Schizotypic |
07-22-2010 08:16 PM |
Originally Posted by Stone Birds
(Post 904810)
"crappy" is an opionion i guarantee every artist we all listen to there is atleast 100 people who think it's crap
Yeah I think there's really no good reason to rag on any music. Sometimes I'll throw on My Chemical Romance or an old Smash Mouth song, or that"I Miss You" song by Blink182 that usually cracks me up just for old times sake, and other times I just feel like listening to them for some reason. Yesterday I was listening to that Womanizer song by Brittney on my girlfriends ipod.
My point being anyone who would put them self above me for doing so is a music snob... which sucks for them because how much fun can it be listening to music at least in part to boost-up your ego?
As far as their being a bunch of music snobs on the site- I haven't counted, don't remember, and don't care.