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johne 02-13-2009 10:34 AM

nice post gunnels; loved your story about Tenors on Tour, nonsubmissivewife--I could picture the scene! This is such a great thread--feel like I get to know folks and their influences, and definitely see some new music to explore...

ixtlan22 02-13-2009 10:51 AM

I could not possibly come up with an order of importance.

10. Graceland- Paul Simon- I suppose equally as important as the record was the VHS tape from the Graceland Tour that I spent hours watching on repeat as a boy of about 3, sitting in my little rocking chair, strumming a broom for lack of a guitar.

9. Physical Grafitti (Disc 1)- Led Zeppelin- I say just disc one because when I bought the record at a yard sale only Disc 1 was in it. Bonham changed my life forever.

8. Aenima- Tool- Buying this record was when I really, truly started taking music seriously.

7. The Letting Go- Bonnie "Prince" Billy- This is pretty recent. Rarely have I played a record so much immediately after buying it. Its my folk dream come true.

6. Abbey Road- The Beatles- This and Graceland were the two records that I can remember being played repeatedly in my house while growing up. This will always be my favorite Beatles record.

5. McLusky Do Dallas- McLusky- Reminded me how awesome true grit can be. Also that music doesn't always have to be serious.

4. Grassroots- 311- This may not be a popular selection on this forum but when I was 13 this record was a humongous influence on me. It still retains plenty of nostalgic value, and I do genuinely still enjoy a lot of it.

3. Music For 18 Musicians- Steve Reich- My introduction to minimalism. This piece has definitely left a huge impact on me ever since I heard it.

2. Vespertine- Bjork- This was one of those records that was introduced to right at the perfect time. Also, reminded me how beautiful the female voice can be.

1. Bitches Brew- Miles Davis- This is the only record that is in order on this list. Hearing it for the first time completely blew my mind. Since I have been looking for the next step musically and I have yet to find it. Live At The Fillmore 1970- It's About That Time rekindled my love for this era of Miles to a new precedent as well, but I'll just call that a derivative of BB.

4ZZZ 02-13-2009 05:18 PM

10 Important albums to me as an individual. Wow. This takes some thinking.
Not sure that I can just pick albums. In no order of importance here is a list.

1) I think that the 1st 7 inch single I got was pretty important a record. Spending my hard earned money from my first week on a paper round on Coz I Luv You by Slade.

2) Ziggy by Bowie. This is the first album that I ever got that had impact on the senses that made me realise that music was a passion. I still play this album to this day.

3) Pictures At An Exhibition by ELP. I was introduced to this by an older mate who told me I listened to kids stuff at the time. In hindsite a lot of rot but as an impressionable teen I trusted his judgement. This record opened up a new world of music as when I played it my Mum recognised Mussorgsky and it made me realise that I did really like all that music that she had played. I just did not want to admit it.

4) Dark Side Of The Moon by Pink Floyd. Records like this make an impression that lasts for ever.

5) King Of The Swingers by Kenny Ball And His Jazzmen. My dad had this obscure record and I loved it when I was a kid. It made me listen to Jazz and from this Trad band lots of other weird and wonderful sounds evolved.

6) (I'm) Stranded by The Saints. This was the record that has made me rail against elitist bullshit artists in the music world. This was the ducks guts, the beez kneez, a power laden surge of adrenalin and I loved it with a passion. So what did I get from my wanky mates? Derision with such garbage as "they can't play their instruments". Hang about boys they can actually but you are too limited in your outlook to hear.

7) John Williams wonderful Rodrigo:Concierto De Aranjuez. This piece of music my mum played when I was very young but what version I do not remember. One day I asked her about it and she got this for me as a gift. This is really a wonderful record that not only provokes memories but also sadness for the emotion of the music.

8) The entire output of Dead Can Dance. The recordings of this remarkable group just do it for me. No matter the feelings I put them on and get transported to another world. Sorry a bit of a cheat but such is life!

9) Beat by Chris Knox. This had a emotional impact that at the time hit a spot. It is strange how music can have that effect.

10) Is All Over The Map by Giant Sand. I realised that this very good album was Country Music and opened my eyes to a whole new world. Put your prejudices away folks.

mannny 02-13-2009 10:12 PM

I based this list on what albums have had the greatest role in shaping what I listen to today. Some I never listen to anymore, some I still listen to daily.

(No Order)
Andrew Bird - Mysterious Production of Eggs - This is the first album that I sort of found on my own. You know that feeling you get when you find a really great artist that you think no one else knows about? This was the first time I got that feeling.

The Beatles - White Album - The Beatles are probably the one band that has had the greatest role in shaping what I listen to today. This album still remains one of my favorites of all time.

Beethoven's Piano Sonatas performed by Claudio Arrau - The reason I love music. Absolute perfection.

Chopin's Nocturnes performed by Artur Rubinstein - The nocturnes are my favorite pieces to play and they are also a big reason why I love classical music so much. One of the first set of classical pieces I truly loved.

Elliot Smith - S/T - This album is one of the reasons why I love folk music. It helped me get out of my "classic rock" phase when I was younger, and really expand my taste in music to many more genres.

John Coltrane - My Favorite Things - First jazz album I fell in love with. And it's still my favorite jazz album to this day.

