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Old 05-06-2011, 04:07 PM   #521 (permalink)
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James Morrison is a serious panty dropper. He sings about love so carefully.

aaand Michael Buble declaring is absolute undying affection and admiration for a woman - this is my absolute favorite.

Ah, the moons too bright
The chains too tight
The beast won't go to sleep
I've been running through these promises to you
That I made and I could not keep
Ah but a man never got a woman back
Not by begging on his knees
Or I'd crawl to you baby
And I'd fall at your feet
And I'd howl at your beauty
Like a dog in heat
And I'd claw at your heart
And I'd tear at your sheet
I'd say please, please
I'm your man.
Cellar Door
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Old 05-06-2011, 11:21 PM   #522 (permalink)
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it's a big world...
...for a Boy and a girl
letting go of it all...
...holding on...to one another

We can lay here forever...
...stay here forever
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Old 05-06-2011, 11:29 PM   #523 (permalink)
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Originally done by the Troggs, but I like this version more for obvious reasons.

If its love that you want
Baby you got it
From the depth of my soul
Baby you got it
Ive been watching you
Am I loving you in vain
Girl theres no need to explain
Anyway that you want me
Anyway that youll take me
Anyway that youll make me feel a part of you
Anyway at all

If theres dreams in your heart
Theyll last forever
From the depth of my soul
Ill make them come true
Ive been watching you
Am I loving you in vain
Girl theres no need to explain

Anyway that you want me
Anyway that youll take me
Anyway that youll make me feel a part of you
Anyway at all
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Old 05-07-2011, 10:14 AM   #524 (permalink)
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when i...i saw Your Face...
...it was like a space
in my Heart was filled...
...it's like i knew
from the very start...
...that You were every other part...of me

it's like i have Loved You since...
...from the moment when
since time began...
...You fill...my Heart

oh...oh...Love of mine...
...why did it take so long to find
Your Touch...
...Hope...was never gone
even though it took so long...
...to find You

because i have Loved You since...
...from the moment when
since time began...
...and i have Loved You since
from the moment when...
...since time began
You fill...my Heart...

...You fill...my Heart
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Old 05-08-2011, 12:13 AM   #525 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Zaqarbal View Post
Yes, I liked it. And it also reminded me of this Mürfila's music video, with that kitten... (btw, she looks hotter than Bonanza's coffee pot ).
Hotter than Bonanza's coffee pot! Nice analogy, Zaqarbal, especially considering the kitchen scenes in the video, where the kitten was a very cute addition. I missed the kitten at the end when the bodies writhing in sexual ecstasy (or torture at its absence) took center stage. Do you know any love songs for cats?

I like how the song/video transitions from memory to real time until the separation between the two seems to disappear.

Originally Posted by Zaqarbal View Post
Thank you very much! I'm glad someone appreciates my work. If you knew how difficult to translate a song is!! Sometimes it's like a mental torture, really. I know that a "lost in translation" result is almost inevitable (Italians say: traduttore, traditore, which means "translator, traitor"), but I always get neurotically involved when translating a song. I lose my mind trying to find the most accurate words, consulting bilingual dictionaries, synonyms dictionaries, etc. It's about to convey meanings, ideas, feelings, emotions... not just words. And that's really, really, very difficult. Besides, the rhyme cannot be "translated". For instance, apart from its superb music, Sidonie (one of my fave bands) is notable for its rhyming lyrics.
Yes, I can see the careful attention you put into your translations! "Traduttore, traditore" -- I like that. My guess is you aren't much of a traitor.

Translating emotion, meaning, and the feel of the words *is* a challenge. I have only tried to translate a few poems or songs from German to English, one poem being my own that I wrote when a teenager. I tried to maintain the meaning *and* the rhyme. That was difficult but fun.

Originally Posted by Zaqarbal View Post
That's the kind of thing that I always wanted to say to all my platonic loves (if possible, during some summer holidays in the French Riviera). But with the rhyme it sounds even better! Sadly, as I said, rhyme cannot be "translated". That's why I use to post the original lyrics together with their translation.

