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joyboyo53 12-21-2007 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by The Gash (Post 420909)
My Morning Jacket - Z
Just got into this album. Wish I would've got into it sooner. Just really good top to bottom.
Key Tracks - Wordless Chorus, It Beats 4 U, Off the Record, Knot Comes Loose

Key track - INTO THE WOODS! cmon with lyrics like this how could it not be

A kitten on fire.
A baby in a blender.
Both sound as sweet as a night of surrender.

I know it ain't easy, but you do what you can. If your livin gets weezy, you can follow this plan:
put in more than you could ever get out.
I'm tired of the talking, I know what you're about.
Now open your mouth, here comes the spoon. You're gonna eat what I give ya,
and you're gonna like it real good.
1. A riddle: I went over the river, and into the woods, where did I go?
Where a wood buring stream flows up thru the trees,
like the soul of the hottest kind of lover I've ever seen: "e"
One who lives to choose another fool's dream.
A good showerhead and my right hand, the two best lovers that I ever had.
Now if you find you agree with what I just said, you'd better find a new love
and let 'em into your head

Joshee 12-22-2007 04:40 AM

Origin Of Symetry. (Y)

jackhammer 12-22-2007 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Joshee (Post 424227)
Origin Of Symetry. (Y)

What did you think of it? The thread is greatly enhanced with peoples thoughts on the albums they mention.

Crowe 12-22-2007 03:20 PM

lol jackhammer.

sleepy jack 12-28-2007 04:06 PM

4. The Beatles "Let It Be"
This album gets alot of crap and I can understand why but when it's good its really really good. Across the Universe is probably one of the best Beatles sons ever written and aside from some bores on the album like the title track it really does have several great tracks.
Favorite Songs: Across the Universe, I Me Mine, For You Blue, Two of Us, I've Got a Feeling

3. Elliott Smith "Figure 8"
Elliott Smith's final album wasn't the big pop album he wanted but it still came close and showed him putting DreamWorks money to good use. It also shows him still bringing out the acoustic guitar and doing very well with it. I just wish there more songs like Junk Bond Trader on it.
Favorite Songs: Junk Bond Trader, Happiness/The Gondola Man, Everything Means Nothing To Me, LA, East Way Out, Wouldn't Mama Be Proud?

2. Oasis "Definitely Maybe"
Okay first things first, I really can't get over how much I love Supersonic. From the start it kicks ass, there's that heavy guitar party and then Liam does this Lennon/Lydon like sneer and goes I need to be myseeeeeeeeelfffffffffffff and I just love it and have been listening to that song so much. But anyway, the album itself is good too I've just been raping supersonic in particular.
Favorite Songs: Supersonic, Live Forever, Slide Away, Cigarettes and Alcohol, Columbia

1. The Beatles "Rubber Soul"
The album where the Beatles really started to shine but still shows traces of their old days (Drive My Car) except 200 times better than their old days. I've mostly been listening to Nowhere Man, the vocals are beautiful on it.
Favorite Songs: In My Life, Nowhere Man, I'm Looking Through You, Wait, Norwegian Wood, Run For Your Life

Skid Mark 12-28-2007 04:23 PM

Queens of the Stone Age - Era Vulgaris
Catchy, Fast Paced. Took me a while to fully get into this but now it's hard to put down.
Fav. Tracks: I'm Designer, Make it Wit Chu, Sick Sick Sick.

Massive Attack - Mezzanine

Very smooth and bassey, sounds like a very sensual pelvic massage.
Fav. Tracks: Risingson, Teardrop, Dissolved Girl.

Tool - Opiate
Much better than some of their recent stuff imo. A very solid EP.
Fav. Tracks: Hush, Cold and Ugly

Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams
Chillaxing album, just love it, nuff said.
Fav. Tracks: Crying Shame, If I Could, Constellations

YSHKMWYHTC 12-28-2007 05:18 PM

And Their Name Was Treason - A Day To Remember
****ing loving it. The mixture of hard-hitting post-hardcore riffs and violent vocals with glorious melodies and sweet catchy hooks makes this one of my fave albums possibly ever. Would love to see these guys get a bit bigger, really amazing band.
You Should Have Killed Me When You Had The Chance is my fave track.

