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[MERIT] 12-02-2006 06:56 PM

Favorite Local Bands
Tell us your favorite local band. Add a link if possible. My favorite local band is Shaman's Harvest. Theyve got a unique rock sound that im hooked on. Heres their myspace:

The Dave 12-02-2006 09:09 PM

Horizontal Orange, they're good buddies of mine, music is slightly like ETID but not too much.

Blain 12-02-2006 09:49 PM

My cousin's band

tdoc210 12-02-2006 11:26 PM

... there arn't many good ones.. but i suppose.. the rotaways

Sound Devastation 12-03-2006 06:45 AM

Throw Stephanie in the Incinerator
Naked Sh*t
What Price? Wonderland.

Three SD bands who are relatively local. other than them there is Sidearm, Souvaris, Lovvers, Army of Flying Robots... and a load of really good musicians who seem to form bands in various combinations every week or so. Theres a very cool music scene here.

Desired_Moments 12-03-2006 02:30 PM


VerityWhizzbang 12-06-2006 07:15 AM

Leeds - Chichino
These guys are wicked. I went to a Chichino Party in Leeds when I went visit my mates. They are a funk and soul band with a s*!t hot vocalist. Thought she sounded a bit like the girl who sang on Zero 7's first album (???) I danced my little tush off all night long.

lenrotche 12-07-2006 07:15 PM

Dead Pan Rangers - well they used to be local til they moved to the UK (other side of the world from me).

at: / deadpanrangers

Crowe 12-07-2006 07:30 PM

Bi Level. St. Louis local rock band. They rock pretty hard. Listen to Calling.

Ma Cherie 12-07-2006 07:33 PM

not my favoate but the ENC fave


[MERIT] 12-07-2006 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Crowe (Post 308995)

Bi Level. St. Louis local rock band. They rock pretty hard. Listen to Calling.

Youre from STL? theres alot of good local bands there. Pops nightclub usually is good about showcasing local talent.

Crowe 12-07-2006 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by oojay (Post 309000)
Youre from STL? theres alot of good local bands there. Pops nightclub usually is good about showcasing local talent.

You're telling me. When you're under 21 - the only thing to do exciting in St. Louis is go see the local shows. For about a year and a half, I was at Pop's more than I was at my own house. Saw some sweet bands there for cheap before they made it big! And bands that I think should have or still should make it big.

[MERIT] 12-07-2006 09:35 PM

Yeah, Ive seen Story of the Year there uber many times before they made it big. Ever see Ludo?

littleknowitall 12-08-2006 07:25 AM

Never Trust a french man - my mate from my philosophy's class' band,

and... mate (who'se been trying to register here for months and hasn't got anywhere by the way, thankyou very much musicbanter¬_¬) well....he found his old i.t teacher on myspace the other day and ....this is something you've all got to see *s******s* (it's ****e but you might laugh a little)


met the guitarist at a bus stop

and im always trying to get you all to listen to these...

that's all that springs to mind, i don't get out much these days, i'm too poor :(

~nutshell~ 12-09-2006 01:31 PM

shameless promotion for my friend's band:

sleepy jack 12-09-2006 03:49 PM

The lead singer is hot, i've seen him naked.

Imonlydancing 12-10-2006 04:12 AM

most of the good bands in my area split up and stuff.
i guess enter shikari are pretty local to me.
smoking hearts? if anyone's heard of them.

Friday 12-10-2006 05:16 AM

I coul obviously say The Specials, though they are no longer together.

Roddy Radiation still plays gigs in Coventry with the Skabilly Rebels.

Also Pauline Black of The Selecter plays gigs locally.

littleknowitall 12-11-2006 04:06 PM

I assumed we were talking about smalltown unsigned bands o.0

Dark Party 12-12-2006 05:54 PM

Boston = The Dropkick Murphys. The best bar band in history.

DearJenny 12-12-2006 10:49 PM

I hope these links are right, because I dont feel like copying and pasting.

I know the members of a lot of local bands. Three of my favorites are Miles Beyond(epic metal), Rhyoma(death metal) and Day In Age(art rock).

xerorane 12-13-2006 11:03 AM

my gf introduced my to this band Im not gonna lie there pretty good

swim 12-17-2006 03:17 PM

awesome experimental skramz, victor told me to stop stealing his music, isn't that cool?

