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Merkaba 02-09-2007 12:46 AM

Best band: Round 1: Poll K
Poll K is open for voting:)

sleepy jack 02-09-2007 04:00 AM

Blood Brothers

Alo 02-09-2007 05:03 AM

Rise Against, Blood Brothers second, just so I won't get kicked too hard...

White Lies 02-09-2007 05:37 AM

Dinosaur Jr.

swim 02-09-2007 06:00 AM

Dinosaur Jr.


DearJenny 02-09-2007 06:26 AM

Rise Against

The Dave 02-09-2007 07:47 AM

Dinosaur Jr>Blood Brothers>All

littleknowitall 02-09-2007 08:02 AM

Saxon get my vote.

coffeeshop 02-09-2007 12:25 PM

Dinosaur Jr all the way

right-track 02-09-2007 01:10 PM

I'm a big admirer of Dinosaur Junior, but Hendrix takes it with ease.

In fact they'd top a lot of lists for me...but not this one.

Loser 02-09-2007 01:38 PM

Dinosaur Jr. no doubt

Blain 02-09-2007 03:31 PM

T'was between Dinosur Jr and Rise Against for me. But seeing as Rise Against are pretty much my favourite band at the moment, they win.

skindredluver 02-09-2007 03:32 PM

Rise against for me!

Crowe 02-09-2007 04:12 PM

Hendrix is losing to Dinosaur Jr? So... the music experts at musicbanter have deemed a good but not great alt-grunge band that had an interesting yet unremarkable career BETTER than someone who is considered one of the greatest and most influential musicians in rock music history? Isn't the point of these polls to figure out who is the "best"?

Good job folks.

swim 02-09-2007 04:19 PM

I'm shocked too. Mb made the right choice, so far. It's not about technical skill or influence we could read some stupid magazine if we wanted that but it's about preference.

The Unfan 02-09-2007 04:36 PM

I prefer Hendrix. Spanish Castle Magic is like an orgasm in an aural format.

Crowe 02-09-2007 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by swimintheundertow (Post 334568)
I'm shocked too. Mb made the right choice, so far. It's not about technical skill or influence we could read some stupid magazine if we wanted that but it's about preference.

Heh. If it's in a magazine that doesn't necessarily make it wrong. Technical skill and influence aside... Dinosaur Jr is still not even close to Jimi Hendrix - I like Dinosaur Jr, don't get me wrong ... but please, I feel like this is a huge joke!


But seriously, picking DinoJr because you want to be cool and pick the lesser known band is pretty lame. It's apparent to me at least that it's an act of trying to go against the norm for the sake of going against the norm... which, in the end is just conforming all over again.

White Lies 02-09-2007 04:52 PM

Hendrix was cool.

But I'd take Dinosaur Jr's music over him anytime.

The Unfan 02-09-2007 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Crowe (Post 334598)
Heh. If it's in a magazine that doesn't necessarily make it wrong. Technical skill and influence aside... Dinosaur Jr is still not even close to Jimi Hendrix - I like Dinosaur Jr, don't get me wrong ... but please, I feel like this is a huge joke!


But seriously, picking DinoJr because you want to be cool and pick the lesser known band is pretty lame. It's apparent to me at least that it's an act of trying to go against the norm for the sake of going against the norm... which, in the end is just conforming all over again.

Its even funnier when going against the norm is the norm, and thus voting to fit in with the norm would make you against the norm.

swim 02-09-2007 04:55 PM

It's even funnier that I've been on about Dinosaur Jr. for a very long time and that I've never been a huge fan of Jimi.

The Unfan 02-09-2007 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by swimintheundertow (Post 334604)
It's even funnier that I've been on about Dinosaur Jr. for a very long time and that I've never been a huge fan of Jimi.

Not pointing fingers at anyone. I understand it all comes down to taste but liking Dinosaur Jr. over Jimi is kind of baffling. Though that could be my inner musician wanting to vote for the more technical choice.

White Lies 02-09-2007 05:01 PM

Forget this "going against the norm" garbage.

Some people like Dinosaur Jr more than Jimi Hendrix. Get over it.

Crowe 02-09-2007 05:02 PM

So I made a post that said something like "I don't know why people leave forums" in the Announcements forum - this is one of those reasons that I had previously unforseen.

And again, this does say the BEST BAND poll... not the, oh I know that this band's the best, but I'm going to go ahead and pick this guy instead poll did I miss something?

White Lies 02-09-2007 05:02 PM

Stop being such a ****ing stupid fanboy.

swim 02-09-2007 05:04 PM

Because people argue the validity of a preference or other stupid shit.

I guess you missed the part where ethan said pick your five favorite bands and I'll make a list and all the polls he made said pick your favorite.

Sneer 02-09-2007 05:06 PM

i personally think its a very weak poll (even though i was heavily involved in choosing the polls!).

Crowe 02-09-2007 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by White Lies (Post 334611)
Stop being such a ****ing stupid fanboy.

