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Old 04-08-2010, 02:55 PM   #341 (permalink)
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System of a Down- Toxicity

This is the album that got me into music. I remember being 12 or 13 and getting this album and always having it playing, much to the dismay of my brothers and parents.

Swollen Members- Bad Dreams

The first album that convinced me that maybe all rap wasn't terrible tripe about bitches and hos.


This wasn't an album that changed my world or anything, but it's one that even now going back to it, I still enjoy immensely.

Sirenia- At Sixes and Sevens

Until I heard this record, I thought that if metal wasn't fast and angry to the point where it is one dimensional, it didn't deserve the time of day. This was so melancholy and brooding and I loved every minute of it.

Opeth- Still Life

My introduction to one of my favorite bands.

That 1 Guy- Songs In The Key of Beyotch

This was my first exposure to self-made instruments.

The Locust-Plague Soundscapes
So volatile, noisy, and non-musical. And I love the album for it.

A Legend Falls- Analyzing Tactics For The Morally Dead and Dying

The first proof I saw that my local scene isn't complete ****.

Akira Yamaoka-Silent Hill 3 OST

First time I've heard trip hop and dark ambient.

Psyclon Nine- We The Fallen

The scariest Industrial album I've heard
My lastfm

Last edited by Unrelenting; 04-08-2010 at 03:05 PM.
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Old 04-08-2010, 04:15 PM   #342 (permalink)
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The Albums Most Important to Hugo, as of 8/4/10

10: Nine Inch Nails, Broken
Got me into the lovable world that is industrial music, and really blasted my musical doors wide open. I discovered this one rather late (only about 2 or 3 years ago) and it had as big an impact as any album had had on me for a long time. Also turned NIN into one of my favorite musical projects ever and hooked me on their music.

9: Judas Priest, British Steel
The music here introduced me to metal and opened my ears to the fact that there was indeed good metal. It also introduced me to Judas Priest, who are a band I adore in every aspect that is possible.

8: David Bowie, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars
This was my introduction to bands like Bowie and Queen, and is still one of my favorites of the genre. It still fascinates me today trying to discover all the different meanings and themes hidden in here behind some understated drum work and awesome guitar lines.

7: Yes, The Yes Album
One of the greatest prog albums ever released by one of the greatest prog bands ever, I've played the hell out of this album. I've listened to these songs an inestimable amount of times. This album opened my eyes to bands like Pink Floyd and King Crimson.

6: Dead Kennedys, Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables
The album that introduced me to true punk, and not the pop-punk that dominated the airwaves. Pretty much the reason why I love hardcore punk so much and consider it the best kind of punk (though The Clash are always welcomed to my ears).

5: The Who, Quadrophenia
This was my introduction to rock operas and, really, The Who (beyond the odd hearing of "Who Are You" on the radio). This influenced what I listened to for a very, very long time and made me discover a lot of different things from around this era.

4: The Police, Zenyatta Mondatta
The second album I ever heard by The Police, with the first being Synchronicity. This is their best outing and really encouraged me to check out all of their other stuff, much more than Synchronicity did. A tremendous blend of reggae, rock and everything else under the sun, a lot of influences are prevalent here.

3: Public Enemy, It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
This album introduced me to rap/hip-hop/whatever else you want to group with it and had a huge effect on me. This album really caused me to not only explore this genre, but also start listening to the WORDS of songs. Before I had simply enjoyed the music and mindlessly hummed, whistled or sang along - now I wanted to dissect the meanings of all of the music I listened to and I cared what it all meant.

2: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Blood Sugar Sex Magik
The first album I ever purchased and the one that opened my eyes to music beyond what was playing on the radio. This was basically my gateway drug, and after I had listened to this album enough to memorize the order of the tracks I expanded my musical horizon to things that I still listen to today and still hold dear to my heart.

1: Steely Dan, Countdown to Ecstasy
In my opinion this is the pinnacle of musical achievement, and the very definition of "brilliant album". Every performer should strive to reach this level of quality in their music, and there aren't many recordings better than this one. Along with Can't Buy a Thrill, this was my introduction to what I consider one of the finest bands ever.

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Old 04-08-2010, 10:24 PM   #343 (permalink)
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Nice list, very interesting choices and some really great insights into your personal experiences with listening to music... made for a really enjoyable read, thanks for posting it. I really enjoy hearing about people's experiences with music and thinking about how it compares with my own.
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Old 04-09-2010, 04:30 AM   #344 (permalink)
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In chronological order of my contact with these albums...

Linkin Park - Meteora
Actually opened me up to Rock music and music in general. Before this I only listened to a few popular singles here and there, so you can also say this introduced me to the idea of listening to music in form of albums as well.

System of a Down - Toxicity
Introduced me to alternative music in general and made heavy music bearable for me. Also the first band I became shamelessly obsessed with.

The Strokes - Room On Fire
Their first album Is This It made an impression on me with it's lo-fi qualities and general don't-give-a-**** attitude. It introduced me to the world of indie, punk and alternative rock. However, I wasn't completely convinced until I got a hold of Room On Fire. Loved it more than anything and will remain one of my favorite albums. Like Is This It, but more refined, more emotional, and more memories associated with it.

