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#511 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 400
![]() when I kiss Your Lips... ...I feel the rolling thunder to my finger tips and all the while my head is in a spin... ...deep within I'm in Love You're my everything... ...and nothing really matters but the Love You bring... ...You're my everything I need You close to me... ...You're my everything You never have to worry... ...never fear for I am near Last edited by Love-song; 05-02-2011 at 05:25 AM. |
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#512 (permalink) | |
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Spain
Posts: 824
Yes, I liked it. And it also reminded me of this Mürfila's music video, with that kitten... (btw, she looks hotter than Bonanza's coffee pot
![]() Thank you very much! I'm glad someone appreciates my work. If you knew how difficult to translate a song is!! Sometimes it's like a mental torture, really. I know that a "lost in translation" result is almost inevitable (Italians say: traduttore, traditore, which means "translator, traitor"), but I always get neurotically involved when translating a song. I lose my mind trying to find the most accurate words, consulting bilingual dictionaries, synonyms dictionaries, etc. It's about to convey meanings, ideas, feelings, emotions... not just words. And that's really, really, very difficult. Besides, the rhyme cannot be "translated". For instance, apart from its superb music, Sidonie (one of my fave bands) is notable for its rhyming lyrics. Like these: "Tus huesos son ................................ Your bones are un arrecife de cristal ................................ a crystal reef en un océano ................................ into an ocean de carne ideal. ................................ of ideal flesh. Mis ojos derraman ................................ My eyes shed oro líquido en el mar ................................ liquid gold on the sea y te coronan ................................ and crown la cabeza de coral. ................................ your head with coral." That's the kind of thing that I always wanted to say to all my platonic loves (if possible, during some summer holidays in the French Riviera). ![]() Well, here you are, one of the best Sidonie's love songs, made under a blessed musical influence from The Beatles. Costa Azul ("French Riviera", 2007): ♫ "Tus huesos son ................................ Your bones are un arrecife de cristal ................................ a crystal reef en un océano ................................ into an ocean de carne ideal. ................................ of ideal flesh. Mis ojos derraman ................................ My eyes shed oro líquido en el mar ................................ liquid gold on the sea y te coronan ................................ and crown la cabeza de coral. ................................ your head with coral. Mutando el viento ................................ When wind changed, la marea me arrastró; ................................ tide swept me away; nadé en abrazos ................................ I swam with strokes de azulada dimensión. ................................ of bluish dimension. Creí que tus brazos ................................ I thought your arms eran la sal de mi nación. ................................ were my nation's salt. América es bella ................................ America is beautiful pero naufragué en Japón. ................................ but I was shipwrecked in Japan. En la Costa Azul, ................................ In the French Riviera, una foto nuestra a contraluz, ................................ a photo of us taken against the light, un beso para siempre, ................................ a kiss forever, fundidos en cuerpos siameses. ................................ fused as siamese bodies. Aunque de un vaso roto, ................................ Although from a broken glass, mi boca bebió ................................ my mouth drank la sombra del otoño ................................ the autumn's shadow y el último adiós. ................................ and the last farewell. Todos los mares ................................ I will put all the seas los pondré en un jarrón, ................................ into a vase, y nuestro verano ................................ and our summer, enmarcado en mi salón. ................................ framed at my lounge. En la Costa Azul, ................................ In the French Riviera, una foto nuestra a contraluz, ................................ a photo of us taken against the light, un beso para siempre, ................................ a kiss forever, fundidos en cuerpos siameses. ................................ fused as siamese bodies. En la Costa Azul, ................................ In the French Riviera, una foto nuestra a contraluz, ................................ a photo of us taken against the light, un beso para siempre, ................................ a kiss forever, fundidos en cuerpos siameses. ................................ fused as siamese bodies." ♫ Lyrics' general meaning is good, but it's the whole (music + lyrics + rhyme...) that makes this love-song a Sidonie's masterpiece, in my opinion. Quote:
Song, through a female voice (Mürfila), says: "without you, / people ask me / what day I died. / And I answer: / since you decided to go away from here". At videoclip, the boy dies and the girl decides to go away, which apparently is the opposite thing. But if you see it as a metaphor, it's not. It's the same thing: Sometimes, a person is no longer the same, when the beloved disappears from his/her life (for several possible reasons). So, in a way, we could say that he/she dies as a certain personality. And the association between death and leaving is a classic topic in Western literature (and art in general). At a popular level too. In fact, dead people are called "the departed".
"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."
