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Five Albums that changed Music for you
1) Led Zeppelin I & II (got them the same day when I was nine)
2) The Velvet Underground and Nico 3) Boston, Self titled 4) Ghetto Music, KRS One 5) Quadrophenia, The Who |
Don't know that these are the top 5 or anything but here's 5:
I've picked ones I can remember coming out. The Mars Volta - De-Loused In The Comatorium It still feels as unique as ever, and still makes me dance like I'm having a fit. Radiohead - Kid A One of the first albums I really let open me up to some weird electronic music. (not that I can find anyone who does it better than Radiohead) Tom Waits - Bone Machine The First album of his I fully got into, I'd had mix tapes but this blew me away. Tori Amos - Welcome To Sunny Florida (I know it's a dvd but i play it like an album) I can't play this enough, it's sad, uplifting and angry all at the same time. Nine Inch Nails - Pretty Hate Machine Another one of the first computery kind of albums I really got into. |
@ Frances
What is your favorite Bowie album?
Well, I'm a child of the 80s, so my list will probably be different from a lot of yours. I'm also into a wide variety of music ... so here goes:
These aren't in any order, save for the order I heard them: 1. Stryper - To Hell with the Devil This album really got me into metal. My life changed drastically after hearing this. 2. Slayer - Reign in Blood This was the album that really got me into Thrash. 3. Nine Ince Nails - Pretty Hate Machine I remember first hearing this back in the early 90s. I got it right after it was first released. I got really into Industrial after this. 4. Sisters of Mercy - Floodland Got me into Goth Rock. 5. Depeche Mode - Violator I love this album as it really opened a new door to me. A door into a world of electronic pop that I love to this day. These are all albums I heard when I was a kid back in the late 80s/early 90s. Here's 5 more modern releases that have really impressed me: Therion - Lemuria/Sirius B Leaves' Eyes - Vinland Saga Seabound - Double-Crosser Enya - Amarantine Stratovarius - Elements |
Violator, a great choice. I love that album.:D
Cool - nice to see another fan on here! |
1. Elliott Smith "From a Basement on the Hill"
2. Patrick Wolf "Wind in the Wires" 3. Circle Takes the Square "As the Roots Undo" 4. Bright Eyes "Letting Off the Happiness" 5. The Ramones "The Ramones" |
I love The Ramones!
Led Zeppelin II
Paranoid--Black Sabbath Are You Experienced?--The Jimi Hendrix Experience Killer--Alice Cooper I'll have to think about the fifth one. |
My music preference changes every few years so I'll give you one from each transition starting at the age of 4-ish, which was 1984. (Some of these are embarassing)
The Beatles: A Hard Days Night - My mom would play it all the time and I'd find myself singing along. (Jefferson) Starship: Knee Deep in the Hoopla - I got this for Christmas and loved the track 'We Built This City.' (Hey I was like 7 years old) U2: The Joshua Tree Nirvana Unplugged in NY Bush: Sixteen Stone Korn: Korn Radiohead: The Bends Frank Zappa: Hot Rots together with Captain Beefheart: Trout Mask Replica lastly, Volcano The Bear: Classic Erasmus Fusion [The last three albums are currently my favourites as well.] |
Elliott Smith- Either/or . signaled the end of my liking metal and the start of something much more substantial.
Jeff Buckley- Grace . nothing else compares Bob Dylan- Highway 61 Revisited. Bob Dylan, 1965, black pants black jacket black sunglasses. ****ing cool. Radiohead- OK Computer . the most influential thing ive ever heard. The Smiths- Singles . of course |
My list will look weird, but they're the albums that pretty much helped shape my taste and not necessarily ones I consider good.
