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pianolp325 01-30-2005 02:16 AM

Sell Outs
Im kinda sick of how people will label a popular artist or group sell-outs so quickly so I wanna know. What really defines a sell-out????

blackTshirt 01-30-2005 02:47 AM

there is another thread on this subject
bands sell out when they try to be what they used to be a long time ago by changing their style. and when younger people start to listen to them only because they like they are now commercial.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-30-2005 05:16 AM

When they change their sound to get money.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-30-2005 06:01 AM

I hate it when people use the term 'sell out'

Stop crying when your favourite band actually sells some records & go & find other bands instead of whining 'they sold out'.

franscar 01-30-2005 07:30 AM

Sell out is when a band sells all the tickets for their show. That is all.

Beckmn 01-30-2005 08:32 AM

hot chicks=sellout

Beckmn 01-30-2005 08:32 AM

and lots of publicity

Soundgardener 01-30-2005 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I hate it when people use the term 'sell out'

Stop crying when your favourite band actually sells some records & go & find other bands instead of whining 'they sold out'.

I dont necessarily think they are whining. I think that people get pissed off when a good band sells out.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-30-2005 09:03 AM

Bands have a limited shelf life, after a while they run out of ideas. Or they get older & lose their edge. I think very few bands actually sell out as such.

dog 02-10-2005 03:32 AM

metallica are total sell outs

Sneer 02-10-2005 08:40 AM

as ive said before, i cant see how people can suddenly stop liking a band when they become more commercial, i guess they want to be cool and different by only liking bands nobody else has heard of. and yes, i hate the term "sell out", i can only think of 2 or 3 bands i would class as "sell outs".

TheBig3 02-10-2005 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by ledzeppelinrulz
metallica are total sell outs

I think we shall never get along. Please tell me why you think they have sold out. You can't say they tried to go commercial because their last album didn't sell anything at all. It was aggressive and fast so really they were taking a step backward. Go ahead genius, lay it on me.

Sell out has to do with the music, and not the press. If a band changes their sound for economic reasons, thats what normal people consider a sell out. Some brainless jackasses label bands that if they go to a major label, or do an interview.

The most evident case of a sell out is Liz Phair. You can make a line graph with two lines. Artisit credibility and Finacial income and watch them make a big X on the graph.


silvermoon 02-13-2005 02:42 PM

I don't know if its selling out but more like I think someone else mentioned here to change your sound style for more money$$$$$. When you give up and loose the old you the original you. I don't mean when they are finally liked or make it to top forty radio because in that case its more that there are more people listening to their music and like their sound/song. A example of a sell out would be one who say changes there style or looks just to fit the current trend in music becuase someone else said it would be a good Idea and or when they do not follow their hearts anymore.

Merkaba 04-22-2005 03:40 AM

Sell Outs
Why oh Why.

Just wondering what you fellas think about selling out. Ok dum one....anyone ever loved a band that was once great or shall we say "to your liking" and you get all excited about their next album coming out and when it finally comes around its a complete dud. Your wondering why it had to be from a band you actually respected.

Anyone had that happen?

dog 04-22-2005 05:31 AM

rhcp by the way aint too fantastic, hopefully their next one will be more in the bssm motif

punk-4-life 04-22-2005 09:07 AM

mettalica sold out big time

Sneer 04-22-2005 09:30 AM

this is all we need, "selling out" as an actual topic for a what if a bands changes their style to appeal to a wider range of people? its called ambition. people who pipe on about this sound so ****ing monotonous and generic.

stonedpath 04-22-2005 02:37 PM

wipe ur ass with sell outs all u want but your just gonna be one in the ENd

macman 04-22-2005 03:22 PM

selling out is so very very very wrong; but as your name has ledzep in it, i'm assuming your just generally a positive person.
And why does everyone pick on metallica? oh wait; because their way overated. three good albums. thats it. metallica never sold out; they just lost their way, i can't remember what it was called, but the album before the black album was showing signs of weakness, so i just think they lost it unintentionally

Merkaba 04-22-2005 05:36 PM

ledzepstu its just a thread, its not the end of the world. u dont hav to reply if you dont want to. Perhaps dont think of it as selling out just call it changing the style of their music wasnt to ur liking.