So you ran out of intelligent things to say and took it to a personal level? You obviously have no fvcking idea who you are talking to - you don't know me, I can't remember the last time I sat down and listened to Jimi Hendrix - I don't even have more than 10 songs of his in my digital collection. As a matter of fact - I have more Dinosaur Jr. But Hendrix is motherfvcking hands down better than Dinosaur Jr. So why don't you stop being the stupid fanboy. Goddamned c0ckgobbler.


Originally Posted by swimintheundertow (Post 334612)
I guess you missed the part where ethan said pick your five favorite bands and I'll make a list and all the polls he made said pick your favorite.hit.

I had forgotten that these polls were spawned out of this, yes. The titles should be changed to Favorite Band, then. Otherwise most of these polls are blasphemous musically :P.

White Lies 02-09-2007 05:14 PM

What objectively defines an artist to be "hands down better" than anyone else?

As far as I'm aware, music is totally subjective, so which band is better than another is entirely down to each individual listener. But here you are, acting as though Hendrix is the only applicable option. Why? Why should someone who enjoys listening to Dinosaur Jr vote for Hendrix just because he's a big name musician and just because he's technically gifted? It's about the emotion, the songs, not technical prowess or influence or any other crap. If you think it's musically blasphemous to vote for any of those bands over Hendrix, then try and be more open-minded and objective and realize that some people prefer the MUSIC to the big name or "correct choice".

tdoc210 02-09-2007 05:37 PM


Crowe 02-09-2007 05:42 PM

It says The Best. Let me use the convention of a dictionary definition to reiterate my concern with that title.

1. of the highest quality, excellence, or standing

Of this list, I believe Hendrix is the most applicable in terms of "The Best".

Now that I am reminded that these polls were spawned from a "favorite" band thread, then I'm not going to question this openly as I have in this thread - I have held back in other threads, but I have found this to be pretty ridiculous in regards to the aforementioned complaint.

Sneer 02-09-2007 05:49 PM

i have problems with the overall concept of this poll system, VERY good bands *cough white stripes cough* arent making the cut when in reality they really should because alot of people like them. However, the basis of this whole event isnt to establish the BEST, its to establish the FAVOURITE band(s) on mb, if it was the best it was just be a generic list comprising of the beatles, zeppelin, the stones, hendrix, the clash etc etc etc - wheres the fun in that?

Crowe 02-09-2007 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Stu (Post 334632)
i have problems with the overall concept of this poll system, VERY good bands *cough white stripes cough* arent making the cut when in reality they really should because alot of people like them. However, the basis of this whole event isnt to establish the BEST, its to establish the FAVOURITE band(s) on mb, if it was the best it was just be a generic list comprising of the beatles, zeppelin, the stones, hendrix, the clash etc etc etc - wheres the fun in that?

Agreed. I wasn't aware of that until swimintheundertow's post. Again, I thought we were deciding who was the "best".

White Lies 02-09-2007 06:21 PM

Band X
Band Y

say band X is your favorite of the two, you enjoy listening to them more. Surely then, you think that band X is BETTER than band Y, and hence is the BEST band? In your opinion, of course. It surely doesn't matter if there's a variation in style or technical proficiency - is the better band not the one that inspires the best and strongest feelings and emotions in you? To me, that band is better at making music. And hence, "the best". Not overall, because other people will think differently. But to me.

If you like Hendrix best and think his music is better than Dinosaur Jr, fine. But there's no given right to deny anyone else winning this. And there's no given right to deny that ANY OF THE OTHER BANDS COULD BE BETTER THAN HIM, in another person's mind.

If someone could plz explain to me why Jimi Hendrix is definitely, without any doubt, the "best" artist on this poll, please do so. Or am I wrong when I say the quality (QUALITY!) of any art is always subjective?

Crowe 02-09-2007 06:56 PM

I'll respond directly with bolded text.


Originally Posted by White Lies (Post 334651)
Band X
Band Y

say band X is your favorite of the two, you enjoy listening to them more. Surely then, you think that band X is BETTER than band Y, and hence is the BEST band? In your opinion, of course. It surely doesn't matter if there's a variation in style or technical proficiency - is the better band not the one that inspires the best and strongest feelings and emotions in you? To me, that band is better at making music. And hence, "the best". Not overall, because other people will think differently. But to me.


For example: I consider Alkaline Trio one of my favorite bands, but there is no way I think that they have better music than Johannes Brahms. This might be because I'm a classically trained musician, I just happen to know that Brahms is better at making music than the Alkaline Trio - but I feel like this is something that everyone is aware of.

If you like Hendrix best and think his music is better than Dinosaur Jr, fine. But there's no given right to deny anyone else winning this. And there's no given right to deny that ANY OF THE OTHER BANDS COULD BE BETTER THAN HIM, in another person's mind.

You sit here talking about rights - but I have a feeling you are pulling this rant out of your nether cavity. I did not deny anyone winning this poll. I simply stated my personal surprise about people's opinions regarding who was "The Best" which at the time, I thought we were judging. So are you discounting my right do so? When I realized my mistake, I acknowledged it and expected to MOVE ON WITH THE CONVERSATION. But since you keep bringing it up...