5. Napalm Death - Scum This album single handedly got me into grind which later got me into punk. If not for Napalm Death I would've never heard Velvet Underground, Droog, Dead Kennedys, or anything remotely punk really. 4. Death - Symbolic Showed me how beautiful death metal could be. I discovered it at a time when I considered any music with harsh vocals to be obnoxious but I was also young, dumb, and uneducated about metal. This album had a good enough sense of melody to change my opinion on it. 3. Front 242 - Tragedy For You My friend had me listen to this. I learned that not all electronica was cheap rave music. 2. Blue Oyster Cult - Fire Of Unknown Origin This doesn't need explanation, it just is. This album should pretty much define all tastes. 1. Stabbing Westward - Darkest Days By far not the best album on the list however the most influential on my personal tastes. Everyone has that one album or band that simply makes something that a youth can't comprehend so he goes and searches because of it. This was it for me. This album literally got me into looking for other music actively. If not for this album I'd be some hairy glam ***got. |
Assuming that what the title means is 5 albums that have play a big role in your life and how you look at music.
1. Are You Experienced? I've said it many times too many, but this is a very important album to me. The only other albums I had until this one was an Offspring cd, some Spice Girls casettes and a few of those Now compliations. My dad gave it to me on my 13th birthday. This was the album that truly got me into music. 2. Dark Side of the Moon Would I be music banters reigning annoying prog fan if it weren't for this album? I think not. I used to listen to this album at least once a day, which comes to show just how obsessed I was with it. It really struck a chord with me. 3. Nevermind This represents my teen angst years, from which I have never fully recovered even at my age. People can diss Nirvana just like they always have, mention a whole bunch of crappy hardcore bands and say "this is who they ripped off, they're so much better". But none of these bands meant sh*t to me like Nirvana have. They were a pivotal band for me. 4. Ready to Die I'm not really the type to get all emotional about music, but this album is an exception. I really loved how an album could play out a whole story. Its like a movie plot. And a good one. 5. Sgt Peppers Obviously at this point I'm gonna get a lot of slack for not including anything remotely obscure. What can I say? I'm a genuine classic rock elitist. Honorable mentions: The Best of Led Zeppelin I never owned it, but I borrowed it from my brother, well actually just the second cd with all the stuff from HOTH and onwards. But goddamn if that wasn't all it took to get me hooked on Zep for life. Morning View I don't know why, and you're all gonna mock me because its Incubus. But at a confused period in my life, this album just kinda connected with me. It still does actually. Close to the Edge DSOTM got me interested in prog, but this is the one that really got me into it. Wakemans mellotron is the soundtrack to my dreams. Yeah that was ghey. But its true. Appetite for Destruction I knew every song years before I actually bought the damn thing. My stepdad played it all the time when I was little. All the sex and drug references even as unsubtle as they were flew over my head in those days, lol. Essentially the first 5 CCR albums. The earliest music I remember ever hearing that I liked was CCR, they go all the way back to my childhood. Grandmas favorite band. |
Alright you guys may laugh at some of the albums on here. I do not like all of the albums, but they did have an impact on me nonetheless.
As I Lay Dying - Shadows are Security Okay I that this album, but it was the first non mainstream album/band I got into, which helped me realize that I should look beyond the radio for music. In Flames - Colony This album isn't that good either, but it taught me that death metal wasn't for satanist and that it didn't talk about death all the time, which made me get into death metal. From there I didn't really care what they talked about because I was all about the music. Opeth - Blackwater Park This album pretty much made my opinion on music. I believe that all music should always be original or technical to a high level. Without this album I would never be thinking that way. Also the song The Drapery Falls inspired me to practice guitar a lot more. The beginning riff in that song sends chills down my spine. Agalloch - The Mantle This album has the first song I chose to learn on the guitar, which since it was my first I picked "A Desolation Song." Okay, the next one has nothing to do with how it changed my music life, but my social life (I guess you could say that...) Dax Johnson - The Random and The Purpose Without the song Zavior Dax: Part 1 I would have never had the courage to go up to this one girl and tell her I liked her (she is two years older than me and she is my friend's sister.) And I am going to upload that album right now because of that: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service You should all look at this album, it is a masterpiece. |
Iron Maiden - Number Of The Beast
Made me realise there's more to life than chart music. Suede - S/T Made me realise there's more to life than chart music & metal. Public Enemy - Takes A Nation Of Millions Never really liked hip hop that much, it never really delivered as much as it promised to my ears , this was the first hip hop album that did. Primal Scream - Screamadelica Finally somebody making dance music that wasn't cheesy. This album opened up a hell of a lot of doors in many different genres. The Fall - Grotesque (After The Gramme) Where the love affair started |
The Beatles-the Blue/Red albums-I first remember these from about the age of five. My father was (and is still) playing them, and introduced me to music per se.
