Originally Posted by jackhammer
(Post 929730)
I listened to this for the first time in a few years a couple of weeks back and I have to admit to being completely underwhelmed by it.
It just doesn't hold up well despite some great riffs here and there.
I know exactly what you mean. I still find the solo on Fight Fire With Fire to be impressive and every time I hear it I have high hopes for the rest of the album. Soon after I'm reminded the rest is kind of boring. Master of Puppets still impresses a bit, though. Mostly I just feel like I've outgrown Metallica.
Soundpool - Mirror In Your Eyes
Every time I find an amazing album by a band I'm always a bit nervous to hear what else they've done. I hate it when one of their other albums isn't up to par with the one I got into. It tarnishes my image of the band. Luckily, this is not the case here.
I posted about Soundpool's album Dichotomies and Dreamland a while back. I had no clue how they could top it because it really was a great album. Well, they did somehow. They have beefed up the dance-ability times 10 yet the music is still obviously shoegaze. Wow. Just wow...Soundpool goes into my top 3 modern shoegaze bands for sure.