Well, here you are, one of the best Sidonie's love songs, made under a blessed musical influence from The Beatles. Costa Azul ("French Riviera", 2007):

Aunque de un vaso roto, ................................ Although from a broken glass,[/I]
mi boca bebió ................................ my mouth drank
la sombra del otoño ................................ the autumn's shadow
y el último adiós. ................................ and the last farewell.
Todos los mares ................................ I will put all the seas
los pondré en un jarrón, ................................ into a vase,
y nuestro verano ................................ and our summer,
enmarcado en mi salón. ................................ framed at my lounge.

En la Costa Azul, ................................ In the French Riviera,

una foto nuestra a contraluz, ................................ a photo of us taken against the light,
un beso para siempre, ................................ a kiss forever,
fundidos en cuerpos siameses. ................................ fused as siamese bodies.
" ♫ [/CENTER]

Lyrics' general meaning is good, but it's the whole (music + lyrics + rhyme...) that makes this love-song a Sidonie's masterpiece, in my opinion.
A love song about nostalgia for platonic love! I like that. I wish "Costa Azul" translated as "azure coast" because I feel that is much nicer than "French Riviera." "Azure" is one of my favorite words.

There aren't many love songs about platonic love, are there? And yet platonic love is so powerful and often so lasting that one would think it would be the subject of more songs...especially since, in my opinion, platonic love is the basis of any love. Can you think of many more love songs about deep platonic love?

I especially like the lines you translated about putting the seas in a vase and the summer framed as a picture. Those lyrics remind me of all the little bits and pieces of shells and sticks and leaves I saved when I was a child because they became my treasures connecting me with other places and times...with memory. My little treasures are bittersweet, since they can't replace the reality.

Originally Posted by Zaqarbal View Post
Well, you know, music-video directors are strongly influenced by Cinema. And since Bonnie and Clyde, that kind of couples are very popular too: Steve McQueen and Ali MacGraw in The Getaway, Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette in True Romance, etc. Nevertheless, I think there's a beautiful "poetic connection" between song and video:

Song, through a female voice (Mürfila), says: "without you, / people ask me / what day I died. / And I answer: / since you decided to go away from here". At videoclip, the boy dies and the girl decides to go away, which apparently is the opposite thing. But if you see it as a metaphor, it's not. It's the same thing: Sometimes, a person is no longer the same, when the beloved disappears from his/her life (for several possible reasons). So, in a way, we could say that he/she dies as a certain personality. And the association between death and leaving is a classic topic in Western literature (and art in general). At a popular level too. In fact, dead people are called "the departed".
You're right...that video does work on a metaphorical level rather than just a melodramatic one, and I overlooked that. Thanks for pointing out the connection between the lyrics and the video action.

You make the good point that death in the video *can* simply represent someone changing. I hear from divorced people that when a spouse changes and leaves you, it is worse than death, for if that person's feelings toward you *change* then you can't even really treasure the memories of when that person loved you as you wished.

Your posted nostalgic song about platonic love along the seaside made me think of two love songs about nostalgia and the sea that I like:

First, a nostaglic song about romantic (failed) love along the seaside:
Don Henley - "Boys of Summer"

Second, the ol' famous "Seasons in the Sun" song about all sorts of love...of friends, family, lover (?), children, nature...of life. When I was a child I really loved "Seasons in the Sun." Ah, love!

Terry Jacks - "Seasons in the Sun"
Is Michelle a child, do you think? Who is Michelle?

Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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Old 05-08-2011, 09:25 AM   #526 (permalink)
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I can't believe what's happened to me...
...You stepped right out of my dream
like nothing I'd ever seen...
...and I will Love You...for the rest of my life
'til forever is gone...
...You'll be the One

'cause Baby...I never thought I would say...
...that Baby...You are my night and my day

it's so right...
...when I see the Love in Your Eyes
all that I wanna do...
...Baby...is to spend my Life with You
and I know...
...as long as there is tomorrow
I'll be Loving You right from the start...
...with all my Heart
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Old 05-08-2011, 09:32 AM   #527 (permalink)
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Richard: Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels?