Last edited by Zaqarbal; 05-03-2011 at 03:50 PM. |
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#513 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 400
![]() there You are... ...in the early light of day there You are... ...in the quiet words I pray I've been Blessed...by the simple happiness... ...of the perfect Love We've made every time I turn around... ...when I'm lost and when I'm found like an Angel standing guard... ...there You are every time I take a breath... ...and when I forget to breathe You're watching over me... ...there You are when I'm looking for the light... ...in the middle of the night searching for the brightest star... ...there You are there You are... ...standing in a crowded room there You are... ...the Earth and I'm the Moon my Desire is to stand by the Fire... ...that burns inside of You every time I turn around... ...when I'm lost and when I'm found like an Angel standing guard... ...there You are every time I take a breath... ...and when I forget to breathe You're watching over me... ...there You are when I'm looking for the light... ...in the middle of the night searching for the brightest star... ...there You are there You are... |
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#514 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Spain
Posts: 824
![]() Time for Italian now. Ti amo ("I love You") is a well-known song by Umberto Tozzi. (translation source here) ♫ "Ti amo ................................ I love you un soldo ................................ a single ti amo ................................ "I love you" in aria ................................ in air ti amo. ................................ I love you. Se viene testa ................................ If it goes to your head vuol dire che basta, ................................ it means that it's over (enough) lasciamoci. ................................ let's leave each other. (Ti amo) ................................ (I love you) io sono ................................ I am (ti amo) ................................ (I love you) in fondo un uomo ................................ deep down a man che non ha freddo nel cuore. ................................ who is not cold in his heart . Nel letto comando io. ................................ In bed I command (I call the shots) ma tremo davanti al tuo seno. ................................ but I tremble before your bosom. Ti odio e ti amo. ................................ I hate you and I love you E una farfalla che muore sbattendo le ali ................................ The love that is made in bed l'amore che a letto si fa. ................................ is a butterfly that dies beating its wings together. Rendimi I'altra metà, ................................ Render the other half for me (be my other wing), oggi ritorno da lei ................................ today i return to her primo Maggio ................................ the first day of May, su coraggio!..................get up courage! lo ti amo e chiedo perdono. ................................ I love you and I ask forgiveness. Ricordi chi sono. ................................ Remember who I am. Apri la porta a un guerriero di carta igienica. ................................ Open the door to a soldier made of tissue paper. E dammi il tuo vino leggero ................................ And give me your light bodied wine (summer wine) che hai fatto quando non c'ero ................................ that you made when I was not there (when I was away), e le lenzuola di lino. ................................ and the sheets of linen. Dammi il sonno di un bambino. ................................ Give me the sleep of a child (let me sleep like a child) che "ta" sogna cavalli e si gira ................................ who dreams of horses and spins around (a carousel) e un po' di lavoro. ................................ and (give me) some work. Fammi abbracciare una donna che stira cantando ................................ Let me hug a woman who sings as she irons e poi fatti un po' prendere in giro ................................ and then let yourself be teased a little (let me tease you a little) prima di fare I'amore ................................ before we make love. Vesti la rabbia di pace ................................ Dress your anger with peace e sottane sulla luce. ................................ and the light with your petticoats (dress the lamp with your petticoats). lo ti amo e chiedo perdono. ................................ I love you and I ask forgiveness. Ricordi chi sono. ................................ Remember who I am. Ti amo ................................ I love you ti amo ................................ I love you ti amo ................................ I love you ti amo ................................ I love you ti amo. ................................ I love you E dammi il tuo vino leggero ................................ And give me your light bodied wine (summer wine) che hai fatto quando non c'ero ................................ that you made when I was not there (when I was away), e le lenzuola di lino. ................................ and the sheets of linen. Dammi il sonno di un bambino. ................................ Give me the sleep of a child (let me sleep like a child) che "ta" sogna cavalli e si gira ................................ who dreams of horses and spins around (a carousel) e un po' di lavoro. ................................ and (give me) some work. Fammi abbracciare una donna che stira cantando ................................ Let me hug a woman who sings as she irons e poi fatti un po' prendere in giro ................................ and then let yourself be teased a little (let me tease you a little) prima di fare I'amore ................................ before we make love. Vesti la rabbia di pace ................................ Dress your anger with peace e sottane sulla luce. ................................ and the light with your petticoats (dress the lamp with your petticoats) Ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo. ................................ I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you I love you, I love you ti amo ................................ I love you ti amo ................................ I love you ti amo ................................ I love you ti amo. ................................ I love you Ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo. ................................ I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you ti amo ................................ I love you ti amo ................................ I love you ti amo ................................ I love you ti amo. ................................ I love you" ♫
"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."