Boa Narrow
More screamo. They're really based on song writing

Black Castle
Electronic emo

Chet Stedman
Kinda crusty

Jonah Michea Judy
Nice voice and acoustic guitar. Blatant 90 influences, really good

Sunset Greets the Moon
pop-emo second only to Knapsack and Brand New, doesn't sound like them though

CTTS screamo

Night Bear
I hear Descendent influences. Good punk

They sound better in person, I swear

Amazing post-metal

I Gave Myself to the Sea
More screamo

victorofcourse 02-05-2007 09:20 PM

was it wrong for me to make a request?

Kevorkian Logic 02-06-2007 04:07 PM

littleknowitall 02-08-2007 06:31 AM

Didn't i pretty much do the same thing as this already? ah well...

here are some ****e ones...

Trouble182 02-12-2007 04:04 AM
900 Spaces has my ex boyfriend in so I dont wanna say that one, but I know the rest of the band so i should coz the'yre nice people...dammit! :-D

CarbonCopy 02-12-2007 09:43 AM

These guys are all very talented in my opinion..they're amazing live as well
as on their CDs.

DontRunMeOver 02-12-2007 10:06 AM

They're the only really good ones I can think of. There's a lot of truly awful metal around these parts.

[MERIT] 02-25-2007 06:37 PM


Decadent Nation

Pierpoint Online

Shaman's Harvest
Shaman's Harvest

littleknowitall 02-27-2007 10:48 AM

Is anyone actually gonna give any feedback on anyones bands? (yes, im a aware i havent, kind of busy but i will do when i get a chance)

[MERIT] 07-29-2008 12:11 AM


Filament - Filament - COLUMBIA, Missouri - Rock / Alternative / Classic Rock -

I Am The Myth - I AM THE MYTH [guitar for sale] - Auxvasse/Springfield, Missouri - Hardcore / Metal / Breakcore -

Everything We Are - EVERYTHING WE ARE - BOONVILLE, Missouri - Rock / Funk / Freestyle -

F*Bombs - F*Bombs - new CD available online! - Kansas City, Missouri - Rock / Punk / Powerpop -

WWWP 07-29-2008 03:23 AM

My town doesn't have local bands...
Fucking Wyoming.
An old friend of mine from Montana however, just started recording.
His music's not my style, but I support him nonetheless.
Skipping Christmas

Symbiosis 07-29-2008 06:04 AM

There are a few good ones around here.

Echoed Silence
Violet Shift
Meat Bikini
Sleeping in Trains
Amongst the Shadows
Hanimex Stand
The Medics
August Redemption

Mojo 12-13-2008 06:27 AM

Your local music scene
Whenever I travel anywhere I always wish I knew what the local music scene was like there i.e. what smaller venues were around that I may not know about, whether there were any more obscure live venues around, local bands and what the best pubs and club nights to go to were and what kind of tastes they cater for and I figured this would be a good place to find out a little about where everyone is from and what those places have to offer.

Mojo 12-13-2008 06:35 AM

Prepare for long post. I apologise, I'm longwinded.

Newcastle is a great place to be. They may have a bunch of overpaid twats they call a local football team but for nightlife it really is a great place. Newcastle does attract a lot of major artists but undoubtedly is still a few steps behind London, Birmingham and Manchester. Newcastle has five main live venues.

The METRO RADIO ARENA is the major venue. The CARLING ACADEMY seems to be the second biggest in the city on par with NEWCASTLE CITY HALL and the much smaller universities - NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY and NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY complete the five. Before The Academy came along the two universities combined seemed to do the job it does now which leaves the universities a little emptier than maybe they once were. The City Hall is a fully seated venue more suiting to stand up comedy. Not my favourite venue and yet for some reason Motorhead seem to love it. Seeing Motorhead in The City Hall is an experience.

Outside of the big five Newcastle still has a fair few attractions for those who enjoy their music. TRILLIANS ROCK BAR in Princess Square has been open for decades and provides quite a dark, dimly lit, underground environment. I mean underground in the literal sense as upon entry you have to go down the stairs into what looks like a dungeon. It is one of the main hangouts for the more metal orientated locals. Each table is dedicated to a band, with cuttings and CD's encased in the glass and the walls also covered in cuttings, posters, promo's and the odd guitar or two. I can often be found occupying the Black Sabbath table. The long bar occupies the majority of the back wall and displays, from left to right all the way across one of the most active live music schedule's in the city. Trillians accommodates local bands, unsigned bands from around the country, the odd Johnny Foreigner and some great signed bands who realistically may be a little too small for the Uni's. Off the top of my head I recall Orange Goblin, Will Haven, The Anti Nowhere League and Lord Bishop playing there in recent times but there have been many more worth of mention.