Barry: NO!! ....the Righteous Brothers.

Richard: Well, never mind.

Barry: No, not never mind. You tell me right now. What's wrong with the Righteous Brothers?

Richard: Nothing, I just prefer the other....

Barry: BULLCRAP!!!

Rob: How can it be "bullcrap" to state a preference????
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Old 05-08-2011, 08:01 PM   #528 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
Translating emotion, meaning, and the feel of the words *is* a challenge. I have only tried to translate a few poems or songs from German to English, one poem being my own that I wrote when a teenager. I tried to maintain the meaning *and* the rhyme. That was difficult but fun.
Well, it could be worse. For instance, to translate from German to French, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese (or other languages with grammatical gender) and vice-versa. For example, remember all those classic poetic love allusions to the Moon:

  • French: La Lune (feminine). Italian and Spanish: La Luna (feminine). Portuguese: A Lua (feminine).
  • German: Der Mond (masculine).
Songs become gay!

Apart from that, Belinda Carlisle found a lyrical possibility and made a love song:

About a year ago, I had to do (just as a hobby) a curious translation. Spanish band Radio Futura made a song inspired by Anabel Lee, a famous poem by Edgar Allan Poe. So I faced the bizarre situation that certain lines were very similar to Poe's verses, and apparently I had to "re-translate" them. But, obviously, in those cases I preferred to transcribe the original. Here is the final result (I hope it isn't bad ).

Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
Terry Jacks - "Seasons in the Sun"
Is Michelle a child, do you think? Who is Michelle?
Hmmmm...I'm not sure. That line is an addition by Terry Jacks, isn't it? I mean, it wasn't included in Brel's version.

Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
First, a nostaglic song about romantic (failed) love along the seaside:
Don Henley - "Boys of Summer"

Second, the ol' famous "Seasons in the Sun" song about all sorts of love...of friends, family, lover (?), children, nature...of life. When I was a child I really loved "Seasons in the Sun." Ah, love!
Yes, I know, that kind of "waterfall of memories".... Personally, I always think of some famous Italian love songs. For instance, Gino Paoli's Sapore di sale ("Taste of Salt"). And, of course, I bear an ideal Mediterranean beauty in mind every time I listen to it. Ah, l'Amore!

"Sapore di sale, sapore di mare ................................ Taste of salt, taste of sea
che hai sulla pelle, che hai sulle labbra ................................ that you have on your skin, that you have on your lips
quando esci dall'acqua e ti vieni a sdraiare ................................ when you come out the water and you come to lay
vicino a me, vicino a me. ................................ near to me, near to me.

Sapore di sale, sapore di mare ................................ Taste of salt, taste of sea
un gusto un po' amaro di cose perdute ................................ a taste a bit bitter of lost things
di cose lasciate lontano da noi.............................of things left far away from us
dove il mondo è diverso, diverso da qui. ................................ where the world is different, different from here.

Il tempo è nei giorni che passano pigri ................................ The time is in the days that pass lazily

e lasciano in bocca il gusto del sale ................................ and leave in the mouth the taste of the salt
ti butti nell'acqua e mi lasci a guardarti ................................ you jump in the water and you leave me to watch you
e rimango da solo nella sabbia e nel sol. ................................ and I stay alone in the sand and the sun.

Poi torni vicino e ti lasci cadere......................Then you come back near and leave yourself fall down
così nella sabbia e nelle mie braccia ................................ like this in the sand and in my arms
e mentre ti bacio sapore di sale ................................ and while I kiss you taste of salt
sapore di mare, sapore di te. ................................ taste of sea, taste of you.

"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."

Last edited by Zaqarbal; 05-08-2011 at 08:11 PM.
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Old 05-08-2011, 09:51 PM   #529 (permalink)
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touch me...You know just how to touch me...
...kiss me...You know just where to kiss me

You know how to make me...make me feel so good...
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Old 05-10-2011, 02:19 PM   #530 (permalink)
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Nothing else needs to be said...

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