Beck -
I'm pretty sure this was my first Beck album, although it could have very well been
Odelay. Either way,
Geuro is easily my favourite Beck album, and with good reason, it's the only album where I adore every track. Beck has an incredibly solid discography, but
Geuro would be the one I'd use to bring someone into him. None of the songs sound like each other and that should be a little annoying, but I dunno... Beck somehow manages to make it work on this album. I think where the album excels though is how Beck manages to dedicate a song to a single instrument, then use others to accentuate it. "Black Tambourine" is most definitely the bass' song, yet the guitar doesn't feel out of place.
I dunno, some people complain that this feels like a rehash of
Odelay, like he's trying to make lightning strike twice, but I really don't know how that is a bad thing. I guess it might be a bit of a comedown after the different side of Beck we saw on
Sea Change 3 years prior, but this is also Beck, he goes through moods, and you can track his moods through his albums. Whatever drama he was going through in the early '00's was over as far as he was concerned, and this album is a reflection of that. I mean just a year after this one was released he put out
The Information which was nothing like
Geuro, and
Midnight Vultures was nothing like
Sea Change. With that being his MO, why would be expect another album like
Sea Change?
Anyways I think everyone who loves Beck needs to sit down, put on some headphones and give this one a listen again. If you're already a fan, then hey, it's just a nice treat, right?