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Old 01-20-2009, 09:50 PM   #1601 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Or European anyways. Same thing.
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Old 01-21-2009, 06:40 AM   #1602 (permalink)
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The thing I hate most about music is pretentious musicians and music snobs that criticize musicians and fans.

If you don't like it, don't listen to it or play it. If you like it, play it and listen to it. The end.
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Old 01-21-2009, 07:40 AM   #1603 (permalink)
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I can't stand it when someone says they like a song but don't know who the artist is! Normaly It's okay but it's usually to do with dance music. And they constantly listeningt to the same MotherF*****g song over and over again! And it's so simple too. Like that new song "infinity"! My Word I swear I could break whatever device that plays that crap!

Normaly jocks too. These people don't take music seriously. No intellectuall process occurs!

Then I listen to my music and get ripped off by some jock who's ear for music is as complex than that of a fly on ****!

But that's just me... had a rough day...

Originally Posted by vboon26 View Post
The thing I hate most about music is pretentious musicians and music snobs that criticize musicians and fans.

If you don't like it, don't listen to it or play it. If you like it, play it and listen to it. The end.
HA HA, much like Oasis! They make good music now and then but they are full of themselves.
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Old 01-21-2009, 11:14 AM   #1604 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by vboon26 View Post
The thing I hate most about music is pretentious musicians and music snobs that criticize musicians and fans.

If you don't like it, don't listen to it or play it. If you like it, play it and listen to it. The end.
That's half the fun of it.

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 01-21-2009, 12:24 PM   #1605 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kill Dogma View Post
Normaly jocks too. These people don't take music seriously. No intellectuall process occurs!

Then I listen to my music and get ripped off by some jock who's ear for music is as complex than that of a fly on ****!
While some people may act like gigantic shitheads, it's viewed as common courtesy to not be judgmental about other people's taste (in anything). My roommate is a deejay, he's heard my music, I've heard his, and we're polar opposites. But I don't view it as "mine is better, his sucks," and for that we've maintained an amicable relationship.

I will take steps to provoke people who have some facile superiority complex about their personal taste in music. One, because ninety-nine times out of a hundred they don't know shit about their own music in the first place; and two, because they're assholes and they deserve to be treated as such.
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Old 01-21-2009, 03:21 PM   #1606 (permalink)
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One thing that pisses me off.. .is people pretending to like music when they know in they're heart they dont really dig it..

Now this could happen for various reasons. The most common is your tryign to identify yourself with a particular genre or culture to be accepted whtv. Basically to make other people like you more.

Like for instance, the certain type of music snobs that only listen to the most obscure music; only to prove to everyone else that they know a whole hell a lot about music, and they discovered this song and so on. Dont worry readers another thing that pisses me off is that there really is a lot of great undiscovered music. So this type of pretender is only half bad.

And of course there's the single genre listeners. The pure rap fans, classic rock, country, could be any genre basically. There is only one word ignorant.

And keep in mind that some of these people are so ignorant for so long that they forget that they really would enjoy something else more. In this day and age there is no excuse, unless of course your Amish.

Seriously I say it I'll listen to whtv makes me feel good. Im gonna throw this out there Britney Spears song Toxic is jammin. I dont care if she proally had nothing to do with actually producing the song. When I listen to it it makes me feel good.

Last edited by charliebrwnNC; 01-21-2009 at 03:40 PM.
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Old 01-21-2009, 08:32 PM   #1607 (permalink)
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Wow, this was a pretty impressive rant. You actually planned it well. Oh and.... maybe it's just me but I dont' have the patience to do 100 list, haha. But nice work, and considering the #1 on your list... I totally agree. I hate when I hear a band that I have no opinion on. I usually judge a song on it's beginning, if I don't like the beginning I skip ,if I do I listen on. But sometimes I don't know what to think so I listen to the whole song to see if something just "pops" out at me.... but nothing does.. then I'm pretty pissed because I wasted my time on something that I have no desire putting on my ipod, but no intent to say it sucks.
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Old 01-21-2009, 10:33 PM   #1608 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by lucifer_sam View Post
While some people may act like gigantic shitheads, it's viewed as common courtesy to not be judgmental about other people's taste (in anything). My roommate is a deejay, he's heard my music, I've heard his, and we're polar opposites. But I don't view it as "mine is better, his sucks," and for that we've maintained an amicable relationship.

I will take steps to provoke people who have some facile superiority complex about their personal taste in music. One, because ninety-nine times out of a hundred they don't know shit about their own music in the first place; and two, because they're assholes and they deserve to be treated as such.
We only try to be middlemen once we've already been the pretentious ******* enough times to give us a world-weary delusion.
-John Martyn
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Old 01-22-2009, 03:49 AM   #1609 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by charliebrwnNC View Post

One thing that pisses me off.. .is people pretending to like music when they know in they're heart they dont really dig it..

Now this could happen for various reasons. The most common is your tryign to identify yourself with a particular genre or culture to be accepted whtv. Basically to make other people like you more.

This usually happens when some ****ty music artist of today(Fred Durst for example), wears a "Smiths" shirt(or some other shirt of some band, you , me and everyone else w/an IQ over 3 knows YOU don't listen to), to try to gain "cred" in the current world.

Funny Story. I lived in Glendale, CA, from 01-03, my friend( who was visiting from MICH @ the time & who's liked Depeche Mode since like 1981 & knows practically everything about them & who got me into them)& I were walking up Cahuenga to go to Amoeba Records. We spot this guy who obviously knows **** about Depeche Mode wearing a DM "Violator" shirt. My friend says to him" Hey cool shirt! You a DM fan too?" I swear to god this happened. The guy looks at us,looks at his shirt and says,"Yeah, I love 'Friday I'm in love'(by the Cure), it's my favorite". My friend and I just look @ each other with this blank stare on our faces, and my friend says" yeah, sure you do *******", to the guy, funny as hell.
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Old 01-22-2009, 04:10 AM   #1610 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DJ Phoenix View Post
This usually happens when some ****ty music artist of today(Fred Durst for example), wears a "Smiths" shirt(or some other shirt of some band, you , me and everyone else w/an IQ over 3 knows YOU don't listen to), to try to gain "cred" in the current world.
The worst I've seen (apart from maybe Paris Hilton) was Jennifer Aniston wearing a MC5 t shirt in one episode of Friends. I mean, fair play if she actually DOES like them but I have trouble believing it somehow.
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