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#515 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 400
![]() tell me...tell me how You knew about my Heart... ...You see...see the things that no one else could see I thought...I was doing fine until You turned my Life around... ...with everything You'd found deep inside...I thought that I had died... ...You make me believe when I thought that Love was gone...all gone... ...You make me believe and You proved that Love was strong...so strong... ...You make me believe... 'cause You touched inside of me... ...something I would never have believed until...until You conquered me... |
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#516 (permalink) |
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Location: Spain
Posts: 824
Love between strangers: I guess Sinatra comes to mind....
...but my favourite song about it is this one: Presuntos Implicados: La flor de la mañana ("The Morning Flower"). ♫ "Eran sólo dos extraños ................................ They were just two strangers concediéndose deseos ................................ granting each other's wishes como dos enamorados, ................................ like lovers do, que vaciaron sus manos ................................ and they emptied their hands de desengaños y miedos ................................ of disappointments and fears y de afecto las llenaron. ................................ and fill them up with affection. Calmaron con fresas su hambre, ................................ They eased their hunger with strawberries, con vino su sed, ................................ their thirst with wine, y el frío con su calor. ................................ and the cold with their warmth. Y el sueño venció, ................................ And sleep overcame, la mañana volvió, ................................ morning came again, y pensaron los dos: ................................ and they both thought: ¿Qué habrá tras tu mirada, ................................ What is there behind your gaze, que tanto oculta y tanto da? ................................ that hides and shows so many things? Vuelve a la cama a soñar, ................................ Come back to bed and dream, que amor que mucho piensa ................................ because a love that thinks too much verás como comienza, ................................ shows its own beginning, y entonces pronto acabará. ................................ so it might end up soon. La flor de la mañana hoy ................................ Today you sowed the morning flower sembraste en mi ventana ................................ at my window fingiendo que fingías ................................ while you pretended to be pretending que me amabas. ................................ to be in love with me. Y prometieron locuras, ................................ And they promised crazy things, y cumplieron las promesas, ................................ and they kept their promises, y se derramó ternura, ................................ and tenderness was spilt, y confundieron sus cuerpos ................................ and they blended their bodies en un solo abrazo largo, ................................ in one single long hug, como dos enamorados. ................................ like lovers do. . Calmaron con fresas su hambre, ................................ They eased their hunger with strawberries, con vino su sed, ................................ their thirst with wine, y el frío con su calor. ................................ and the cold with their warmth. Y el sueño venció, ................................ And sleep overcame, la mañana volvió, ................................ morning came again, y pensaron los dos: ................................ and they both thought: ¿Qué habrá tras tu mirada, ................................ What is there behind your gaze, que tanto oculta y tanto da? ................................ that hides and shows so many things? Vuelve a la cama a soñar, ................................ Come back to bed and dream, que amor que mucho piensa ................................ because a love that thinks too much verás como comienza, ................................ shows its own beginning, y entonces pronto acabará. ................................ so it might end up soon. La flor de la mañana hoy ................................ Today you sowed the morning flower sembraste en mi ventana ................................ at my window fingiendo que fingías ................................ while you pretended to be pretending que me amabas. ................................ to be in love with me. La flor de la mañana hoy ................................ Today you sowed the morning flower sembraste en mi ventana ................................ at my window fingiendo que fingías ................................ while you pretended to be pretending que me amabas. ................................ to be in love with me." ♫ I love this: "...you pretended to be pretending to be in love with me". The original sweetness (phonetics, sound, voice, cadence...) is probably "lost in translation", but I think the deepest meaning is universally understandable.
"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."
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#517 (permalink) |
Music Addict
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 400
![]() I give to You...and You give to me... ...true Love...true Love so on and on...it will always be... ...true Love...true Love for You and I have a Guardian Angel... ...on high...with nothing to do but to give to You...and to give to me... ...Love forever true true Love...true Love... ...I give You true...true Love |
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#519 (permalink) | |
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: NY baby
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![]() lawl the intro to the song is different but 10 seconds in, the real one plays. I'm pretty sure I may have posted this before but I was listening to it last night. What the hell babe, Damn I ain't never felt this way Somebody, somebody, tell me I don't have a clue what to do When it comes to you Baby, you're so beautiful Every time I see you girl, it throw me off It's so unusual For me to be waiting But I don't want to blow it girl, But you should know this girl I'm not gonna be the one to mess this up Cause I done effed up in love before, I'ma be the one to take a back seat girl We can take our time and you can run this, Stay in, go out, Anything you want girl, we can do Girl are we going down, I don't know, But from here now baby I'm gone leave that up to you, I'ma leave it up to you
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes. Quote:
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