Iron Maiden-Live After Death. In 1986 my parents split up and my a friend at school lent me the cassette version of this, and it introduced me to music as a way of life, belonging and expression. (Incidentally the friend became my best mate and we are still best friends 21 years later even though we live 70 miles apart) The Exploited-Totally Exploited-It showed me that there was other heavy guitar music other than metal, that could be heavy, full of rage and anxiety. This lead onto punk, hardcore punk and alternative. Massive Attack-Mezzanine-I always considered myself to be open minded, but I realised you can never be truly open minded, and when I first heard this, it blew me away (and still does). It lead me into the world of electronica, trip hop, dance etc. Only four-nothing has truly changed my musical tastes since 1999, but I am forever expanding and enjoying new genres and bands. |
I like this thread, keep posting! Some great albums on there. Some not as great, but that's not really the point. I like the explanations too.:tramp:
minutemen-double nickels on the dimeafter listening to a lot of 80's American punk rock, it all started to sound blurry and more or less the same. But this was never really true with me for these guys, which is why this beefy album is one of my faves.
pavement-slanted enchanted my favorite pavement album, just really dig it and im having a hard time wording why exactly that is at the moment Public Enemy-Apocalypse 91...The Enemy Strikes Black never really got into "nation of millions" which is unfortunate because it delayed me checking out Public Enemy again for a long time. But this album showed me why. Chuck D is one, of not the best lyricists in rap. "by the time i get to Arizona" is my favorite rap song off all time. Talking Heads-77 this album was the first to actually convince me my dad's taste in music wasn't stale and useless. David Byrne is a pimp. Aesop Rock-"Labor Days" first artist i truly constantly had to look up lyrics for over and over. One of my favorite rap artists. I still hardly have a clue what any of his songs mean, or even if they have a meaning. |
Californication, The Red Hot Chili Peppers: At first it seemed pretty superficial ,but in the end it's message really got to me.
Tommy, The Who: Hooked me on Rock Opera's. Can't Buy A Thrill: Got me hooked on Jazz fusion, leading to Jimi Hendrix. Dark Side of the Moon: Got me hooked on Prog. In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, Neutral Milk Hotel: It just makes me feel happy... |
Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
Daydream Nation Loveless Tago Mago Trout Mask Replica |
5 that changed my life... in order of which i listened to them.
The Cooper Temple Clause - See This Through and Leave Tool - Lateralus Isis - Oceanic Khanate - Things Viral Animal Collective - Feels |
1. The Fall Of Troy - s/t
2. Django Reinhardt - Djangology 3. Cirlce Takes The Square - As The Roots Undo 4. Madvillain - Madvillainy 5. Elmore James - The Sky Is Crying |
I'll try and get this in the right order.
The Human League - Hysteria The first album I ever got on tape and the first album I ever actually asked for. I think I got it when I was about 6. The Human League were the first band I realised that I loved. Spice Girls - Spice I'd never really been obsessive about a group until The Spice Girls arrived. Aphex Twin - Richard D. James Album Up until this point I was only really listening to electronic-based music that made it into the charts. This album encouraged me to explore a bit more. Deftones - White Pony I was a teenager when this was released and the sound summed up my life so perfectly. I think this was the album that made me want to find something heavier after a while and eventually I got into metal. Boards Of Canada - Geogaddi This was a bit like the Aphex Twin revelation but it had a lot to do with the feelings the music created rather than just the music itself. |
Thrice- Illusion of Safety
Got me into "hardcore" and was the first "alternative" album I ever loved, I used to listen to that album, whole, each day, at least once. U2- Joshua Tree I'm sure I'll get grief for this, but they were the first non Dave Matthews Band, band that I got into. Dave Matthews Band- Before These Crowded Streets I still love this album, I realize that DMB is nothing like what they once were, but this album was so great, Halloween, The Stone and Crush are still amazing tracks. The Cure- The Cure Obviously not their best album ever, but I remember seeing the album cover in a Target and thought it was brilliant, they basically got me into Indie rock. Bright Eyes- Lifted, Or The Story Is In The Soil Keep Your Ear To The Ground Got me into folk, and Bright Eyes in general, which led to me listening to Elliott Smith and then it went from there. I don't like this album as a whole like I used to, but I still love Bowl of Oranges, Waste of Paint, and Method Acting. |
It's really difficult to narrow it down to ONLY five albums.. let's see..
