littleknowitall |
04-01-2006 02:39 AM |
there's not a singular recent greenday track i like, regardless of wether or not they're sell outs or how they reflect on the rest of the world or what they're calling themselves, i just don't like any of their new songs.
the fact that they do somewhat besmerch the name of punk i've only began to think about from this thread, and they do, and i guess it's somewhat insulting that they're credited as a great new punk band.
they're new music has become more simplistic and is in no way anywhere near as good as some of their older stuff. obviously theres more reasoning to it than they're being more simplistic but im not gonna type it all out.
they're extremely overplayed, not their fault i know, but they are, and when you don't like the song in the first place and its being played as every other track on the tv and radio and being called another genious track from the great gods of punk, there's no way you can argue that that isnt irritating.