Worst band on earth? (lyrics, rock, album, Tool, members) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 09-18-2006, 11:08 PM   #741 (permalink)
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Haha this is awesome. If you can rock a kazoo, or bagpipes then your my hero thats for damn sure. As of Tool being the worst band ever I still don't think they are that bad. I mean come on we still have P!ATD. However, I will still stand by my earlier answer and say Los Del Rio.
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Old 09-18-2006, 11:36 PM   #742 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Donnie Drunko View Post
No, they are not. if i shaved my head and became an anorexic ugly f u c k, i could replace maynard and you know what? none of their idiot fans would notice because theyre either too stoned or too stupid to realize. just because the drummer does a little hat trick with time signatures every now and then does not mean the whole band is f u c k i n g brilliant. they are, in fact, f u c k i n g plain and boring. You want innovation lets see what you can do with a kazoo and a f u c k i n g set of bagpipes

It's great fun taking the piss out of a band isn't it. Kids of all ages can do it.

So far, you've got nothing. Maynard has fantastic vocals, is a creative writer and dynamic performer. The drummers "little hat tricks" are about 463 times harder to do than most other stuff out there. There is innovation before the band even plays, from the geometric layout of Carey's kit to the mathematical writing style of Keenan. Much of their material is based around science and math, lyrics venture into psychology and idealogy. The strings department isn't overwhelming but they do tie in well with the band, and they don't happily lie down and give you the generic parts of guitar eather. Live performances are highly regarded as they play as effectively as they can in the studio, the lighting effects they set up for some concerts are pretty intriguing too. And surely you don't hate the videos!

Why do you find them boring? No really, theres been a few people who have said this now, so far I'm assuming it's just a tastes thing. Don't worry, I don't smoke anything and last time I checked I was pretty smart. So what is it, song length? Not angry enough for you? No bagpipes?
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Old 09-18-2006, 11:38 PM   #743 (permalink)
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Yeah, because if you don't like a band it is obviously because you can't comprehend the philosophy behind the lyrics, or it isn't angry enough for you.
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Old 09-18-2006, 11:41 PM   #744 (permalink)
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Apparently, and if you don't like a band they become the worst band on earth too
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Old 09-18-2006, 11:42 PM   #745 (permalink)
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I didn't claim that. Donnie Drunko did, and I realize that you were quoting him.
What is it with Tool fans that makes them think Tool are THE greatest, and anyone who disagrees can't understand their philisophical greatness?
Maybe we just don't like 15 minute bore-fests..reasonable?
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Old 09-18-2006, 11:46 PM   #746 (permalink)
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I never said they were the greatest. I try not to imply that they are the greatest eather. I just argued my points, asked a few genuine questions and shall wait for the reply. Part of what I was asking was why Drunkie found it boring.

And even I don't like Disgustipated, their only song breaching 15 minutes, or even 14 minutes for that matter
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Old 09-19-2006, 07:44 AM   #747 (permalink)
butt say x
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Originally Posted by bungalowbill357 View Post
I didn't claim that. Donnie Drunko did, and I realize that you were quoting him.
What is it with Tool fans that makes them think Tool are THE greatest, and anyone who disagrees can't understand their philisophical greatness?
Maybe we just don't like 15 minute bore-fests..reasonable?
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Old 09-19-2006, 03:23 PM   #748 (permalink)
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Tool is a band for people with an above average IQ.
If you don't get em'......heeeeeres your sign ,,!,,
The Donnie person is making a very bad first impression here lately.

Originally Posted by RezZ View Post
I think I know much better than you ever will how Mettalica is. I used to play for 2 years in a Mettalica cover band.

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Old 09-19-2006, 03:31 PM   #749 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ace View Post
Tool is a band for people with an above average IQ.

I had no idea that there were so many SMART people, seriously there is nothing DEEP about Tool. They aren't the worst band but I can think of 100 that I like better
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Old 09-19-2006, 03:44 PM   #750 (permalink)
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If there was nothing deep about them, you wouldn't need to read the lyrics more than once to even get a clue what Maynard is writing about.
Example: 46 & 2 is a song written about human DNA and chromosomes.
The shadow line of the song is a reference to a darker part of the mind, that no one likes to admit they have. 46 & 2 refers to the next level of human awareness, as the song itself reflects the band's intrest in the theories of Drunvalo Melchizadek. Too technical for me to go into details with.
Now this isn't one example of them being more than your ordinary band?

Originally Posted by RezZ View Post
I think I know much better than you ever will how Mettalica is. I used to play for 2 years in a Mettalica cover band.

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