The Blackening - Machine Head
The most genius album I've heard this year without a doubt. Machine Head really outdid themselves when they wrote this. Turning themselves from a hard-hitting metal heavyweight to nearly metal gods in my eyes. They can place powerful driving riffs with ridiculously good melodies in one song. A metal masterpiece that I rate 9.5/10. I write this as I sit in my Blackening tshirt:) awesome artwork!
Now I Lay Thee Down is by far my fave track.

under 12-28-2007 06:36 PM

Evermore - Dreams
Personally i only like one song off of it, "Its Too Late" that song is truly an amazing song. the beginning to the end. so great.

Elliott Smith - New Moon
Great acoustics and amazing vocals and talent. i love it. Angel In The Snow is my favorite song on it.

British_pharaoh 12-29-2007 05:27 AM

cracked open Ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars yesterday

stone me how great is that album

I'm listening to Sgt pepper and the white album at the moment.
I think I'm having a pre 80's week in my house music wise

jackhammer 12-29-2007 01:45 PM

I have been on a funk fest recently (as my recent complilations will testify). A mass review for these four:

Big as s funk bass lines, blaring horns, wacca wacca guitars and afro's. what more do you want? find 'em get 'em!

Seltzer 12-29-2007 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by British_pharaoh (Post 426002)
cracked open Ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars yesterday

stone me how great is that album

I'm listening to Sgt pepper and the white album at the moment.
I think I'm having a pre 80's week in my house music wise

Bowie is brilliant and what's amazing is how varied his discography is.

Low is my favourite from him, but I'd also recommend getting Hunky Dory, Aladdin Sane, Station to Station, Scary Monsters... the list goes on. Low is one of the greatest albums ever IMO.

sleepy jack 12-30-2007 04:13 AM

Neutral Milk Hotel "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea"
Every few months I bust out this album and listen to it alot. This one of those times, I can't play it very consistently because when I first heard it I was totally blown away by it and listened to it every day sometimes all day without stopping.
Favorite Songs: Holland 1945, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, Two Headed Boy Part II, Ghost, King of Carrot Flowers Part I

Linda Perhacs "Parallelograms"
An interesting blend of art-rock and freak folk, I love this album to death and keep forgetting just how much. It's a shame she didn't get more notice, definitely one of the unsung heroes of the 70s.
Favorite Songs: Hey Now Who Really Cares?, Delicious Paper Mountain Man, Chimacum Rain, Morning Colors

The Beatles "Magical Mystery Tour"
Jesus I love this album, it's just so happy sounding and upbeat and it's a nice break from the stuff I usually listen to. It always brings up memories of summer though which for some reason depresses me. Your Mother Should Know is probably the track I've been spinning the most off this.
Favorite Songs: Your Mother Should Know, Hello Goodbye, Penny Lane, All You Need is Love, Strawberry Fields Forever

The Doors "Strange Days"
I forgot how good the Doors were until I randomally felt like listening to them. I was really turned off for awhile because I couldn't stand Jim Morrison, I loved his voice and thought he wrote good lyrics when he wasn't trying too hard to be a "poet" but I thought he was a completely detestable and horrible human being and it just made me feel like not listening to them however I'm listening to them now and goddamn they're good, I really do love Jim's voice, Manzarek is amazing too. Krieger is a great guitarist too, solid band.
Favorite Songs: Moonlight Drive, People Are Strange, When the Music's Over, Love Me Two Times, You're Lost Little Girl

jackhammer 01-05-2008 02:16 PM


I have had a track on my hard drive which I really loved and I knew it was from a Trevor Horn compilation album, but the track had no info. After listening to the track again I decided to do some digging. I found the artist and then the album. I was so glad I did. The Frames are a great Irish band who seemed to have slipped under the radar. Their music is a sort of emotional pop/rock with a beautifully subtle violin on most of their tracks. Although it is not the most original music ever, it is utterly sincere. very impressed.


