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MURDER JUNKIE 03-31-2006 11:17 PM

I am an ignorant guy

boo boo 03-31-2006 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger

Of course it`s speculation , I don`t live in a world where the Beatles don`t exist.
How can you quote me as saying 'things will be different' and then say i`m saying things would be the same?

I was refering to Murder Junkies statements, not yours.

littleknowitall 04-01-2006 02:39 AM

there's not a singular recent greenday track i like, regardless of wether or not they're sell outs or how they reflect on the rest of the world or what they're calling themselves, i just don't like any of their new songs.

the fact that they do somewhat besmerch the name of punk i've only began to think about from this thread, and they do, and i guess it's somewhat insulting that they're credited as a great new punk band.

they're new music has become more simplistic and is in no way anywhere near as good as some of their older stuff. obviously theres more reasoning to it than they're being more simplistic but im not gonna type it all out.

they're extremely overplayed, not their fault i know, but they are, and when you don't like the song in the first place and its being played as every other track on the tv and radio and being called another genious track from the great gods of punk, there's no way you can argue that that isnt irritating.

littleknowitall 04-01-2006 02:40 AM

****nuts, weve changed the topic i presume?

jibber 04-01-2006 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by shiftael
ok I'm gonna be bold and try and get back on the original topic and pose a what if theory and probably open one of my fave bands up for bashing and flaming but I was the one who asked the opinion, so here goes..
This is more to the people who dislike Kiss either intensely or just a little bit.. What if they'd written basically the same material and style but if they'd started off WITHOUT their makeup I wonder if they would have become as phenominal as they did, of if they would've become lost in the 70's shuffle. This is coming from a fan, too, but I'm thinking they probably might've gotten lost if they had left it off.... And another quesiton would you have possibly liked them any better and given them more credit if hey hadn't done the makeup thing..

I'm gonna let urban and boob boo battle out the beatles/stones thing and take this one. Of course they wouldn't have been as successful, I'd say about 90% of their success is because of their image, they've even admitted as much themselves. It's the same thing with black sabath. Yeah they put out some great music (even their worst stuff is much better than anything kiss could ever come up with), but much of their mass success was due to the whole prince of darkness image ozzy had going. It's actually a noticable trend in that time period, most likely influenced by the stones (yeah I said I wouldnt get them into it, but whatever). Rock bands at that time were all about the dirty, wild, outrageous "rock and roll" image.

Crowe 04-01-2006 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by MURDER JUNKIE
The state of recorded music may have suffered had the Beatles not existed, however the state of music would be the same. I really don't think their influence is half as great as people say

Agreed. I think the Beatles are overrated. Do not get me wrong, I love the Beatles... but they are over-fu(king-rated, imo.

dog 04-01-2006 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by jr.
My own personal opinion is, I thought the Stones were, if not better, more interesting. While the Beatles sang "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", the Stones sang "I Wanna Be Your Man". The counter-culture Beatles.

Anyway, my two cents.

how many times must i say that beatles didnt only play "love-ballad-happy-go-lucky" stuff?

self titled album is much much better than anything stones have ever done.

so funny how many times we've this discussion. boo boo and urbanhatemonger being the main guys in it.

MY two cents. :thumb:

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-01-2006 04:54 AM

I`m not even battling anything:confused:

dog 04-01-2006 04:55 AM

did i say that?.. i like your avatar.

boo boo 04-01-2006 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I`m not even battling anything:confused:

I misinterpreted your statements, sorry for automaticly assuming you were ready to start a Beatles vs Stones debate.

bungalow 04-01-2006 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by jr.
While the Beatles sang "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", the Stones sang "I Wanna Be Your Man". The counter-culture Beatles.

Anyway, my two cents.

You are aware that John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote I Wanne Be Your Man for the Rolling Stones right?

boo boo 04-01-2006 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
You are aware that John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote I Wanne Be Your Man for the Rolling Stones right?

