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Old 07-28-2008, 12:55 PM   #61 (permalink)
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DMX - Ain't No Sunshine

works with any kind of jail scene....
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Old 07-30-2008, 05:56 AM   #62 (permalink)
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Default Need new music

I have been trying to find new music to listen to.I am looking for something that is similar to the SRV style I love the way he sounds,the blues with a bit of a rock edge.,I have recently listen to Los Lonley Boys "Forgiven"which I like very much.The track "Heart won't tell a lie" is by far my favorite.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Some of my favorites include SRV,Jimmy Hendrix Blues album,some Mannish Boys and Ted Nugents live version of Strangle hold.
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Old 07-30-2008, 11:00 AM   #63 (permalink)
one big soul
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George Thorogood, maybe. I like to think of him as similar to SRV.
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Old 07-31-2008, 11:17 AM   #64 (permalink)
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Dance With The Devil - Immortal Technique.
Wolverinewolfweiselpigeon said:

What's with people dying? Shit.
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Old 08-01-2008, 02:56 PM   #65 (permalink)
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Default Rock with heavy guitar

What rock bands are around that have: heavy guitar, medium drumming, and no screaming

Please, no gothic, emo, or death bands.

Something like Godsmack

By heavy guitar and medium drumming I mean:
The guitar stands out more than anything else
The drumming is somewhere in the middle of the sound following the guitar

My description of music is f'in horrible
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Old 08-01-2008, 03:09 PM   #66 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DMusic View Post
What rock bands are around that have: heavy guitar, medium drumming, and no screaming

Please, no gothic, emo, or death bands.

Something like Godsmack

By heavy guitar and medium drumming I mean:
The guitar stands out more than anything else
The drumming is somewhere in the middle of the sound following the guitar

My description of music is f'in horrible
Yeah it is! Bands like Godsmack:


“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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Old 08-03-2008, 06:03 AM   #67 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DMusic View Post
What rock bands are around that have: heavy guitar, medium drumming, and no screaming

Please, no gothic, emo, or death bands.

Something like Godsmack

By heavy guitar and medium drumming I mean:
The guitar stands out more than anything else
The drumming is somewhere in the middle of the sound following the guitar

My description of music is f'in horrible

Your description is pretty perfect to me, but I'm glad you have a sense of humor. There are literally hundreds of excellent bands that I could recommend to you.

First of all, let me please ask you a few important questions that will GREATLY help to shape my specific recommendations to you:

How old are you?

Are you a musician?

If you were to name a single favorite band that has most inspired your patronage of the years, what band/artist would that be?

Originally Posted by jacem5 View Post
I have been trying to find new music to listen to.I am looking for something that is similar to the SRV style I love the way he sounds,the blues with a bit of a rock edge.,I have recently listen to Los Lonley Boys "Forgiven"which I like very much.The track "Heart won't tell a lie" is by far my favorite.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Some of my favorites include SRV,Jimmy Hendrix Blues album,some Mannish Boys and Ted Nugents live version of Strangle hold.

I have HUNDREDS of recommendations for you but I need to zero in a bit to figure out what recommendations you may already be familiar with.

Please answer me these questions:

How old are you?

Are you familiar with: Jimmy Thackery, Robin Trower or Frank Marino?

Originally Posted by eaglezfan2093 View Post
Can You reccomend some bands to me?
Bands that I like alot:

Guns n Roses
Grateful Dead
Rage against the machine
Led Zeppelin

Other likes (not love but like )

Jimi Hendrix
Blink 182

I know its kind of a wide variety of music, but can you tell me some bands that are kind of in the middle or just ones that sound like certain bands i've noticed.

You have excellent taste in music!

Check out: (if you haven't already)

Argyle Park
Circle of Dust
el dopa
Stuck Mojo
Bio Hazard
Infectious Grooves
Bikini Machine
Killing Joke (specifically Pandemonium)
Lords of Acid (VooDoo-U)
Rob Zombie & White Zombie
Methods of Mayhem
God Lives Under water
Spine Shank
Pitch Shifter
Front Line Assembly
Skinny Puppy
Richard D. James (Aphex Twin, very IDM and not all heavy, but the stuff that is, is excellent!)
Fear Factory
H.I.M. (Uneasy Listening Vol. 2)

many, many more but this will allow me to best understand what you may already be familiar with.

My personal favorite type of music currently is of a heavy nature, but is fused with electronic sequencing & synthesis. Nu-Metal (and other moderately heavy/hard styles) of real musicianship meets IDM which is pretty much something that KMFDM invented. Some people call everything with distorted guitar samples "Industrial Metal" but to me it's just so diverse in orientation with respect to infused styles that I have a hard time just "lumping" it all into one big pot. I just tend to call it "Heavy/Funky Sequenced" music.

I have been doing my best to get into Limp Bizkit lately but their best songs are tough to listen to because of the immature gangsta rap mentality. Tough is good, but the ol' "Look at me, I'm gonna kick yer arse & I'm a bad motherfecker, I'm a bad mother wrecker, feck you and the rest of the world, I'm a bad muthah leper" is just too egotistical for me. Some of their lyrical content is COMPLETELY removed from this "kid who just got outta jail mentality" imaging howeve,r and is actually deep/meaningful as all heck. The one thing that stands tall and true for me though is the SUPERB axemanship. That guy is a monstrously good guitarist and the production value of the music itself as a whole is killer. I just try and block out the dumb ****z.
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Old 08-04-2008, 04:51 AM   #68 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by whogivesaflux View Post

My personal favorite type of music currently is of a heavy nature, but is fused with electronic sequencing & synthesis. Nu-Metal (and other moderately heavy/hard styles) of real musicianship meets IDM which is pretty much something that KMFDM invented. Some people call everything with distorted guitar samples "Industrial Metal" but to me it's just so diverse in orientation with respect to infused styles that I have a hard time just "lumping" it all into one big pot. I just tend to call it "Heavy/Funky Sequenced" music.
Bands such as Mordred, Senser and Ministry were doing this ten years before KMFDM. For bands that are more Electronic than Metal try:

Front 242
Funker Vogt
Frontline Assembly

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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Old 08-04-2008, 06:55 AM   #69 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
Bands such as Mordred, Senser and Ministry were doing this ten years before KMFDM. For bands that are more Electronic than Metal try:

Front 242
Funker Vogt
Frontline Assembly

That's total BS. Better check your facts before you spout that kind of nonsense. I'll send you a "get unembarrassed card later"
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Old 08-04-2008, 10:05 AM   #70 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by whogivesaflux View Post
That's total BS. Better check your facts before you spout that kind of nonsense. I'll send you a "get unembarrassed card later"
Mordred released 'In This Life' in ninety one which was a Thrash Metal album that featured turntabilism. In fact they recruited a member on the decks specifically for their second album. This could very well be the first Nu-Metal albums (for it's sins), whilst KMFDM did'nt adopt the fusion of Metal and Electronica until 89 and although 'In This Life' is later, it is a much more orthodox album to what you were pertaining to. Ministry released 'In The Land Of Rape And Honey' in 88 which is a precursor to Sampling and guitar work. in fact we could get really pedantic and use Killing Joke as an even earlier example or again go back and use Throbbing Gristle.

If you had replied politely I may have had some more respect for you but you are obviously highly opinionated and to call my post nonsense is not really entering into the spirit of genial chat is it?

Why people have to show even the slightest aggression in reply to a differing opinion is annoying and quite frankly perplexing. Especially as we have never crossed paths on these boards. Even if I am wrong (that's conjecture) I will accept it in good grace and not call your response bullshit , nonsense and end it with a derogatory finger wagging.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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