THE CLUNY on Lime Street is seemingly hidden out of the way and is further towards the quayside than it is central to the city but is well worth the walk. The Cluny has another active and very varied schedule of live music also accommodating signed, unsigned and local acts. The gigs take place in the back room of the pub in a very small, intimate setting holding I would say 200 people at an absolute max. A very nice environment. Boris at such a venue was nothing short of mind-blowing.

The HEAD OF STEAM, owned by the same company as The Cluny and also having locations in Liverpool and Huddersfield is even smaller. Upon entry the stairs up will take you to the bar and the stairs down to a very warm, intimate but somewhat congested venue. It barely even has room for a stage which means the bands that play here are eye to eye with their audience. A lot of the people I know in bands have played here and the bar has a very good reputation for getting itself involved in local and unsigned music by offering a stage to those who may need it but also attract artists from further afield. Their website sums it up perfectly – “Live music is very important to us. Our basement is THE RECOGNISED entry-level live music venue in the area. By that, we mean we are an ideal venue for new bands which are trying to break onto ‘the circuit’, as well as some lesser-known touring bands.”

LA TOSCANA on Leazes Park Road is possibly the most obscure location I have visited. La Toscana is an Italian restaurant opened in 1973 whose owners have taken it upon themselves to provide a great service to the city’s artistic culture even though the vast majority of residents probably don’t even know it. The walls are covered in local art and periodically they will hold ‘Musical Restaurant’ nights offering a very varied range of live music. I may be going to one tomorrow but so far the only one I have been to offered two acoustic sets, poetry reading, a very Indie looking band with several keyboards and songs about dancing bears and Bong, a Newcastle based psychedelic/doom/drone band. A very attractive place for the more experimental local musicians, especially as every set is filmed and uploaded to their website.

The STAR AND SHADOW CINEMA is situated very near to The Cluny on Stepney Bank, again a short walk from the city centre. Run entirely by volunteers it hosts world and independent film in a very cosy, small theatre and also has a room for live entertainment. It has clearly been designed to accommodate areas of culture that are very hard to find in Newcastle and it really does appear as though a lot of work has gone into achieving this, taking clear priority over profit, The vast majority of what you see inside and the work done to design and fill the building has also all been done or made by the volunteers who work there and the years membership to gain entry is only £1.

There are a huge number of local bands and artists gigging in and around these and several other places in the city that are really been helped by the smaller venues for no other reason than giving them places to play. The Star and Shadow is a great example of this as is La Toscana and their website which now holds A LOT of videos of live music performed there. The Metro Radio Arena may make the money (£60 a ticket for Cliff frigging Richard?!) but providing people know where to look and where to go there is so much more on offer.

The Unfan 12-13-2008 08:00 AM

Iowa has a total of 2 local bands, both play ****ty nu-metal designed to totally rip off Slipknot.

Roygbiv 12-13-2008 08:09 AM

TORONTO: The best local band I've witnessed are The Sisters Euclid, who play in the Orbit Room every Monday (they have been for the past decade). They're a blues-rock band who mix up their sets with different instruments and guest singers. I wished I could see them every Monday night. The weekend doesn't end until Tuesday comes for me when I do.

Blue 12-13-2008 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Roygbiv (Post 563237)
TORONTO: The best local band I've witnessed are The Sisters Euclid, who play in the Orbit Room every Monday (they have been for the past decade). They're a blues-rock band who mix up their sets with different instruments and guest singers. I wished I could see them every Monday night. The weekend doesn't end until Tuesday comes for me when I do.

What time are their shows? What kind of tunes do they play, covers, originals, both? I think I'm going to check them out, I can always dig live blues.

Janszoon 12-13-2008 09:35 AM

I'm still pretty new to San Jose, but as far as I can tell there's very little happening here. The most interesting thing I've discovered recently is that the band Sleep was from here, but they broke up about ten years ago.

I moved here from Philadelphia which, on the other hand, has a really good music scene right now. Bands like Man-Man, An Albatross and Genghis Tron are all a part of Philly's unique and strange scene.

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