Piss Me Off |
06-18-2008 04:10 AM |
Well gave the Deltron 3030 album a good listen. It's quite difficult to describe how i think, while it is infectious and there are those little hooks that get in stuck in your head (Madness, i'm looking at you) i still can't avoid the fact that it isn't as immediate as it should be. It's weird, it's an album i'll probably end up listening to for the next week but i haven't warmed to it as such.
Maybe this is down to Del, i don't find myself wanting to hear him as much as i used to. He just sounds a bit bored half the time, doesn't he? Often its the music i'm concentrating on, not him.
And the music here is bloody great, always flows brilliantly. The strings based ones especially, which is what brings me to my next point.
The song 3030 is AMAZING. It is SOARING! It's so unlike anything else i've heard Del do, the first time i came on i had it up loud and i was caught in one of those moments where you have to stop what you're doing and just sit back and take it in. I swear i've heard those strings somewhere before, its probably something very obvious, but the track could easily be used for an epic sci-fi film. Fits in with the concept of the album very well i guess!
I think very highly of the album and i'll keep listening to it. I'm just hoping it'll have a place in my heart at some point.