Urban's Never-ending A to Z (lyrics, soundtrack, lead singer, electronic) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 06-09-2008, 08:00 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife View Post
But you can't do that! You're not Urban, it's just all wrong I tell you!
It's anrachy! Chaos! Societys will crumble because of this madness!!!!!
Originally Posted by swim View Post
America does folk, hardcore and mathrock better and that's 90% of what I give 2 shits on.
Originally Posted by chartsengrafs View Post
sweet nothing openly flaunts the fact that he is merely the empty shell of an even more unadmirable member. his loneliness and need for attention bleeds through every letter he types. edit: i would just like to add that i'm ashamed that he's from texas. surely you didn't grow up in texas, did you sweet nothing?
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Old 06-09-2008, 11:01 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife View Post
What happened here? I've been waiting for more albums...are you slacking or what?????
Computer died on me and I had to buy a new one. Once i've got this one all sorted out i'll start again.

Originally Posted by Vandyman View Post
Well, if he isn't going to post any more albums, I think I will
Not in my thread you ain't
Allow me to start one for you

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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Old 06-09-2008, 11:39 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Computer died on me and I had to buy a new one. Once i've got this one all sorted out i'll start again.
Yeah, think I read that somewhere already and forgot. Bummer about your computer, but YAY for getting a new one! Now post some more albums dammit!

Originally Posted by sweet_nothing View Post
It's anrachy! Chaos! Societys will crumble because of this madness!!!!!
Look, I was really scared there for a minute...
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Old 06-09-2008, 03:08 PM   #24 (permalink)
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This is a great thread. Can't wait to see more albums Urban.
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Old 06-12-2008, 11:15 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post

The 012 - Let's Get Professional - 1984

"The 012 would like it to be generally known that they have now sold out completely, but will be doing all they can to maintain that urban guerilla pop star image in the future."

So says the album sleeve

I know very little about this band but some digging around I discovered it was recorded in 1981 but not released until 1984 on some obscure label called Flicknife Records.
Their lead singer is the wonderfully named Kif Kif Le Batter. Playing on bass on some of the tracks on this album is a guy called Granto Showbiz , and i'm wondering if this is the same guy as Fall producer Grant Showbiz.

At first this album sounds like your typical post punk album with A Certain Ratio basslines , JAMC type guitars and Fall like vocals. But it's when the covers kick in where things either really get started or totally fall apart depending on your point of view.

There's a brilliant cover of Bob Marley's Three Little Birds which sounds like it's done by an English Captain Beefheart and with no melody whatsoever. After that Funky Town by Lipps INC is massacred with vocalist Le Batter proclaiming how shit the song is at regular intervals.

The band's own material stands up very well and a lot better than you'd expect if you'd only heard the covers. There's a couple of throwaway tracks but if abrasive post punk is your thing (And it is mine) then this is well worth a listen.

Rating 6/10

Favourite Songs - Let's Get Professional , Asbestos Lead Asbestos , Live Fast Die Young , Meltdown Situation
Hey would you mind sending me this ? I can' t find it anywhere , and I really want to hear it

And start a new album already !
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Old 06-13-2008, 04:05 PM   #26 (permalink)
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I'm not going to go into too much detail with compilations & bootlegs unless I really need to.

13th Floor Elevators - Live , San Francisco 1966 - 1980

A semi offical / bootleg which has been released a countless number of times of the band playing at the Avalon Ballroom in San Francisco on September 30th 1966 . Two months before the release of their debut album.
The sound quality is excellent to say this a soundboard recording from 1966 in fact i'd say it's better than that of their debut album. Splash 1 sounds much more beefed up & clearer than it's studio counterpart. There are seven songs on my issue of the album (some issues of it have 9). Four songs from the debut album , sadly not You're Gonna Miss Me which had already been a modest size hit for the band at this stage of their career and it's lack of inclusion is a minus point here.
There are also three covers on the album. The first being a cover of Buddy Holly's I'm Gonna Love You Too , with Erikson copying Holly's vocal mannerisms brilliantly but with the band still giving the song their trademark dirty garage fuzz. Following that is a cover of the Kinks You Really Got Me. Which is a pretty straight forward cover for the first couple of minutes. Then the bands electric jug comes into play and there seems to be extended jam sessions happening between each verse making the song almost 7 minutes long altogether. The final cover is of The Beatles song The Word of their Rubber Soul album, which to be honest I don't think i've ever heard before. So I can't comment on how it compares to the original. Only to say if I wasn't aware of it being a cover by the way it's played I would think it was one of their own songs.
On the whole not a bad recording thats only really soured by a couple of my favourites from the debut album not being included.


13th Floor Elevators - Up on the 13th Floor - 2000

A 17 track compilation album released in 2000 which was my first introduction to the band.
This is a pretty good comp to get started on the band although if I had known at the time that the band only had three albums out and that virtually all the best stuff was on the first two I doubt I would have bought this.
The first and second albums are pretty much split down the middle and take up 15 of the 17 songs available here , only two songs from the bands final album Bull Of The Woods are here but one of them is the best song on that album , May The Circle Remain Unbroken.
The song choice is pretty good too. I can't really think of any songs not on here that should be and I can't see any that shouldn't be on here either. This is a decent representation of the bands career. Although whether you need a compilation made up of essentially two albums is a different matter.