One of last years best metal albums and a great return to form from Machine Head. Unashamedly retro and staying true to their thrash roots. This has everything you want from a metal album. Chunky riffs, a bit of speed and decent production.


If your only taste of reggae is Bob Marley and you want to go further, then this classic 70's roots album is a great place to start. Focusing on the life of Marcus Garvey, who was a highly influential and revered Jamacian who began a movement to claim Africa back from the colonials, this is a rich and well produced reggae album that is something of a classic in the Reggae world.


I was in the mood for some NWOBHM,so i listened to one of my favourites from that era. They definitely ripped off Motorhead, but ever since hearing the brilliant opening track JUST LIKE SOMETHING FROM HELL way back when, I have been hooked. Good solid British 80's metal

timefornothing 01-05-2008 02:48 PM

K'Naan- The Dusty Foot Philosopher
I just can't get bored with this album. Original, catchy beats, witha lot of acoustic guitar and african drums. Intelligent lyrics and fluent delivery. A truly unique hip-hop album.

Kaizer's Orchestra- Maestro
An energetic gypsy rock album out of Norway, with influences all over the map, from funk to old timey rock n' roll. Not easily forgettable.

jackhammer 01-11-2008 12:29 PM


Although they looked like your typical glam band. The DOGS played blues rock skewed through the Stones and the Faces. Their lyrics were more like poems and owed a lot to Charles Bukowski. A band so steeped in booze the album drips with it.


Consider them a cousin to Carissas Wierd, as they walk along the same lines of downtempo indie electronica ,but with a slight experimental side to them. Haunting, soothing and beguiling. I have converted Crowquill so that should be a good indicator!


One of the finest Electronic albums from the 70's and one of TD's best releases. Dreamy, icy, hypnotic and their most cohesive work at the time.


Classic Punk from the one and only Misfits. Say no more really!

SATCHMO 01-11-2008 12:34 PM


If your only taste of reggae is Bob Marley and you want to go further, then this classic 70's roots album is a great place to start. Focusing on the life of Marcus Garvey, who was a highly influential and revered Jamacian who began a movement to claim Africa back from the colonials, this is a rich and well produced reggae album that is something of a classic in the Reggae world.
Ah, I like you already

jackhammer 01-11-2008 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 430119)
Ah, I like you already

Well thank you sir and even though you have only just started reposting I have the feeling that you have impeccable taste!

SATCHMO 01-11-2008 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 430123)
Well thank you sir and even though you have only just started reposting I have the feeling that you have impeccable taste!

Yes, but i'm afraid my taste lie mostly in the direction of Jazz/reggae/soul/hip-hop area, so i'm not always fun to talk to, but i do like the occasional power chord.

jackhammer 01-11-2008 01:11 PM

Reggae-at last someone else who might read my posts in there lol

savannah 01-11-2008 01:21 PM

Ryan Bingham Music

ryan bingham,...mescalito

sleepy jack 01-11-2008 07:43 PM

The Magnetic Fields "69 Love Songs"
I just got this a few days ago and it really hasn't left my stereo. All three albums are solid and beautiful and All My Little Words is my favorite song right now. At times its like an upbeat Joy Division at other times lo-fi folk beauty.
Favorite Songs: All My Little Words, I Think I Need A New Heart, Absolutely Cuckoo, The Luckiest Guy On The Lower East Side, I Don't Want to Get Over You, Promises of Eternity

