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Old 07-30-2022, 02:07 AM   #17841 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Hands mic back, cos I'm polite like that.

I see why grindy is on to you. Yes, this is a thread for unpopular music opinions, but not for forcing your opinion down everyone's throat. It's fair to say Westlife are great (as an unpopular music opinion) or Slayer are pansies, or whatever. But you're attempting to control or overrule the way everyone perceives music, which makes you, and I'll say it again, a dick. I actually think it's you that has the thin skin. I don't give a fuck what people listen to, as long as they don't try to force their opinions on me. It's you who's saying people should do this, don't be sheep blah blah blah heard it all before.

Your sentence makes no sense. I asked you for a clear source as to how you know what was bolded in your post, ie that most musicians were poor, squatting and so forth. So what your answer has to do with that is beyond me, unless you are, as you seem to be, avoiding the question as you have no answer?
I’ve clearly explained my rationale to grindy, so either you have comprehension issues or you have an axe to recklessly grind…

I’ve voiced my opinions and, based on what I know about other human beings, I’m sticking with said opinions. If you want to then take offence and twist my words to suit your narrative, that says more about you than it does about me.

My opinions are based on years of observations and they are relevant to this thread, but you’re too much of a snowflake to realise that, resorting to reaching and manipulating the narrative to suit your own agenda.

The knee-jerk reaction that I’ve caused in you isn’t my problem, it’s yours.

You’re the dick because you’ve forgotten to live and let live. I am not you and you are not me, so don’t expect me to act or think exactly like you. You obviously have control issues. I suggest you seek some professional help.

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Old 07-30-2022, 02:19 AM   #17842 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Queen Boo View Post
Or you know I could like whatever the f*ck I want and if that includes a lot of stuff that is well liked by other people then who the hell cares?

Hating everything that is popular doesn't give you more character or personality.
My post wasn’t directed at you, so why are you offended?

This is what I don’t get with some of you. If you truly love what you’re listening to, if you truly have faith in your own music tastes, why get outraged by a few words from another poster? This just indicates uncertainty and insecurity to me, because genuine personal tastes should be unwavering.

No, I don’t do mainstream pop because I’ve long moved away from that.
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Old 07-30-2022, 05:08 AM   #17843 (permalink)
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Grindy, since you're in this thread and may not have checked out the Ukraine one, I'm just wondering (as I'm sure are we all) how your folks are? Aren't they in Odessa? Did they get out okay or are they holding out? Let us know, yeah?

Edit: Sorry, just saw you did reply. Disregard.
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Last edited by Trollheart; 07-30-2022 at 05:33 AM.
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Old 07-30-2022, 05:40 AM   #17844 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Come on top 10 bands I'll even start.

1. Ramones
2. Slayer
3. Britney Spears
4. Townes Van Zandt
5. Insane Clown Posse
6. Hammerfall
7. Iggy & The Stooges
8. Ke$ha
9. Bolt Thrower
10. The Clash

Here's my top 10 and this is etched in stone

1. The Beatles (of course)
2. REM
3. David Bowie
4. The Kinks
5. The Byrds
6. Elvis Costello
7. The Who
8. The Rolling Stones
9. The Doors
10. The Velvet Underground

Originally Posted by SGR View Post
Fair enough, I have plenty of white whale bands like that. Ashamed to admit, but besides Pet Sounds, I don't think I've listened to any other Beach Boys albums. Rush is another one, don't think I've listened to more than three of their albums.
Yes, Pet Sounds is the Beach Boys' magnum opus but I could also rec the album before, Summer Days and Summer Nights (featuring California Girls), Smiley Smile, and their two classics from the early seventies, Sunflower and Surf's Up.

Originally Posted by Vetiver View Post
My post wasn’t directed at you, so why are you offended?

This is what I don’t get with some of you. If you truly love what you’re listening to, if you truly have faith in your own music tastes, why get outraged by a few words from another poster? This just indicates uncertainty and insecurity to me, because genuine personal tastes should be unwavering.

