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Rainard Jalen 06-15-2008 01:36 PM

The Best/Most Frustrating Argument You've Had On MusicBanter
So yeah, there are loads of great arguments/debates on these boards that have taken place over the years - what've been your own highlights? Which were the most fun, or frustrating, or interesting, or memorable, or whatever. If it's worth it give links too!


boo boo 06-15-2008 02:14 PM

I don't think anyone would disagree that my best were with Don.

Rainard Jalen 06-15-2008 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 490606)
I don't think anyone would disagree that my best were with Don.

And what were they?

pheurton 06-15-2008 03:18 PM

The cynic argument was fun, apparently they're musicians.

ProggyMan 06-15-2008 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen (Post 490598)
So yeah, there are loads of great arguments/debates on these boards that have taken place over the years - what've been your own highlights? Which were the most fun, or frustrating, or interesting, or memorable, or whatever. If it's worth it give links too!


Bungalow Bill kept trying to prove I hadn't read a specific book.

Seltzer 06-16-2008 06:02 AM

My most frustrating argument is indelibly intertwined in the Oomph! saga.


Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen (Post 490608)
And what were they?

I think you might have joined just after Don was banned... he was the most insufferable DT worshipping prog metal fan imaginable... here are some choice cuts. :D


Originally Posted by Don
Oh please name a better band than Circus Maximus!! Have you even heard of them? And I'm guessing by good you just mean your personal tastes. I don't see how you or anyone could call any of those 10 bands not good from a musical perspective...By saying Adagio isn't good you pretty much said Mozart/Beethoven/Rachminov,etc, aren't good if you're going by musical-wise - which you obviously aren't, because that wouldn't make sense.


Originally Posted by Don
"3. Pink Floyd - Easily one of the most influential. So original and entrancing."

Ahh, PF. They were influential alright, but again...Who cares? It's not as if we know how different rock music would be today without them. Maybe it would be better. Compared with the music of today, their art-rock is neither impressive nor interesting. I also can't stand their mainstream accessibility and their turned hard rock/album rock elements.


Originally Posted by Don

Originally Posted by Boo Boo
This is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard you say, try reading some of Squires freaking tabs, maybe you will realise how wrong you are...He cant keep up with Howe?...Give me a break.

Never said he can't keep up with Howe, but it seems like he chooses not to for the majority of any track. How bout you read the bass tab for "The Dance of Eternity." Reading Squires tabs would be like a great bed time story.


Originally Posted by Don

Originally Posted by Boo Boo
DT are not only doing anything new, but they are also taking a once great form of music and are dumbing it down to just boring sheet music...And their crappy music is misleading blind fanboys like you into misinterpreting the entire meaning of progressive rock and what its actually about.

Dumbing it down? They've made it 10^100 times more interesting than Yes could ever dream of doing. If you put on a random Yes album the response you might get from listening to it is "this is cool, it's like rock but taken to the next level, but it's like 40 years old, but whatever, it's classic." And contrasted with listened to a DT album: "They've taken old-school prog to the next level, man this is so f-ing powerful and intense."

So, what's more interesting?


Originally Posted by Don
And you say I'm the stupidest? I'm easily the smartest person on this forum, dare I say, with an extremely high IQ, and my degrees.


Originally Posted by Don
I mainly look down on every style of rock besides prog metal, and I despise 99% of mainstream bands. My favourite genre is classical and I also enjoy melodic death metal.


Originally Posted by Don
Ahhhh!! What is wrong with you people?!

Hardly ANY of you have listed any good bands. What is with all this 60/70's crap?! You can't all be 40 year-olds in here can you?

Damn I've been in prog forums too much that I didn't realise how many people liked ****, boring and simple rock. Okay here goes:

Piss Me Off 06-16-2008 06:25 AM

Don takes me back! He was great. I remember he had a website with a poorly made chart on it detailing how he basically only liked Dream Theater and Tool.

right-track 06-16-2008 10:58 AM

He wrote an entire article on his website dedicated to how much he hated me. :)

Urban Hat€monger ? 06-16-2008 11:06 AM

I'll always have a soft spot for this guy who I was arguing something about Iron Maiden with.
He wouldn't accept he was wrong even though I was quoting the bands own sleevenotes , he also seemed to think I was 16 or something too.

Dr_Rez 06-16-2008 11:08 AM

Well iv had a few good ones lately with The_DP, in the process got called a Dbag and music snob because i argued Bob Dylan was influential.

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