Elliott Smith "XO"
This album is so beautiful and so is Elliott Smith. I have trouble expressing just how much his music means to me and it always feels like I fall short when I try to so I won't try to right here.
Favorite Songs: Pitseleh, Waltz #1, I Didn't Understand, Waltz #2 (XO), Tomorrow Tomorrow, Baby Britain, Independence Day

The Good Life "Help Wanted Nights"
Tim Kasher is a brilliant lyricist and I'm steadily starting to like The Good Life better than Cursive. This album is like he sat there at the end of my relationship and took notes and then wrote an album about it, that sounds cliche but to me it's beautiful.
Favorite Songs: Heartbroke, Keely Aimee, Some Tragedy, So Let Go, You Don't Feel Like Home to Me

Bright Eyes "Fevers & Mirrors"
This is the album that was responsible for shifting my tastes the most in 05 and it was also my favorite Bright Eyes album for a very long time. Conor's lyrics here are the best they've ever been and some of the best that have ever been.
Favorite Songs: The Calendar Hung Itself, Something Vague, Haligh Haligh A Lie Haligh, The Movement of a Hand, The Center of the World

Friday 01-16-2008 12:46 PM

George Michael - Patience

I cant be the only who appreciates the later albums of George Michael, surely? The standard of songwriting & production is high throughout all 14 songs, mix that with the fact that George has an incredible voice which does nothing but mature with age and you have yourself a fantastic pop record, quite ahead of it's time.

Favourite songs : Amazing, Cars & Trains, My Mother Had A Brother.

ghostonstage135 01-16-2008 08:40 PM

I haven't been able to stop listening to these two albums for about two weeks.

Hot Cross - Risk Revival
I love this album it has that hardcore feel with screamo lyrics and the guitar sounds soo good. It reminds me a lot of The Fall of Troy just because of the guitar work. It is different from their other albums vocally but I love it so much.

Million Dead - Harmony No Harmony
Love this album. Not really sure what it is. I love his vocals and the lyrics are just seem so down to earth. I like that fact that he doesn't always sound like he is trying to speak in codes with his lyrics. The songs are a lot different throughout the whole album from a melodic slow song to a hardcore smash you in the face songs. I love it. (Thanks to Crowquill for putting up a compilation of them.)

sleepy jack 01-16-2008 09:22 PM

That Million Dead album is killer, Frank Turner (the singer) has some nice solo stuff he's doing recently. It's acoustic kind of like Billy Braggish. - Frank Turner - UK - Folk / Punk / Country -

KidKilowatt 01-17-2008 01:52 PM

Winds of plague-decimate the weak

august burns red-messengers

comeback kid-wake the dead

anzamatik 01-17-2008 02:02 PM

Talking Heads' Bonus tracks...all the tracks from the remasters in one place, totally awesome outtakes.

jackhammer 01-17-2008 05:26 PM


Superb live Jazz album from 1971, with hints of Funk and Soul. This baby has taken a long time for me to track down. Originally I only wanted the cover of A WHITER SHADE OF PALE, but upon acquiring the whole album, I have fell hook , line and sinker for it.


An album that I have no right to liking. A cross between !!! and Arctic Monkeys is the best desciption, but it is just so catchy! Perfect for work.

Of Montreal-Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?

This is a definite grower and I can see myself going back to this frequently.

Yeah I have only just discovered this. How behind the times am I? It get's better every time I hear it. Maybe a lack of knowledge and fan baggage has helped my opinion remaining neutral.

SATCHMO 01-17-2008 10:30 PM

Am seriously digging on some 10 Ft. Ganja Plant thanks to Jackhammer reminding me of how utterly fantastic they are!!!!!

Frewen 01-18-2008 08:12 AM

Swervedriver - Mezcal Head

Even though my love for Slowdive dwarfs the attention I give similar bands (even MBV), I really can't believe it's taken me so long to listen to these guys. The more pop-song orientated side of shoegaze, but I love it nevertheless.

Antipop Consortium - Arrhythmia

Anyone looking to get into experimental hip-hop should definitely get this album. Only found out a few weeks ago that they were getting back together so I dug around my CDs to re-discover this gem!

