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jackhammer 01-07-2008 05:34 PM

Do you remember the first time?
OK I am speaking metaphorically but what was the first band that really got you into music? Not a stolen snippet from your dad's collection or a radio hit that charmed you but the first band that dragged you kicking and screaming into the world of music? Do you still like them? Are you embarrassed by them? Do you still hold a torch for them?


My parents had just split up and through a friend I heard LIVE AFTER DEATH. Of course there was plenty of anger and disillusionment inside of me and other bands may have been more iintense around that time, but I did'nt know that. As soon as I heard Maiden it answered questions for me. It became my emotional crutch and began a journey of self discovery that is still (hopefully) only half way through.

Iron Maiden, for better or worse brought me here. I still drag LIVE AFTER DEATH out once in a while and revel in those memories.

So c'mon people. Who is it for you?

Laces Out Dan! 01-07-2008 05:35 PM

I think it was probably either Symphony X or Pain of Salvation.

I dont ever listen to either anymore but im not embarrassed. Pain of Salvation is amazing.

cardboard adolescent 01-07-2008 05:40 PM

I think it might've been System of a Down. Don't really like them that much anymore, but do still have a bit of a soft spot. Listen to their first two albums every once in a while.

lucylamppost 01-07-2008 06:05 PM

Red Hot Chili peppers got me into music

Kevorkian Logic 01-07-2008 06:17 PM

NoFX. I worshiped them for a good portion of my life.

jackhammer 01-07-2008 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by lucylamppost (Post 428966)
Red Hot Chili peppers got me into music

What Era?

lucylamppost 01-07-2008 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 428978)
What Era?

long story

pheurton 01-07-2008 06:35 PM

Korn, follow the leader was my soundtrack from about 8 years old until I realised what I was doing with myself at about 11. Freak on a leash and got the life are still firm favourites when it comes to nostalgic childhood songs.

lucylamppost 01-07-2008 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic (Post 428976)
NoFX. I worshiped them for a good portion of my life.

I know the feeling lol

under 01-07-2008 06:58 PM

mine was Linkin Park, i think that may affect why i've gotten into some harder screamo rock because with chesters amazing voice as he did some screaming into his music.

Blain 01-07-2008 07:03 PM

The Offspring started me off, but Linkin Park made me really explore music.

tkpb938 01-07-2008 07:59 PM

System of a Down, and honestly I HATE them now. I overlistened to them, and the band brings back quite bad memories, not good ones.

mermaid 01-07-2008 08:18 PM

I'd have to say Billy Talent, but Linkin Park get an honourable mention. LP got me started but I absolutely fell inlove with Billy Talent and was an avid fan for about 2 years. Their second album (I find) is pretty ****, but I still listen to their first self-titled record sometimes, and I enjoy their really early stuff form when they went by the name Pezz.

sleepy jack 01-07-2008 08:34 PM

blink-182, word I still love them and I'm not embarrassed to love them at all. My torch for them is more a candle but I still bust out the occasional song.

Angstmuffin 01-07-2008 08:48 PM

i got into music when i was born (lol) but srsly, my moms a musician so i've grown up appreciating so many different types of everything.

Seltzer 01-07-2008 09:10 PM

RHCP - Blood Sugar Sex Magik was the album that really got me into music.

Yeah, I listened to some Eagles albums, Beatles compilations before that, and liked CCR and the Doobie Brothers.

But BSSM was the album that really made me crazy for music. My mate introduced it to me about 4 years ago and I have many memories of listening to it with friends on the deck of a bach in the summer.

Skid Mark 01-07-2008 09:34 PM

Tool, I still listen to and enjoy them quite a bit

the-ceej 01-07-2008 09:39 PM

Blink 182 here too

I knew well known bands before them but they helped me realize there was more to music than what I heard on the radio

quagmire740 01-07-2008 10:18 PM

It was the amazing combo of Peter Gabriel - So and Genesis - Invisible Touch back in 1986

Frewen 01-08-2008 02:08 AM

Opeth: got me into metal and classic prog rock. I certainly don't listen to them as much as I did say, four years ago, but I owe my love of music to albums like MA,YH and Still Life and Damnation.

British_pharaoh 01-08-2008 06:36 AM

Jeff Buckley

he made me want to discover new, exciting music every minute of every day

gpackin 01-08-2008 06:55 AM

Kiss Alive II. It was 1977 and I was 5 years old. I hardly ever listen to Kiss anymore, just once every few years when I'm reminiscing about my childhood.