MURDER JUNKIE 04-01-2006 11:06 AM

^ that guy is funny, I'm stealing him

In all seriousness the only Beatles song I ever liked was We Can Work It Out

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-01-2006 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo


The Rolling Stones have had something like 30 hit albums & we`re supposed to be 'pwned' because they had one minor hit with a Beatles song.

Oh Please

boo boo 04-01-2006 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger

The Rolling Stones have had something like 30 hit albums & we`re supposed to be 'pwned' because they had one minor hit with a Beatles song.

Oh Please

And how many good ones?

The Stones as great as they can be, were much much more hit and miss than The Beatles were, both made their share of mediocre songs, but The Beatles never really did a bad studio album, The Rolling Stones have made a half a dozen or so, of course The Stones have had 30 years of more longativity, so this comparison probably isnt fair.

I still think The Beatles were better for several reasons, one is that they make better music (in my opinion), two they were better musicians and three they made 7 classic albums in a 5 year period, which is pretty damn remarkable i think...And both are equal when it comes to albums that could be considered classics...Of course The Stones had longativity on their side, The Beatles didnt.

bungalow 04-01-2006 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger

The Rolling Stones have had something like 30 hit albums & we`re supposed to be 'pwned' because they had one minor hit with a Beatles song.

Oh Please

Minor hit?
That song was the Stones' very first number 1 hit.

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-01-2006 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
Minor hit?
That song was the Stones' very first number 1 hit.

It wasn`t

It`s All Over Now was their first No 1

bungalow 04-01-2006 02:49 PM

I meant to put in the States.
I'm pretty sure it was their first #1 in the US

EDIT: I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere

jr. 04-02-2006 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
You are aware that John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote I Wanne Be Your Man for the Rolling Stones right?

No, I was not aware of that. That is very interesting. I guess that blows my theory right out of the water. I got pwned, whatever that means. LOL.

That's actually a pretty cool piece of musical knowledge. I learn something just about every time I come into this place.

Excuse me, I need to go scrub the egg off my face before it dries. LOL.

TheBig3 04-02-2006 08:24 PM

The Beatles wrote let it be, the stones wrote let it bleed. But we have a beatles vs. stone thread....

For all the green day bashing out there, I used to not understand why Blink-182 didn't get bashed alot more. While Greenday moved away from their original sounds (albeit slowly), Blink-182 did an about face at dude ranch and only got worse from there.

What makes it easier to bash Greenday is that they were more successful, and the more a culture loves something, the more the counter-culture loves to be against it. Therefore, bands that really inspire adoration in a demographic (which can denote talent) is hated far more than bands who actually deserve it.

An interesting question that might make you mindless lemmings think for once is "what band is rated poorly, and deserves that rating" with nothing to 'rage against' I wonder how you might answer.

bungalow 04-02-2006 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by jr.
No, I was not aware of that. That is very interesting. I guess that blows my theory right out of the water. I got pwned, whatever that means. LOL.

That's actually a pretty cool piece of musical knowledge. I learn something just about every time I come into this place.

Excuse me, I need to go scrub the egg off my face before it dries. LOL.

Haha, I like you.
Anyway, they actually recorded the song simultaniously with The Stones, it appears on With The Beatles, or Meet The Beatles (depending on where you live)

cardboard adolescent 04-02-2006 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
An interesting question that might make you mindless lemmings think for once is "what band is rated poorly, and deserves that rating" with nothing to 'rage against' I wonder how you might answer.

I think there's a ton of bands like that out there, but none of them really inspire debate, and are therefore not really discussed.

After all, there's not much to talk about if everyone agrees a band sucks, is there?