KISS -Alive II - this one probably started everything for me- I was at that perfect age when I put down my comics and saw KISS on tv and said "real-life superheroes!!!" When Ace had sparks flying out of his guitar- that pretty much did it for me- I was toying around with my dad's guitar before this- but never really got serious until KISS was the catalyst. Jeff Beck- Blow by Blow: This album showed me what COULD be done with a guitar and just opened my mind to new concepts of leads, arrangements, rock, jazz, funk, fusion. Steve Vai- Passion and Warfare: For the same reasons as Jeff Beck- only taking it 10,000 steps further! Miles Davis: Kind of Blue- because this album blows your senses AND grounds you all at the same time. For me, listening to this album puts me in touch with something deeper- and it made me try to play these lines on guitar- thus opening my mind to a whole new level of thinking in terms of guitar playing. the fifth is difficult to narrow down to only one.. but I'm torn between Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force (1st album) or Iron Maiden's Powerslave |
1. Third Eye Blind - self titled
2. U2 - Joshua Tree 3. Enigma - The Cross of changes 4. Eiffel 65 - Blue 5. Static X - Wisconsin Death Trip (never thought you'd see Static X next to Eiffel 65, did you?) i'd say these 5 groups in general made a major impression on me as a person and as a musician. |
The Cure - Greatest Hits really changed my musical perspective.
Some others are: Nirvana - Nevermind Metallica - Metallica Tool - Aenima |
The Who - Who's Next: This album made me appreciate how great rock music truly sounded.
Slint - Spiderland: I was quickly turning against alternative music, all the college rock bands were signing to major labels & the 80's left me with a bad taste. But this album was totally different from what I was watching on MTV, reading in Spin & listening to. Sebadoh - III: Made me swear my allegiance to indie rock. Lucinda Williams - Car Wheels On a Gravel Road: Filled in an era where I grew disillusioned to indie rock (just as I did with alternative) & didn't want 'image' but honest good music. Radiohead - Kid A: Rock isn't dead, it's just growing up. These are just from memory, their probably were albums that meant more to me at the time, but this is all I can remember for now. |
Eminem - Marshall Mathers LP. - some people dislike eminem, thats their choice, but this is the first album to really kick me in the balls, its lyrical themes and generally obscene nature was so different to anything else i was listening to as a 9 year old (destinys child, west life), it had a huge impact on me, making me realise music could be deeper and more meaningful than just churning out hits for fame and fortune.
