American Idol was always trash to me. They turn away good singers to place people on tv that have a gimmick or looks a certain type to get better ratings....every once in a blue moon they'll actually let one or two people in at all the different cities that are actually good singers. They aren't looking for singers but for certain personalities.
I've always hated that show. All the winners of the show are terribly unsuccessful when they release their albums with the exception of two, Kelly and Carrie that's about it. I also don't like how they force people to sign a contract with Simon's production company when they get down to the top 8. Whether you like it or not, you are stuck in the contract for the duration of it.
It seems like Clive Davis' hit machine isn't working too well because the winners that he's producing are having lackluster albums compared to the runner ups and other people in the top 8 that get deals with other labels but somewhere in that contract still probably owe some royalties to Simon.