Stars of the Lid - The Tired Sounds of...

The perfect representation of the term 'beautiful minimalism,' in that are no drums or vocals (but the odd sample here and there) and the melody is mainly based on the gentle swells and falls in the music.

Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice

An essential black metal record. 'Nuff said.

anticipation 01-18-2008 08:38 AM

There's Nothing Wrong With Love by Built to Spill
Keep It Like A Secret by Built to Spill

both are amazing albums by a very underrated band.

MURDER JUNKIE 01-18-2008 10:27 AM

The new Teenage Bottlerocket is giving me a boner, you really can't go wrong with good Ramones-core. Great hooks and catchy lyrics: The most fun I can have in 30 minutes with my pants on

jackhammer 01-19-2008 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Frewen (Post 432457)
Swervedriver - Mezcal Head

Even though my love for Slowdive dwarfs the attention I give similar bands (even MBV), I really can't believe it's taken me so long to listen to these guys. The more pop-song orientated side of shoegaze, but I love it nevertheless.

Antipop Consortium - Arrhythmia

Anyone looking to get into experimental hip-hop should definitely get this album. Only found out a few weeks ago that they were getting back together so I dug around my CDs to re-discover this gem!

Stars of the Lid - The Tired Sounds of...

The perfect representation of the term 'beautiful minimalism,' in that are no drums or vocals (but the odd sample here and there) and the melody is mainly based on the gentle swells and falls in the music.

Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice

An essential black metal record. 'Nuff said.

An eclectic and interesting sounding quartet. I'm on the hunt for these now.

witecross 01-20-2008 07:05 AM

Belle & Sebastian
i like them~

blachalaheebow 01-20-2008 09:45 PM

I like Soft Machine's Third, and Tool's Lateralus.

under 01-20-2008 09:48 PM

Aenima - Tool

blachalaheebow 01-20-2008 10:02 PM

That's a great album too.

under 01-20-2008 10:07 PM

i thought Lateralus was better, you said that already so i chose there next best album they put out.

jackhammer 01-21-2008 04:55 PM


This album was featured very recently by another member. It deserves another big up. Minimalism has never sounded so complete.


Dark hypnotic beats complimented by luscious vocals. An absolute grower. Never has a drum machine sounded so important since Massive Attack.


Around the world in 80 days would be more succinct. A mash up of Asian, Jamacian and Brtitish influences creates a cohesive listen. Dance music rarely sounds this intelligent.


Classic 80's Speed/Thrash metal from one it's founding members. Don't knock it until you have tried. Surprisingly still stands up with solid production values and killer riffs.

krotzyk 01-22-2008 11:21 AM

Right now I really like The Cake Sale album. I got it yesterday from the bands management to make some review and I got to say it's simply briliant!

jackhammer 01-27-2008 02:18 PM


There is some amazing stuff going on in this album and it features one of Zappa's best line up's. INCA ROADS and FLORENTINE POGEN are standouts. Awesome guitar work, Whacked out rythmn parts and trademark witty vocals combine for another superlative Zappa release.


The first album post Morrison and you have to question why they carried on without him without a change of band name. The reason why I say this is because there are some genuinely great moments on this album proving that there were good songwriters to stand up on their own, although it starts to run out of ideas towards the end.


I am not a huge Dylan fan and I feel slightly embarassed that my favourite album of his is the album a lot of other people choose as well. I'm not following a crowd honestly! From the opening snare drop of LIKE A ROLLING STONE through the sublime blues crawl of BALLAD OF A THIN MAN, it's a perfect representation of the angry young Dylan.


One of my favourite dance duos who take in all styles from breakbeat to reggae, drum and bass to techno pounders. Always working with unknown vocalists lends ther music more authenticity than a lot of mainstream dance duos, yet there music sounds exceellent played loud and always remains fun, fun, fun!

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