If someone could plz explain to me why Jimi Hendrix is definitely, without any doubt, the "best" artist on this poll, please do so. Or am I wrong when I say the quality (QUALITY!) of any art is always subjective?

Our definition of the word best is different. Therefore, what you think the word "best" entails and what I think the word "best" entails is different. Since you love the idea of subjectivity - apply the concept to our views of the word "best", and let that satiate you.



Originally Posted by Famous Country Singer Gene Warson
Get Along Little Doggy.

TheBig3 02-09-2007 07:00 PM


TheBig3 02-09-2007 07:04 PM

This may be your undoing Crowe, but I agree and abck you 100%.

I've been the old man in the corner blabbing about this sort of thing forever. I'm just happy someone I've always considered intelligent is backing me up.

Crowe 02-09-2007 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 334675)
This may be your undoing Crowe, but I agree and abck you 100%.

I've been the old man in the corner blabbing about this sort of thing forever. I'm just happy someone I've always considered intelligent is backing me up.

Haha. I'm glad I'm being understood at least. For awhile I thought that maybe I just wasn't articulating my case well. But some people are so concerned about being "right" that they refuse to acknowledge or consider the points made by other people. Which I think is White Lies' problem here.

I usually agree with you actually. I don't post a lot of "Yeah I agree" posts because I'm lazy - but you and I see eye to eye on most things.

sleepy jack 02-09-2007 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Stu (Post 334613)
i personally think its a very weak poll (even though i was heavily involved in choosing the polls!).

Yeah, I think I may take a stab at it again once this is all done, because alot of the polls seem to be like that. This is more of a trial run, sort of. Theres alot of things i'll do differently next time.

Also (I didn't bother reading through the argument I more skimmed because I didn't see the point in reading through the whole thing), i'll be more specific in the future. I didn't really think people would be super technical over my choice in words, pick whatever band you want based on whatever criteria you choose to vote, best, favorite, coolest name, w/e.

TheBig3 02-09-2007 08:14 PM

Everything matter when winning is your goal.

White Lies 02-09-2007 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Crowe
For example: I consider Alkaline Trio one of my favorite bands, but there is no way I think that they have better music than Johannes Brahms. This might be because I'm a classically trained musician, I just happen to know that Brahms is better at making music than the Alkaline Trio - but I feel like this is something that everyone is aware of.

I ask you; what is the point of music? To enjoy it, and to inspire emotions within you? That's what I look for. And if a pop-punk band can do that more effectively than a classical musician, then I won’t deny that I find the pop-punk band better than the classical artist, even if that seems ridiculous to "clasically trained" musicians who obviously look for different things.

I want music to be passionate, with interesting lyrics that can make a statement, that can encourage the listener and get them to think. That's what makes music good, to me. There are lots of bands who haven't had the chance to be classically trained are still perfectly capable of writing music that many people will find to hit all the right spots. I's all about the listener and what they look for, though. To me, there is more passion and substance in early Dinosaur Jr albums than I’ve ever heard from any Hendrrx.


Originally Posted by Crowe
You sit here talking about rights - but I have a feeling you are pulling this rant out of your nether cavity. I did not deny anyone winning this poll. I simply stated my personal surprise about people's opinions regarding who was "The Best" which at the time, I thought we were judging. So are you discounting my right do so? When I realized my mistake, I acknowledged it and expected to MOVE ON WITH THE CONVERSATION. But since you keep bringing it up...

You are correct, you didn't deny it. But you implied it was ridiculous and somehow wrong that Dinosaur Jr were beating Hendrx, and that people could possibly think that Dino were better. The fact you thought this was about "the best band" or whatever is IRRELEVANT. I am not discounting your right to state your opinion, I'm saying that don't spout bull**** like "musically blasphemous" just because the band you think (THINK, my friend) is better isn't winning. It was yr attitude, and how you seemed to think it was outside the realm of possibility that Dinosaur Jr could've made better music than Jimi Hendrix. For example:


But Hendrix is motherfvcking hands down better than Dinosaur Jr
Not a fact. An opinion.


Technical skill and influence aside... Dinosaur Jr is still not even close to Jimi Hendrix
see above


And again, this does say the BEST BAND poll... not the, oh I know that this band's the best, but I'm going to go ahead and pick this guy instead poll did I miss something?
Prove that Hendrix is the best, and everyone knows that that is a fact. Then I'll concede you have a point.


it's an act of trying to go against the norm for the sake of going against the norm
Or people think Dinosaur Jr is better than Hendrix? BETTER. THE BEST of the two. Yeah, that'll be it.


Our definition of the word best is different. Therefore, what you think the word "best" entails and what I think the word "best" entails is different. Since you love the idea of subjectivity - apply the concept to our views of the word "best", and let that satiate you.
Clearly. Since you understand that people have a different idea of what "the best" is, you (hopefully) can now recognize that there is no artist who SHOULD win the poll, whether it be someone's favorite OR who they regard "the best". So let people vote whatever way they want, and don't be a pompous ******* about it.

good day.

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