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View Poll Results: Favorite Radiohead Album?
Pablo Honey 17 2.79%
The Bends 97 15.93%
OK Computer 219 35.96%
Kid A 129 21.18%
Amnesiac 30 4.93%
Hail to the Thief 30 4.93%
In Rainbows 85 13.96%
The King of Limbs 2 0.33%
Voters: 609. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-26-2010, 12:51 PM   #3081 (permalink)
eat the masters
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if i knew i was gonna be stuck on an island i'd bring an ipod and try to find some hand crank generator or something.
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Old 09-26-2010, 05:59 PM   #3082 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FaSho View Post
Cool username, bro.
I'm surprised it was available. Even if it wasn't a great band it would be a great moniker.

Radiohead is special because they don't pander to musical trends, they help to forge new ones. The best bands always do that. Their music is hard to put in a box, and is certainly an acquired taste for many. I brought in a self-made CD of some Radiohead stuff to play at work....and got the standard "what are we listening to" from two of the girls who prefers bland diva pop. Radiohead is not for the unadventurous of ear. Some prefer safe-as-milk, doctor's office background music (which is fine, if that rocks your boat). But others want their mind taken on a journey of virgin territory, with aural twists and turns along the way. With Radiohead, you get that. And perhaps the best thing about Radiohead is it opens your mind (and ears) to all other kinds of adventurous music out there.

Now if only any of that ever got played on the radio.
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Old 09-26-2010, 06:00 PM   #3083 (permalink)
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or, radiohead is music for people that love music.
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Old 09-29-2010, 02:23 PM   #3084 (permalink)
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The funny thing is that most people who dislike Radiohead proclaim them to be pretty safe, boiler-plate musicians and that "Band X" is much more adventurous.

I'll admit some Radiohead albums are like that though. And the fact that there are some Radiohead fans who actually think OK Computer is avant-garde in any sense of the word are really reading a lot into nothing... But I'd much rather see Radiohead garner the whole 'they're so unique!' status than any other band of their stature.
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Old 09-30-2010, 04:19 PM   #3085 (permalink)
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Most of the people I know who dislike Radiohead find them boring. I'm not going to start a fight with anyone who accuses them of writing pop music, they do. To me, Radiohead is fantastic because they do so much so well for so many.
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Old 10-01-2010, 12:04 PM   #3086 (permalink)
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My pick for best Radiohead album is definitely Kid A. The frightening and disturbing atmosphere that they're able to conjure up is definitely something special. A close second is Ok Computer.
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Old 10-04-2010, 05:41 PM   #3087 (permalink)
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radiohead is my favorite band so a single album is rough for me but The Bends is most definitely my favorite with In Rainbows as a second (but believe me I love all of it beyond every other type of music out thre
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Old 10-04-2010, 05:43 PM   #3088 (permalink)
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They seem to make a lot of different music. This can be very good, yet bad at the same time. I like some of their stuff, but can't say I like all of it.
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Old 10-04-2010, 06:33 PM   #3089 (permalink)
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well ol Thom and Johnny normally are the writers and honestly they dun give a crap about the music industry and make whatever they feel like making. like I dun care what anyone says, Kid-A and Amnesiac were TOTALLY johnny greenwood whereas the bends and OK computer was more Thoms work. In Rainbows is the only album i can think of where it was about everyone in the band

(I base this off of johnny and thoms solo work, thoms sounds closer to the bends and ok computer johnny's is really psychedelic and electronic like Kid-A and its purely my own opinion)

but of course lyrics are just about always just thom (you can REALLY tell it in The Bends because he goes through all his hatred for Pablo Honey and the one-hit wonder success radiohead originally had)
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Old 10-04-2010, 07:59 PM   #3090 (permalink)
eat the masters
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Originally Posted by FakePlasticKid View Post
well ol Thom and Johnny normally are the writers and honestly they dun give a crap about the music industry and make whatever they feel like making. like I dun care what anyone says, Kid-A and Amnesiac were TOTALLY johnny greenwood whereas the bends and OK computer was more Thoms work. In Rainbows is the only album i can think of where it was about everyone in the band

(I base this off of johnny and thoms solo work, thoms sounds closer to the bends and ok computer johnny's is really psychedelic and electronic like Kid-A and its purely my own opinion)

but of course lyrics are just about always just thom (you can REALLY tell it in The Bends because he goes through all his hatred for Pablo Honey and the one-hit wonder success radiohead originally had)
i'd say most of the bands output is collaborative. and have you heard the eraser? it sounds pretty damn electronic to me.
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