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Old 06-15-2008, 10:06 AM   #27 (permalink)
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13th Floor Elevators - Live - 1968

Not really a live album but a bunch of studio out-takes with crowd noises dubbed over them put out by the record company while they waited for the band to get their shit together for what would eventually become Bull In The Woods. Although a pointless exercise the quality of the music cannot be faulted. There's a great cover of 'Before You Accuse Me' which they often played in their live show but is only available on this album , a blues song performed by a countless number of bands , I've never heard these versions but the Elevators make it sound nice & dirty. The rest of the album just sounds like what it is , a bunch of songs off the first 2 albums with obvious crowd noise dubbed. Without the crowd noise this might make an interesting bootleg hearing alternate versions of songs , but that's all this album can aspire to being .. a curiosity for fans. And on that level it still fails due to being a mock live album.


The 1900s - Plume Delivery E.P. - 2006

The 1900s are a 7 piece band from Chicago who shouldn't be confused with the piss poor British guitar band 1990s.
The band have duel folky male/female vocals much like Belle & Sebastian and a couple of the songs on this EP sound a lot like them 'A Coming Age' and 'Whole Of The Law' in particular with their lavish strings and layered vocals. It's not all like that though. The 1900s share the same 60s influences not just with Belle & Sebastian but also the likes of Stereolab too so you also get some keyboard driven lounge pop too especially with the opener 'Bring The Good Boys Home'.
The 7 minute long 'Patron Saint Of The Mediocre' is another highlight having a sound that is almost shoegazish , imagine early Blur with a female vocalist. This isn't a band just throwing out any influence they can either. All of the songs sound like natural progressions, the EP flows along effortlessly and nothing seems out of place. The EP finishes with summery 60s pop of 'Heart Props' all one minute & 18 seconds of it.
They released a full album last year called 'Cold & Kind' but i've not heard it yet. If it's half as good as this i'll be in for a treat. My opinion when I bought this 2 years ago was it's the best debut EP i've heard by a band in years. Listening to it again I still think that.

Favourite Songs - Bring The Good Boys Home (Available as a free download on Last FM) , A Coming Age , Patron Saint Of The Mediocre ,

Urb's RYM Stuff

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Old 06-15-2008, 10:37 AM   #28 (permalink)
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1 Speed Bike - Droopy Butt Begone - 2000

1 Speed Bike is a solo project from Godspeed You! Black Emperor drummer Aiden Girt. And yes it does sound like a drummers solo album too as the drums dominate the album. Given that it's a solo project of a guy from a band that I really do not have much love for and that the entire album sounds like a big drum solo you'd think I'd hate this album, yet I don't.
It's a bit like a mixture of DJ Shadow's Endtroducing & Eno & Bryne's Bush of Ghosts as seen from a drummers point of view.

The songs follow a typical pattern - show chill out bit , followed by sample , followed by another slow chill out bit , and then the drums come crashing in. It does get a bit predictable after a while. The song titles are ridiculously long and stupid but you come to expect that with certain post rock bands. And it's not as if they are needed really the songs just kind of merge into this single entity it's hard to know when one finishes and the next starts.

An OK record , but one that doesn't really stand up well to repeated plays. It has it's moments but on the whole it brings nothing particularly new or interesting. Other than the beats there's nothing really here.


Urb's RYM Stuff

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Old 06-15-2008, 12:00 PM   #29 (permalink)
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I downloaded the 1990's song, 'cos i could, very nice. This may be because i'm in a bit of a Stereolab phase at the moment, nether the less its a nice little pop song, sounding a teeny bit scandinavian.

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Old 06-17-2008, 01:53 PM   #30 (permalink)
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1 Speed Bike - Someone Told Me Life Gets Easier In Your 50s - 2005

The 2nd 1 Speed Bike album sees pretty much the same thing as the previous album , only even more political witterings and with even longer more stupid song titles.The drums on this album seem to be even louder than they were before. After 4 songs i'm seriously getting pissed off with the constant THUD THUD THUD with no hint of any sort of melody in sight. So when the 5th song 'Klootzak Keizer Intro' with an actual tune & some lyrics come in it's a blessed relief.
The next song on the album 'Vanilla Ice Corrals His Pet Wallaroo, Bucky, Into a Trailer, After It and His Goat Pal, Honcho, Escaped From a Relative's Home' see's the thudding return and my interest waning even more.
By song 7 (8 Months Stuck in a Shipping Container With 12 Jehovah's Witnesses) I really can't tolerate this album anymore and want to turn it off. By the 8th song I HAVE turned it off. Which is a shame as I was really looking forward to such songs as 'My Dick Is This Small Because It's -40 Degrees F' and 'Shoving the Guardian Up My Ass While Binge Drinking With a Hoodie On' or the classic 'Will Death Stop Lenny Kravitz's Ego?'. Also a shame because the first album showed a bit of promise.
I'm sure there are people who like this album somewhere , but for me it takes more than personnelle from a band with indie cred and some silly song titles to impress me.


Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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