Stone cold 90's prog. classic that I've been giving quite a few spins as of late: those Scandinavians really know their way around crafting wonderful sonic atmospheres to let your mind get lost in...
Lift to Experience - The Texas Jerusalem Crossroads (2001)
Oh man, I haven't heard this album since, well, 2002. and I think it hit me even stronger now (nostalgia?). A trio from Texas led by some rancher (?), ascetic and a 'prophet', singing with his beautiful, and painfully warm voice about Texas as the New Jerusalem, falling of angels, second coming, guiding and guarding. This strong apocalyptic vision is heightened even more with vast post-rock instrumentation, psychedelic sound evoking dusty wastelands. I want to bang my head against the wall for not remembering this album when submitting songs for post-apocalypse compilation. I heard this band for the first time in 2001. on a great radio show hosted by an even greater guy who hyped this album endlessly by playing at least on or two songs every show. I've managed to get it...somehow, and it was kind of my soundtrack at the time (for a good year or two) along with GYBE!. Heh, now that I think of it, it was all about lifting, Lift to Experience, Lift Yr Skinny Fists...:) It was perfect for the turn of the century, millennium actually, with changes all around me and in my own life, excitement and fear, uncertainty...And then, I just stopped listening to it. I didn't know much about this band then, later I found out it was their only album (a masterpiece). I've heard GYBE! a couple times after and it somehow lost its magic for me. But this, this brings everything back's almost unbearable.
Got home from a 10 hour shift at work after an HUGE night in the city, and this is the perfect album for sitting in my darkened room and stewing in my juices.
My friends post-rock/post-metal band's new EP. I really like this stuff. Reminds me of Cult of Luna and Khoma. If you want I can give you a download link to this.