The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground and Nico
As I ventured further into the world of indie music, the name Velvet Underground kept popping up as a major influence on the genre. And indeed snippets of their sound can be heard throughout the genre. Took time to grow on me, but eventually fell in love with the album.

Guided by Voices - Alien Lanes
Such a strange album. 28 super short tracks exploding with familiar sounding pop hooks.
Essentially made me more open to the strangest of indie rock.

The Beatles - Revolver
Made me love The Beatles. 'Nuff said.

Pavement - Slanted & Enchanted
Not my first Pavement album (Crooked Rain Crooked Rain was), but definitely one that started my Pavement obsession and willingness to dwelve into 90's alternative rock. Was very difficult to get into, but the melodies stuck in my mind and I found myself humming to it at the strangest times. Eventually got into their other three albums, loved them all and Pavement is now arguably my favorite band.

Weezer - The Blue Album
A reminder that listening to music should be a ****ing FUN experience. Was always a bit skeptical about Weezer until I heard this. 90's Rock at it's finest. Unpretentious, honest, uplifting and catchy as hell.

Puffy Amiyumi - Splurge
Didn't see that coming right. Got into Puffy through their cover of Jellyfish's 'Joining a Fanclub'. Realized I actually really liked their style. Slick, positive, catchy, cute and all those good things. Splurge is a perfect summation of the stuff that they do so well at. The wide range of genres attempted and nailed by the two girls should really amaze anyone without a bias against commercial J-Pop. In essence opened up the world of Japanese music for me and made me not mind commercialized music, as long as it's good!

Jay-Z - The Blueprint
My contact with Jay-Z came around the same time as PUFFY. Started my recent love for Hip Hop music. Production is smooth and catchy beat throughout accompanied by Jay-Z's immaculate flow.

Last edited by alyu100; 04-09-2010 at 04:48 AM.
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Old 04-10-2010, 10:11 AM   #345 (permalink)
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Nice choices.... you can kinda see how your tastes progressed from one thing to another, and a really nice mix of decades... shows you have an open mind to different musical experiences, be it from one genre or another. Interesting read...

BTW: i haven't elected myself post reviewer for this board...hehehehe... just felt the last couple of posts would have taken some effort so I am trying to give praise where it's due!
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Old 04-11-2010, 05:53 PM   #346 (permalink)
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The Beatles, Rubber Soul
Not my favorite Beatles album (can't have one), but it was my first. And it's what got me into the Beatles in the first place.

Linkin Park, Hybrid Theory
One of my first albums. Couldn't stop listening to it back in the day. Listening to it now really brings me back.

Gorillaz, Gorillaz
The first album I ever purchased (with my own money). Ordered it off amazon or something. I remember the day it came in the mail. Good day.

Switchfoot, Hello Hurricane
This is a more recent one (2009!) but it's probably my favorite from one of my favorite bands. Plus, they played the entire thing through when I saw them live. It awesome!

Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon
Probably my favorite album of all time. It is perfect. Plus it's got two of my favorite solos by one of my favorite guitarists: "Money" and "Time". The "Money" solo is probably my favorite ever, though it's hard to say for sure. I love David Gilmour.

Dream Theater, Awake
Great album by one of my all time favorite bands. Wasn't my first from Dream Theater (that was Images and Words, but was one of the albums that really got me into them.

David Crowder*Band, A Collision
Now this is an album! It's great. Bunch of classic Crowder songs on it! It's got a great feel and flow to it! I can't help but love it! An intelligent album.

blink-182 blink-182
My favorite blink album. It's not just a collection of songs, but has a real feel and mature purpose.... odd for blink-182, but great! "Stockholm Syndrome" = favorite blink song.

Blues Traveler four
This album ROCKS! I can't stop singing it's praises to this day! Such a great band and this album is such a great portrait of just how good they are.

Relient K The Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek
My first album from this band. Probably one of their best too, in my opinion.

So many more that I love (Thrice's The Artist in the Ambulance, Skillet's Collide, Red Hot Chili Peppers' Californication and every other Beatles album)!

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Old 04-12-2010, 12:07 PM   #347 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by scottsy View Post
BTW: i haven't elected myself post reviewer for this board...hehehehe... just felt the last couple of posts would have taken some effort so I am trying to give praise where it's due!

And I would like to give props to the last few entries for putting artist name first, followed by album name!
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Old 04-12-2010, 12:09 PM   #348 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sidewinder View Post
And I would like to give props to the last few entries for putting artist name first, followed by album name!
But of course!
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Old 04-12-2010, 12:11 PM   #349 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sidewinder View Post

And I would like to give props to the last few entries for putting artist name first, followed by album name!
People who post an album and don't put the artist and album name under it

Unless it's an obvious album where it says the artist and album name on it.

People who put the artist/album name regardless
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Old 04-18-2010, 04:34 PM   #350 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sbfan View Post
Europe - Europe
System of a down - SOAD
In Flames - Reroute to remain
Hair - Original Soundtrack
Alter Bridge - One Day Remains

RATM - The Battle of LA
Blindside - Silence
Sixx Am - Heroin Diaries
Regina Spektor - 11:11
Blink 182 - Enema of the state
It's a good thing you showed up seriously need to find some new music if those are some of the most important albums to you.
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