw Henry was on TV and I thought he was some ex football player or something. I like him. Plus he's pretty smart on his little spoken word tours, also his show is great.

The Unfan 09-12-2008 02:48 PM

He has a show? Not having cable sucks.

sweet_nothing 09-12-2008 02:54 PM

Yeh the Henry Rollins show, he interviews celebs and has live music guests.

The Henry Rollins Show on IFC

swim 09-12-2008 04:11 PM

Henry is the only cool person in this thread and he's top 10 material.

Urban Hat€monger ? 09-12-2008 06:34 PM

I had a new found respect for Rollins when I found out he played The Fall every week on his radio show :D

FaSho 09-27-2008 09:03 AM

96. James Dewees

After hearing the new reggie and the full effect album, i completley forgave this guy for working with my chemical ****mance, thats just how good his music is. It seems like no matter who he is working with it always sounds good. He played with NFG on "catalyst" and thats probably their best album. We all know how great the get up kids are, and i cant even begin to talk about the awesomeness that is reggie and the full effect. If you havent heard "under the tray" or "songs not to get married to" then i highly recommend them for ANYONE who likes music. All in all, this guy is the ****ing man.

Gareth Brown 09-28-2008 11:36 AM

Henry Rollins is a bit of a twat reallly, isn't he?

Brad Stengel 09-29-2008 10:04 AM

I liked Black Flag better when they had the guy from the Circle Jerks. Rollins is still a cool dude though.

Gareth Brown 09-29-2008 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Brad Stengel (Post 525452)
I liked Black Flag better when they had the guy from the Circle Jerks. Rollins is still a cool dude though.

Hmmm, i'm not sure about that. The First Four Years is class though.

X-RAY 09-29-2008 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by ImGettinThatFaSho (Post 524611)
After hearing the new reggie and the full effect album, i completley forgave this guy for working with my chemical ****mance, thats just how good his music is. It seems like no matter who he is working with it always sounds good. He played with NFG on "catalyst" and thats probably their best album. We all know how great the get up kids are, and i cant even begin to talk about the awesomeness that is reggie and the full effect. If you havent heard "under the tray" or "songs not to get married to" then i highly recommend them for ANYONE who likes music. All in all, this guy is the ****ing man.

james dewees is awesome!

Brad Stengel 09-30-2008 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Gareth Brown (Post 525617)
Hmmm, i'm not sure about that. The First Four Years is class though.

I think its moreso for the fact that they had a rawer sound on "Nervous Breakdown", and I always thought "Damaged" was too much of a bro album. I generally despise gang vocals like in "Rise Above". Not to say I dont enjoy post-nervous breakdown Black Flag.

FaSho 10-12-2008 11:25 AM

wow this thread is getting a lot of support...

95.Justin Nozuka

known for his "christina aguilera-like voice" Nozuka bust onto the new york scene a couple years ago and boy is he amazing with one album "holly" named after his mother it has amazing tracks and this dude is frickin sweet check out "criminal" fa sho
94. and 93.Cedric Bixler-Zavala and Omar Rodríguez-López

both great at the drive in and the mars volta kick ass and these guys put on an amzing live show if youve been living underground and havent checked these guys out yet you need to

FireInCairo 10-13-2008 03:50 AM[/CENTER]
94. and 93.Cedric Bixler-Zavala and Omar Rodríguez-López

both great at the drive in and the mars volta kick ass and these guys put on an amzing live show if youve been living underground and havent checked these guys out yet you need to

Finally one I whole heartedly agree with!!!!

Alfred 10-14-2008 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 530122)[/CENTER]
94. and 93.Cedric Bixler-Zavala and Omar Rodríguez-López

both great at the drive in and the mars volta kick ass and these guys put on an amzing live show if youve been living underground and havent checked these guys out yet you need to


Those two have made some of my favorite music.

FaSho 10-22-2008 05:02 PM

A positive top 100 is a lot harder then a negative top 100...I'm trying to get this done though. I know who my top ten is, now I just need the 8o or so in between.

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