TheBig3 04-22-2005 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by punk-4-life
mettalica sold out big time

Can't even spell it, why even bring it up, you aren't punk, hate newbs, punk bands sell out at a much higher rate than metal, Ramones = Kiss jr.

Rant Over

EDGE 04-22-2005 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by punk-4-life
mettalica sold out big time

I concur.

Sneer 04-23-2005 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Merkaba
ledzepstu its just a thread, its not the end of the world. u dont hav to reply if you dont want to. Perhaps dont think of it as selling out just call it changing the style of their music wasnt to ur liking.

i do apologise, i'll climb out from my underground bunker then..since when did i see it as the rise of the four horseman?! and i posted because its a moral obligation to get my view across.

mr. blonde 04-23-2005 06:09 AM

KISS Well, Gene Simmonse anyway.

coffeeshop 04-23-2005 06:10 AM

The biggest sell outs I can think of are Metallica, The Clash and Feeder.

blackTshirt 04-23-2005 09:16 AM

we've had this talk before. just use the search thingy and see what we think. you don't have to use the old threads to make new ones, our answers are basically the same.. and the other ones who haven't posted yet can do it in the old threads. so.. you get my point

TheBig3 04-23-2005 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by coffeeshop
The biggest sell outs I can think of are Metallica, The Clash and Feeder.

Im not even going to get into the fact that the working definition of sell out absolves metallica from being called as such, but why the **** is the clash up there? If you want bands that only play one kid of music go listen to Limp, Nickleback and godsmack.

coffeeshop 04-23-2005 10:30 AM

Have you lost it completely? I love The Clash they are one of my favourite bands but they just lost it a bit later in the 80's.

I don't listen to the sh*t you mentioned either. If you wanna know what i do listen to visit the British vs American thread.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 04-23-2005 10:50 AM

Just because you think they "lost it a bit" doesnt make them sell outs. Wait, why the hell am I posting in here? I already know how every time a band changes slightly, theyre selling out.

coffeeshop 04-23-2005 10:55 AM

Sometimes bands change for better, sometimes it does not seem right. Everybody has their own opinions.

gweetar 03-26-2006 07:44 PM

sell outs?
which bands would you say are sell outs now?


and is that cool? not cool?

sleepy jack 03-26-2006 08:00 PM


IamAlejo 03-26-2006 08:08 PM

If I had the chance to make it big I'd sell the **** out of my music to mtv, but wouldn't change the way I played.

I can't think of any bands I thought were really great, then made it big and changed the way they played. But I do think Against Me!'s new album sucked the big one.

gweetar 03-27-2006 03:47 PM

i agree i agree.

if i had the chance to make millions, heck, i'd do it.

but yeah i havn't heard against me!'s new album..

apparently its controversial. (sp??)

Muzak 03-27-2006 04:17 PM

Personally I think Sellouts is a made up term to insult that are making lost of money because that is what the "cool" thing is to do these days.

bungalow 03-27-2006 04:20 PM

I disagree, I think that the "cool" thing to do these days, is to pretend like you're above calling a band sellouts. Everyone seems to be doing that lately.

mosesandtherubberducky 03-27-2006 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Crowquill

Against Me! sold out?

I didn't think there was a big difference between their albums still all balls out singing and playing.

There should be a band called The Sellouts.

sleepy jack 03-27-2006 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
Against Me! sold out?

They signed to a major label.


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357 (Post 203732)
I disagree, I think that the "cool" thing to do these days, is to pretend like you're above calling a band sellouts. Everyone seems to be doing that lately.

