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Old 03-23-2010, 01:41 AM   #3631 (permalink)
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Did anyone hear the new album Broken Bells? I've listened to it about 4 times already and it's pretty uber. It's the guy from the Shins and Dangermouse. It's basically the Shins but more upbeat.. I would totally suggest you give it a listen.
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Old 03-23-2010, 02:31 AM   #3632 (permalink)
why bother?
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post

This album got a bit of panning from both critics and fans and it took a while to grow on me when it first came out but damn. Crank this loud and have fun. I don't think any bands come close to what Prodigy do whether you like it or not. Those basslines are thick as fuck.
Been wanting to get my hands on that for a while. A former flatmate of mine was quite the fan of that album, and I was pretty impressed with what I heard off of it. Can't remember any song titles though. That American Football album sounds pretty interesting too.

Been cranking the new Fall album again myself. Three listens since getting it, and it's still one of the best they've done in years. Red raw, loud as anything with some great basslines and the whole lot.


Chris Hillman - The Other Side

I don't have anywhere near a good amount of bluegrass in my music library, and albums like this make me wonder why. This here's one I downloaded last night, and judging by the first listen it sounds like an excellent, easygoing slice of bluegrass to me. The lyrics are hella corny, but I'm loving the melodies and musical arrangements all the same though. Also, it's putting me in the mood for the following album, which can't be a bad thing...

Elvis Costello - Secret, Profane and Sugarcane

Sir Elvis Costello's excellent latest effort, and a refreshing departure from the same-old-same-oldness that was the album he released before it.
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Old 03-23-2010, 03:23 PM   #3633 (permalink)
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Tom Waits-Closing Time
Starting to see what the fuss about this man is at long last.
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Old 03-23-2010, 03:54 PM   #3634 (permalink)
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Star Fucking Hipsters - Until We're Dead

This is fucking enjoyable. Just got it yesterday, good punk rock with hardcore tendencies. Some of the drumming and guitar work even reminds me of bands like Small Brown Bike and The Casket Lottery, reminiscent of the No Idea Records sound and emotional hardcore. When they're at their most aggressive, I'm reminded a bit of Gallows too. A nicely varied punk album with male and female vocals.
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I'd love to see your signature/links too, but the huge and obnoxious ones have caused me to block all signatures.
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Old 03-23-2010, 07:03 PM   #3635 (permalink)
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Sarena Maneesh - Sarena Maneesh 2: Abyss in B Minor

Not the best shoegaze album I've ever heard, but definitely warrants a listen only because they expand a bit more than most shoegaze bands do. Instead of just nonstop fuzz in your face or reverb drenched clean guitars, they actually have a wide range of sonic textures. These guys will do great things, I am sure. This album alone has some great moments.
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Old 03-23-2010, 08:22 PM   #3636 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bulldog View Post
Been wanting to get my hands on that for a while. A former flatmate of mine was quite the fan of that album, and I was pretty impressed with what I heard off of it. Can't remember any song titles though.
Cop a load of this:

and from the latest album:

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Old 03-23-2010, 09:23 PM   #3637 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post

By all rights I shouldn't really like this. A little sweet and sickly and nothing stands out a mile but it's just one of those albums that I can slip into and listen all the way through. Stick what genre tag you want on it but essentially it's a fantastically crafted album with Pop sensibilities that I never tire of.
One of my favorite albums that. Hell of a first song with Never Meant too, personally I find it's the one that really stands out. Once I hear that I can't stop listening till it's over. The whole album's great though.

As Dead As Leaves - No

Fantastic whatever this would be considered. I've had it for a while and didn't listen to it before this. Very simple repetitive music, definitely not for everyone, but quite the enjoyable listen while I was busy cleaning my room this afternoon.

The For Carnation - The For Carnation

The For Carnation managed to a craft a damn good album here. The music is very simple and repeats a lot (guess I was in the mood for that today) but when the guitar comes in out of absolutely no where, you realize just how perfect it is, and the time they must have spent putting everything together at just the right time.
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Old 03-24-2010, 01:17 AM   #3638 (permalink)
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Andrew Jackson Jihad-Can't Maintain
Been making some new music lately, check it out

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Originally Posted by mr dave
isn't this one of the main reasons for this entire site?

what's next? a thread made specifically to banter about music?
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Old 03-24-2010, 02:35 PM   #3639 (permalink)
why bother?
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
Cop a load of this:
I'm there I've already got the latest album myself (excellent as it is - Omen's a belter of a tune no matter how overplayed it is) and Fat Of the Land, which is good but I wouldn't quite call it the classic a lot of folk do. As far as progressive house goes though, the Prodigy are definitely where it's at.

Quick update on my current musical situation...

The Pogues - Hell's Ditch

This album's half and half for me. There are some of the Pogues' best songs on there and, consequently, some of the most fun songs ever written, but bits of it (particularly the second half) are pretty uninteresting and, dare I say it, boring. Well worth it for the highlights though. Haven't listened to this album in almost a year as well.

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Old 03-24-2010, 03:41 PM   #3640 (permalink)
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This week I haven't really listened to too many albums per se... lotsa random Smashing Pumpkins tracks.... mostly a CD in the car i have with their most recent releases... made for some good listening... i should get around to some solid album listening tonight!
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