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Old 05-16-2010, 11:27 PM   #2101 (permalink)
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Ahhh, the Bedroom Philosopher... I loved that guy!
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Old 05-17-2010, 05:25 PM   #2102 (permalink)
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Default I'm in need of recommendation of many various genres.

I've listened to various sub-genres of metal almost exclusively (99% or more) for the past 15 or 16 months. Every time I get something that isn't metal it doesn't last in my library for a long enough time to be significant and I never miss it.

I'm looking for people who are well versed in genres that aren't metal to introduce me to (or, preferably, throw me into the deep end of) those genres so that I can expand my currently narrow tastes in music.

I like unconventional song structures (ie. not verse, chorus, verse, etc.), talented instrumentalists and vocalists (including range, vibrato, note holding, emotion, harsh vocals [though harsh vocals not at all necessary]) that don't abuse their talent to the point of excess, and variation in styles between albums (between songs in albums too, but not quite as much; I'd like a bit of consistency).

The only definitive requirements I have are:
No autotune. I can tell when autotune is used and I don't like it.
Material must be released in the format of albums, for sheer ease of access.
I must be able to hear the instruments being played. The production can be of low quality, but as long as I can hear the notes being played at least a little bit I'm fine (for example, the production of early Burzum is just fine). I also don't want clipping, because that's just annoying.

A few of my favourites in metal:
Devin Townsend and all his various side projects
Pain of Salvation
Lykathea Aflame
Anaal Nathrakh
In Mourning

The <1% of my library that isn't metal is The Balancing Act by Sadistik.

With all that in mind, I'd like recs now. Rock, Electro, Folk, Classical, punk, or anything else that anyone can think of.

I thank everyone who attempts to satiate my desires of expansion in advance.
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Old 05-18-2010, 02:55 AM   #2103 (permalink)
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Here are some non-metal teasers from great albums you may like Solust...

*been obsessed with this album lately

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Old 05-19-2010, 08:11 AM   #2104 (permalink)
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Hey, I'm looking for something rather specific:
Sad piano-/keyboard-based instrumental music.

Doesn't necessarily have to be instrumental, but fairly lyric-submissive or otherwise incomprehensible vocals. Please recommend me some.
I suppose I'm thinking of SMZ's For Wanda, more specifically, sorry I don't really have much else to go by but this sort of stuff is really appealing to me at the moment.

Thank you!!
I was bred to fight rodents underground, so insanity is necessary.
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Old 05-21-2010, 10:41 AM   #2105 (permalink)
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Yann Tiersen - Comptine D'un Autre EteL'apres Midi
Pain of Salvation - Pluvius Aestivus

I recommend these for the above poster. Tiersen has more like it, Pain of Salvation not really.

Would've posted links but I'm too new here. Sorry.
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Old 05-23-2010, 04:26 AM   #2106 (permalink)
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Hi all, looking for some recommendations

I like;

early pixies
elephant 6
the strokes
arctic monkey

you get the idea

I'm a fan of 'indie' rock...I guess thats what i'd call it, but i'm willing to try anything. Check my Last.FM maybe? Get an idea what I might like?

I dunno, up to you!
I'm here to learn.
All recommendations are welcomed.
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Old 05-24-2010, 05:09 PM   #2107 (permalink)
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You'd probably love Dirty Pretty Things! I'm a fan of most of the music on yer list and i like DPT loads. Romance at Short Notice and Waterloo to Everywhere are both brilliant albums.

Here's one of the LEGENDARY songs: Bang Bang You're Dead

Def check out Chinese Dogs and Plastic Hearts, too

I think you'd like The Fratellis. Their album Costello Music is ace, and here's a song by 'em:

Chelsea Dagger

Also you may like The Libertines and Interpol
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Old 05-25-2010, 06:16 PM   #2108 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Here4theBeer View Post
Hi all, looking for some recommendations

I like;

radiohead- Okay, if you like Radiohead, you'd probably love Muse. Avoid The Resistance, but all of their other stuff is amazing.
early pixies
elephant 6
the strokes
beatles- Uh... I guess, check out more classic rock essentials (on the 1% chance you havn't)? Like Hendrix, The Stones, etc.?
arctic monkey
you get the idea

I'm a fan of 'indie' rock...I guess thats what i'd call it, but i'm willing to try anything. Check my Last.FM maybe? Get an idea what I might like?

I dunno, up to you!
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Old 05-28-2010, 03:52 PM   #2109 (permalink)
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Yeah, so I'm looking for some recommendations. I like a lot of music, but a few bands/artists I listen to are: Ryan Adams, Radiohead, U2, Tori Amos, Tom Petty, Brad Paisley and Elliott Smith.

I really dont know what genre suits me the most, but any combination of these bands or different styles are welcome and appreciated.

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Old 05-29-2010, 08:37 AM   #2110 (permalink)
why bother?
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If you like Tom Petty, give the Traveling Wilburys a try, particularly their first album. Judging by the others you posted, maybe you should give Bring It On by Gomez a try - kinda psychedelic folk-ish stuff, and at least worth a try.
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