OKAY YOURE DIFFERENT WE GET IT! We all know if we'd bitched about bands selling out you'd be saying the exact opposite.

jr. 03-27-2006 07:36 PM

Well, being from the older crowd, I'd say probably the biggest 'sellouts' from my youth are probably Aerosmith and Elton John. In the 70's and early 80s, these two consistently put out great music. In Aerosmith's case, they were edgy, had crunchy licks and rauchy lyrics. They pretty much snubbed their noses at anyone and everyone. If you liked them, fine, if you didn't, your loss.

In Elton John's case, he was, the first ten years of his career, a true artist. His music was creative. His lyrics, thought provoking, heartfelt and at times, downright painful.

I hate to say it, because most of the folks in here watch it every day, but MTV killed Aerosmith. Well, the Aerosmith I cut my rock and roll teeth on, anyway.

I have to give them credit, though. Aerosmith is one of the rare bands that made the adjustment from AOR radio to music videos, and captured the next generation of fans. Kids that were 5-6 years old in Aero's 'first' prime, were now 15-16, in the mid-late 80's, and watching MTV every day, seeing Rag Doll, Dude Looks Like A Lady, Love in an Elevator, Cryin', etc, etc, etc.

Aerosmith was smart enough to know that, with the advent of MTV, it became more important to be seen than to be heard. They have two sets of fans. The ones from the 70's, and the MTV generation. Genius, to an extent.

The only problem with that is, in my opinion, and that of the first wave of fans, is that the music has suffered because of the focus on being seen. That's where I think they sold out. They compromised their music, started cranking out formulaic hits for MTV. That's just my opinion, of course.

There are two Aerosmiths. Anyone who cares to compare them, Listen to the songs I listed above, and then latch on to these:

Movin' Out
Lick and a Promise
I Wanna Know Why
Rats in the Cellar
Chip Away the Stone
Uncle Salty
Seasons of Wither

Oh, man, I could go on, but I'll stop there. THAT'S the bad boys from Boston I grew up with. Damn crunchy rock and roll.

As far as Elton John is concerned, I don't know that he sold out, or if he just got lazy. He signed a big deal with Disney, and has written one long, tedious, bland Disney song for the last 15 years. Oh well, gotta pay the bills, I suppose.

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-27-2006 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by jr.
Well, being from the older crowd, I'd say probably the biggest 'sellouts' from my youth are probably Aerosmith and Elton John. In the 70's and early 80s, these two consistently put out great music. In Aerosmith's case, they were edgy, had crunchy licks and rauchy lyrics. They pretty much snubbed their noses at anyone and everyone. If you liked them, fine, if you didn't, your loss.

I hate to say it, because most of the folks in here watch it every day, but MTV killed Aerosmith. Well, the Aerosmith I cut my rock and roll teeth on, anyway.

I have to give them credit, though. Aerosmith is one of the rare bands that made the adjustment from AOR radio to music videos, and captured the next generation of fans. Kids that were 5-6 years old in Aero's 'first' prime, were now 15-16, in the mid-late 80's, and watching MTV every day, seeing Rag Doll, Dude Looks Like A Lady, Love in an Elevator, Cryin', etc, etc, etc.

Aerosmith was smart enough to know that, with the advent of MTV, it became more important to be seen than to be heard. They have two sets of fans. The ones from the 70's, and the MTV generation. Genius, to an extent.

The only problem with that is, in my opinion, and that of the first wave of fans, is that the music has suffered because of the focus on being seen. That's where I think they sold out. They compromised their music, started cranking out formulaic hits for MTV. That's just my opinion, of course.

There are two Aerosmiths. Anyone who cares to compare them, Listen to the songs I listed above, and then latch on to these:

Movin' Out
Lick and a Promise
I Wanna Know Why
Rats in the Cellar
Chip Away the Stone
Uncle Salty
Seasons of Wither

Oh, man, I could go on, but I'll stop there. THAT'S the bad boys from Boston I grew up with. Damn crunchy rock and roll.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Never a truer word spoken


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