Led Zeppelin - Zepp IV - I remember when I was maybe ten years old I listened to one of my dad's old cassettes of zepp IV everyday. I thought that they were the best thing to happen to the world. My first favorite band, though I can't say I listen to them much at all anymore.

Radiohead - Amnesiac - Favorite album from one of my current favorite bands.

Pink Floyd - Animals - Huge influence on what I listen today. Also helped open the door to many other genres of music.

The White Stripes - White Blood Cells - This album has had a very large impact on what I listen to today.

lucifer_sam 02-13-2009 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by dac (Post 595770)
I do love me some FIFA :thumb:

Me and my friend had a chuckle the other day when we thought we unlocked some awesome achievement for the 360, and it was just the one for having over fifty hours played. And it's mostly us, I've got like 80 games played or something ridiculous like that.

dac 02-13-2009 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 596209)
Me and my friend had a chuckle the other day when we thought we unlocked some awesome achievement for the 360, and it was just the one for having over fifty hours played. And it's mostly us, I've got like 80 games played or something ridiculous like that.

50 hours? Psshh... you should see the time I have logged into Final Fantasy 10 haha

heart_jenny792 02-14-2009 12:14 AM

1. Green Day - Dookie
They just got me into rock music and i sorta started from there
2. Guns n roses - Appetite for destruction
I remembering hearing this and i was like OMG i wanna be like Slash. He is my inspiration for music and hes the reason i started guitar
3. Escape the fate - There's no sympathy for the dead
Ronnie Radke, literally hes voice sends shivers down my spine. After hearing this it sorta starting getting me hooked onto emo/punk songs and finding soulful lyrics. "The ransom" on the album helped me through alot as it described how i felt perfectly...."tell me how you can swim when theres rope wrapped around your limbs...."

stevesonthebay 02-14-2009 01:03 AM

1. ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars - bowie. when i first heard this album it took me away, i thought i was ziggy for a while.
2. dark side of the moon - pink floyd. man talk about taking me away like some part of the universe.
3. breakfast in america - supertramp. i use to love taking the long way home.
4. la women - the doors. classic songs like la women, love her madly and riders of the storm but i like the low down blues of songs like cars hiss by my window and crawling cane snake.
5. rock and roll - led zeplin. just sheer rock and roll with a blast of blues.
6. back in black - acdc. another great rock band from oz.
7. a night at the opera - queen. the best album, in my opion.
8. shaved fish - john lennon. the best of the beatles solo albums, in my opion.
9. road to hell - chris rea. one of my favorite albums. great slide blues and electric guitar.
10. the wall - pink floyd. had to put them in twice. when i was thinking of albums i like pink floyd keeps coming up. double album when i first heard it i listened from cover to cover. it was great like a story that kept building right to the last song. of course i was well under the influence.

WWWP 02-14-2009 01:17 AM


1. Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire: The Best of Johnny Cash
Representative of my early years, this album is probably the first I can remember listening to. My parent's have a home video of me as a toddler dancing and singing along to Remember the Alamo in my diaper and Dad's cowboy boots. Not only was I was fucking adorable, but I knew my shit.

2. Hanson - MMMBop
As I progressed into childhood I decided that I wanted to be a rock star when I grew up. I would spend hours on end listening to the band that shared my aspiration. Laugh all you want, I bet you still know the words.

3. Kansas - Leftoverture
4. Journey - Escape

My growth from a child into a pre-teen is best represented by these albums. A good deal of my memories from that phase of my life could feature Carry on My Wayward sun and Don't Stop Believing as the soundtrack. Cliche as it may be, these albums are very important to me still, and every time I listen they bring with them an air of adolescent bliss.

5. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
It's the year 2000, I'm 10 years old. The music video for Californication is continually being played on MTV, and I can't get enough. My Dad was a big influence on my taste in music growing up, and he was as obsessed with the song as I was. Not only did he buy me the cd, but a RHCP t-shirt.

6. KoRn - Take a Look in the Mirror: Greatest Hits (Head's Departure)
7. System of a Down - Toxicity

So I went through this phase where I thought it was really "cool" to be depressed all the time, tell people I was bi-polar wear all black and listen to Metal. I wrote poems about suicide, displaced myself from my friends my entire freshman year of high school, etc., etc. These were the only albums I listened to. It's a time of my life I don't care to look back on, but I admittedly still rock out to Toxicity.

8. Modest Mouse - Good News for People Who Love Bad News
As I emerged from the shadows of my juvenility, and at the request of my family, I started listening to "less depressing" music. I wasn't satisfied with the shallow crap on the radio, instead I searched for something with lyrics that touched me in all the right places.

9. Elliott Smith - Either/Or
The first album I downloaded purely from the influence of MusicBanter members. It definitely think it was a stepping stone to the broadening and enhancing of my music taste, and I have you guys to thank. :)

10. The Beatles Discography
To avoid going into a lengthy rambling of my devotion to the band I'll simply say this: No band has had the same effect on me. I don't think I'll find another band I like more, and I am perfectly at peace with that.

Janszoon 02-14-2009 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon (Post 596277)
2. Hanson - MMMBop
As I progressed into childhood I decided that I wanted to be a rock star when I grew up. I would spend hours on end listening to the band that shared my aspiration. Laugh all you want, I bet you still know the words.

Nope, I don't know the words. But I was an adult when that song came out so that's probably why.

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