The Beatles - Revolver. - Ever since my dad played me this record as a kid ive always had a personal affinity with all things melancholic (cliche, yet true nonetheless), in this sense not only did it get me into the beatles and consequently 50% of my music taste, but its also had a huge influence on the way i live my life and see the world. The VU - VU & Nico. - I remember the day, was with freinds in HMV, i had £5 to spend so went to the sales section. The album cover stood out for me and, intrigued, i bought it on impulse. I played it as soon as i got in, and after listening to it the whole way through once, i replayed it all again. The chaotic, frantic and at times discordant tone of the album released in me an emotion of absolute aggression and energy no album has achieved since, its THE album that opened me up to more experimental, underground music and for that i will always cherish it. Massive Attack - Mezzanine - i bought this at a time when i had grown seriously bored of the music i was listening to. I'd heard of it from my older brothers freind and thought ' why not?'. Immediatley i was in absolute awe of the brooding, macabre bassline of angel, it took me to another place, and the rest of the album just transfixed me. I remember my mum knocking on my bedroom door and confessing her hatred for it, thats when i knew id found a gem. Completely opened me up to a whole new avenue of music, without this i would not like DJ shadow, DJ Krush, Unkle, RJD2, Autechre, Aphex Twin or DJ spooky, music which im hugely into these days. Radiohead - Hail To The Thief. To many its not even radioheads finest piece, but to me it is i think my favourite album of all time. its the fifth 'head album i bought, i was fascinated with what it would sound like after hearing Kid A. To my absolute delight, i discovered an album that not only blended the most adventurous, experimental moments in radioheads catalogue with their most anthemic, radio-freindly material, its lyrics also affected me greatly, dealing with issues of alientation, deindividualization and an utter anxiety towards what the future holds (3 things that register high on a personal level), it made me think about the deeper meanings in music a lot more, consequently changing my approach to it forever. |
Pere Ubu - Dub Housing
There's something so utterly bizarre and alienating about this album that reaffirmed my faith in music. It sounds unlike anything else in the world because it brings together various disparaging styles with singular intent, and blends them into something unique. The very notion that there would always be music like this out there, so distant from experience and challenging in nature, waiting to be found by me, is what keeps me looking for new music. This album represents my first true interest in the possibilities of music. Polvo - Today's Active Lifestyles This album taught me that there is something intensely beautiful and alluring about dissonance; its haunting melodies still echo in my mind. Ornette Coleman - Shape of Jazz to Come I blame this album for getting me into jazz and improv. My Bloody Valentine - Loveless Introduced the idea of using a guitar for providing texture rather than melody or rhythm, which, once embraced, leads the way to countless other forms of music. Merzbow - Aqua Necromancer Challenged my concept of music by reducing it to noise. This is an album which you must either reject or it renders music boundless. |
RHCP - Blood Sugar Sex Magik:
The album that got me into listening to music and showed me how amazing a bass guitar could be. It's still my favourite album ever and I've been playing bass for years because of it. Metallica - Ride the Lightning: The album that got me into metal and made me explore more music. Before then, I had never heard anything quite as heavy and aggressive as that album. Fade to Black was the song that really grabbed me. Beatles - Abbey Road: I've always liked the Beatles, but this was the first studio album of theirs which I had heard and was was the start of my love affair with the band (and McCartney). That album is incredible. Isis - Oceanic: This was the album that introduced me to more atmospheric music. It was primal, yet complex and above all, very atmospheric. Windir - Arntor: When I first heard this, I liked a bit of folk metal and didn't really like black metal. Arntor showed me how music so harsh in the form of black metal, could be so amazingly beautiful. I had seen beauty in music before, and even in extreme metal, but never on this scale. Huge influence. And all of these apart from Ride the Lightning rank very highly on my favourite albums list. |
Deep Purple - Machine Head
This is what got me started. This band flat out jammed. Roxy Music - Country Life Wildly varied and progressive. Kicked up my passion for hard rock bands that experimented w/ different genres. Kyuss - Blues of the Red Right when you think you heard of everything...there's this. Never heard of them before. Made me hunt for more bands like them. Soundgarden - Badmotorfinger Unbelievable singer. Heavy and psychedelic, new but retro. Radiohead - The Bends Ok Computer may have been grander, but they rocked harder on this. Honorable Mention - Opeth "Ghost Reveries". So good it's scary. |
1. Alice Cooper - Welcome To My Nightmare
Has to be the greatest album ever made. 2. The Beatles - Rubber Soul Introduced me to Rock N Roll 3. Elvis - How Great Thou Art Just the most amazing vocals! 4. Savatage - Edge Of Thorns Can listen to it from beginning to end and it just flows. 5. GNR - Appetite for Destruction OMG! GREAT ALBUM! |
Beatles White Album
Neil Young Tonight's The Night Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon Pixies Nirvana Nevermind |
in no particular order :
at the drive in - relationships of command pearl jam - ten radiohead - kid a pink floyd - dark side of the moon daft punk - homework runner ups : arcade fire - funeral the velvet underground - the velvet underground and nico the beatles - sgt peppers and the lonely hearts club band of montreal - hissing fauna are you the destroyer ratatat - ratatat |
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