TheBig3 04-02-2006 09:31 PM

Who said everyone agrees? You might think a band that gets no attention is amazing while I think its ****. The point wasn't lets discuss no-name bands who are deserving of such things, it was what do you bash when you have no support and backing?

bungalow 04-02-2006 09:37 PM

What kind of mod calls everyone "mindless lemmings"?

explosions-in-my-pants 04-02-2006 09:42 PM

the more we bash popular bands the more they sell for at least a year...then they either go away for a little while or they try harder and come off looking like idots.

my question : what if boy bands stopped with the beatles, if the bready bouch never came... so on and so on.. what if popular music came and left right after the beatles... and was forgotten rather then taken over the world creating the same types of bands/singers over and over like:

britney Spears
jessica Simpson
Christian sbfsjdfhdsklhfs (you all know who i am talking about but i will not even try to spell her last name)

New kids On the Block
Backstreet Boys

imagine the music industry without all this crap.

Sebster17 04-02-2006 10:00 PM

i dunno . . . there needs to be types of music for everyone. It isn't everybody that likes rock/metal. Some just don't find it to be their type of music. Just like rap. Holy god I hate rap. Some ppl liek it tho, which blows my mind, but anyways.

It seems like rap/hip-hop is ruling the airwaves and music channels and have been for some time now. It seems too that rap might be on its downfall, so my question is, what's gonna take over after rap dies down?

explosions-in-my-pants 04-02-2006 10:26 PM

alt rock will take over rap music when it dies if it dies.. which it won't :( yea you all know i 'still' don't like rap music and yes i've tired oh so hard, but its not the writing per-say that i don't like its the sound in itself, the way 'they' don't really sing they just kind of take ratehr fast just annoying i can't take to it.. theres no melody to it..

oh by the way Sebster17 i can so see this turning into some kind of strange but expected attack any moment now... (not by me)

boo boo 04-03-2006 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
What kind of mod calls everyone "mindless lemmings"?

I do...Because im a mod on DDD, and im sure i have called someone that at least once. :D

Sebster17 04-03-2006 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by explosions-in-my-pants
oh by the way Sebster17 i can so see this turning into some kind of strange but expected attack any moment now... (not by me)

Srry, i meant that rap just isn't my genre, i didn't mean to sound brutal and offensive.

TheBig3 04-03-2006 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
What kind of mod calls everyone "mindless lemmings"?

Explain to me why being a mod has anything to do with that? The kind of mod that takes part in disucssions. I don't see how that effects the job I do. Lets keep in mind you are constantly an affront to good musical discussion and there are countless times I should have warned/banned you and I let it slide. Lets not run around acting like im an oppressive dictator when a real one would have tossed you ages ago.

Spam now begets spam. lets get back on topic and quit attempting to pick an unrelated fight because you felt targeted by a generalist statement.

shiftael 04-05-2006 03:27 PM

I tried to get the topic back on topic back in the fist page sorta towards the middle, no-one paid attention ;)

Fenixpunk 04-05-2006 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Merkaba
Can Mazda even make supercars?

one of the funnest cars ive had was a 88 mazda RX7 - that car would hug the corners of a turn like nothing ive driven (my eclipse comes close though)

shiftael 04-05-2006 04:19 PM

hey everyone how about that XBox 360

right-track 04-05-2006 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by shiftael
hey everyone how about that XBox 360

What's it like at taking corners?

What if Kurt Cobain was still alive?

Merkaba 04-05-2006 04:36 PM


Splendid, good sir. Top notch. 'Ere I'll shout you a pint.

Are Japanese cars big in America Fenix, like more so then American made models?

cardboard adolescent 04-05-2006 04:38 PM

I think Nirvana might have done some interesting things. Had they followed the course that they started towards on In Utero, they might have evolved out of the whole "grunge band" status and into something new... mysterious.. and wonderful...

tdoc210 04-05-2006 04:53 PM

maybe into an emo band?

cardboard adolescent 04-05-2006 05:12 PM

Yeah, because songs like "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter" really show their developing emo tendencies...

tdoc210 04-05-2006 05:43 PM

^hheheheh i was jk nirvana = my fav band ever

crow t robot 04-05-2006 06:15 PM

What if Syd Barrett hadn't gone bonkers on acid?

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