TheCaster 01-08-2008 07:39 AM

appetite for destruction- gnr...

i was listening to rap music back in like 5th grade just because i thought it was cool not really thoroughly enjoying the music.. then my friend handed me a cd... and that one cd saved my life... okay not really but it got me into actual music

Mr Nic 01-08-2008 08:23 AM

Late 70s (1979) 2 tone / ska was the first time it all started to click. I was aware of punk happening but was too young to see the attraction. The stand out album of that period for me was Searching For The Young Soul Rebels by Dexys Midnight Runners in 1980. I played it constantly for a year before discovering the delights of Depeche Mode and Speak & Spell. I'm not ashamed of either of these bands and still occasionally dip in for a nostalgia trip.

adidasss 01-08-2008 08:40 AM

Hmmm, this is a toughy. Most of my early music experiences were a direct result of my sister's musical choices. Hence Green Day, Offspring when I was 12, Nirvana and Soundgarden when I was 13, The Doors and Stone Temple Pilots when I was 14-15...but I guess none of those bands, even though I still love all of them, compare to the first time I heard Rage against the machine...I was about 16, a friend of mine told me to give them a shot, so I downloaded Fuck the police Live...I went absolutely nuts. That was my first independent musical outing (my sister still hasn't gotten into them despite my efforts)...and from then on I was hooked on discovering new music on my own...naturally, I still state them as one of my favorite bands ever...

joyboyo53 01-08-2008 12:01 PM

I would have to say it was Pearl Jam and the Beastie Boys in 1996.

Merkaba 01-08-2008 01:58 PM

Everyone knows mine I think, well, all the people who were here early 2005. It's Tool for me, and I remember being quite nerdy about it too, thinking they were the be all and end all of rock, with the creative lyrics and original song formats and all that jazz. I slowly forgot about them as I sort of became more interested in other things, but I still like them and think they are a great band. Though I only pull them out every once in a while these days.

religion=pointless 01-08-2008 02:24 PM

Linkin Park! yh they got me started!!

Soulfire77 01-08-2008 04:30 PM

I'll never forget the first time I heard Black Sabbath. I was twelve years old, playing records while house-sitting for my uncle. From the moment I heard the harmonica on "The Wizard", I was hooked... It's still my favorite song!

zette 01-09-2008 08:34 AM

For me it was probably The Spice Girls. I'm so ashamed to admit that, but sadly it's true. Definitely not into them any more though. Urgh.

religion=pointless 01-09-2008 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by zette (Post 429458)
For me it was probably The Spice Girls. I'm so ashamed to admit that, but sadly it's true. Definitely not into them any more though. Urgh.


Urban Hat€monger ? 01-09-2008 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by zette (Post 429458)
For me it was probably The Spice Girls. I'm so ashamed to admit that, but sadly it's true. Definitely not into them any more though. Urgh.

That's OK

You're forgiven for having a Doctor Who reference in your profile.

Friday 01-09-2008 01:03 PM

I think mine was Queen. I had been obsessed with Nirvana before, but with Queen there was so much back catalogue to delve into.

British_pharaoh 01-09-2008 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Friday (Post 429523)
I think mine was Queen. I had been obsessed with Nirvana before, but with Queen there was so much back catalogue to delve into.

I despise Queen

but at least they gave us freddie Mercury

Nosmada 01-09-2008 05:50 PM

Pearl Jam Interstate Lovesong did it for me, and i still love it to today. Also a Boy Named Goo.

Gates_of_Iscariot 01-09-2008 05:56 PM

im ridden with hate due to fear factorys demanufacture

cardboard adolescent 01-09-2008 07:43 PM

no, that's just adolescence.

savannah 01-10-2008 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Nosmada (Post 429589)
Pearl Jam Interstate Lovesong did it for me, and i still love it to today. Also a Boy Named Goo.

thats wasnt pearl jam,.....that was STP

this is a tricky question
i've been through so many musical phases in my 24 years its not even funny,....
be it roger miller and simon and garfunkle when i was a kid, bands like bush and nirvana when i was in 3rd grade,....jr high found me goin through my hard rock/classic rock/motown phases,....

most of that carried over to high school where i started to obsess over 'texas country', which i have just cycled back too

college was all about the jam band,......

but through all these there are a few albums that never lost their rotation,.....

the allman brother's filmore east
u2's war
zepplin's 3
a live roxy music album
jerry jeff walker's great gonzos
and neil young's harvest

teshadoh 01-10-2008 12:44 PM

Before 'classic rock' was coined & during a time when top 40 radio stations dominated the airwaves, a Charlotte radio station had a '1960s' radio program on a weekend night & they played Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin. I was only 10 or so & never heard of them since my older sister listened to disco & new wave and there were no album oriented radio stations.

But that blew me away. I worshiped them throughout the 1980's as the classic rock format became popular until I was in high school when I started listening to college rock. Obviously, I've never been embarrassed of them, but I haven't touched any of the old albums & I had only bought 1 CD (Physical Graffiti). But they have a warm place in my heart as they were the first band I truly became obsessed about & helped introduce me to other rock bands.

savannah 01-10-2008 12:55 PM

tesh,...speakin of the transition of classic rock,...
my local classic rock station (that i grew up listenin too) played pearl jam,.......made me feel old and out of the loop

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