No, I don’t do mainstream pop because I’ve long moved away from that.

And again, as Batlord asked, what are your top ten?
Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds View Post
But looking for quality interaction on MB is like trying to stay hydrated by drinking salt water.
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Old 07-30-2022, 06:10 AM   #17845 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rubber soul View Post
Here's my top 10 and this is etched in stone
And again, as Batlord asked, what are your top ten?
I don't have an official top ten, as I don't consciously rank bands and artists.

Below is a list of 20 random selections. It doesn't really cover all the bases but...

Red House Painters
Harold Budd
David Sylvian (‘80s period)
David Bowie (‘70s period)
Low (Zak Sally era)
Francis Lai
Milton Nascimento
Dominique A
Joni Mitchell
Big Star
Shivkumar Sharma
Suede (Butler era)
Toumani Diabaté
Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy
Dakota Suite
Marisa Monte (‘90s period)
Eleftheria Arvanitaki (‘90s period)
The House of Love (pre-1994)
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Old 07-30-2022, 07:14 AM   #17846 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Nobody can reach the hopeless dregs of my soul like Townes can. Maybe one day they'll make a pill for that.

Oh have you heard my theory that Pancho and Lefty are metaphorically the same person and the song is about how your cynical older self betrays your optimistic younger self?
I have not but... that makes so much sense.
Everybody's dying just to get the disease
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Old 07-30-2022, 07:16 AM   #17847 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Vetiver View Post
My post wasn’t directed at you, so why are you offended?

This is what I don’t get with some of you. If you truly love what you’re listening to, if you truly have faith in your own music tastes, why get outraged by a few words from another poster? This just indicates uncertainty and insecurity to me, because genuine personal tastes should be unwavering.

No, I don’t do mainstream pop because I’ve long moved away from that.
You can like and dislike whatever you want, the only thing that bothers me is that you seem a little too self satisfied for being outside the "mainstream" which is the real indicator of insecurity if you ask me.

You sound like me in reverse, I used to have this attitude, for a long time I only listened to rock music and thought pop music was for the braindead masses, but then I started to enjoy some pop music "ironically", then I came to term with my identity and stopped feeling insecure about liking "girly" music and finally I pulled the massive tree trunk out of my ass and stopped feeling guilty for liking popular things.

Originally Posted by boo boo
A whole bunch of stupid sh*t that I regret

Last edited by Queen Boo; 07-30-2022 at 07:27 AM.
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Old 07-30-2022, 07:27 AM   #17848 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Queen Boo View Post
You can like and dislike whatever you want, the only thing that bothers me is that you seem a little too self satisfied for being outside the "mainstream" which is the real indicator of insecurity if you ask me.

You sound like me in reverse, I used to have this attitude, for a long time I only listened to rock music and thought pop music was for the braindead masses, but then I started to enjoy some pop music "ironically", then I came to term with my identity and stopped feeling insecure about liking "girly" music and finally I pulled the massive tree trunk out of my ass and stopped giving a **** if I was a "pleb" for liking things that are popular.
LMAO!!! You continue reaching. If nothing else, your post only highlights your ignorance.

If you think music is just about rock and pop, you’re over-simplifying what’s actually out there. There’s so much more to music than that.
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Old 07-30-2022, 07:30 AM   #17849 (permalink)
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I never said that was all I listened to, I've opened up to a lot of genres since then, pop is just one of them.

I was trying to make a point about being less of a stick in the mud, I'm not bragging about my taste in music.

Originally Posted by boo boo
A whole bunch of stupid sh*t that I regret

Last edited by Queen Boo; 07-30-2022 at 07:36 AM.
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Old 07-30-2022, 07:35 AM   #17850 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Queen Boo View Post
I never said that was all I listened to, I've opened up to a lot of genres since then, pop is just one of them.

You leave out useless details when telling a story, that's writing 101.
If you want to discuss, fine. But you're not going to get very far by reaching, twisting my words and gaslighting me.

Remember, you came after me, not the other way round. So, you can't start playing the victim card now.
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