Originally Posted by White Lies
(Post 334698)
I ask you; what is the point of music? To enjoy it, and to inspire emotions within you? That's what I look for. And if a pop-punk band can do that more effectively than a classical musician, then I won’t deny that I find the pop-punk band better than the classical artist, even if that seems ridiculous to "clasically trained" musicians who obviously look for different things.
I want music to be passionate, with interesting lyrics that can make a statement, that can encourage the listener and get them to think. That's what makes music good, to me. There are lots of bands who haven't had the chance to be classically trained are still perfectly capable of writing music that many people will find to hit all the right spots. I's all about the listener and what they look for, though. To me, there is more passion and substance in early Dinosaur Jr albums than I’ve ever heard from any Hendrrx.
You are correct, you didn't deny it. But you implied it was ridiculous and somehow wrong that Dinosaur Jr were beating Hendrx, and that people could possibly think that Dino were better. The fact you thought this was about "the best band" or whatever is IRRELEVANT. I am not discounting your right to state your opinion, I'm saying that don't spout bull**** like "musically blasphemous" just because the band you think (THINK, my friend) is better isn't winning. It was yr attitude, and how you seemed to think it was outside the realm of possibility that Dinosaur Jr could've made better music than Jimi Hendrix. For example:
Not a fact. An opinion.
see above
Prove that Hendrix is the best, and everyone knows that that is a fact. Then I'll concede you have a point.
Or people think Dinosaur Jr is better than Hendrix? BETTER. THE BEST of the two. Yeah, that'll be it.
Clearly. Since you understand that people have a different idea of what "the best" is, you (hopefully) can now recognize that there is no artist who SHOULD win the poll, whether it be someone's favorite OR who they regard "the best". So let people vote whatever way they want, and don't be a pompous ******* about it.
good day.