Crowe |
03-31-2006 03:19 PM |
Originally Posted by Crowquill
You really missed what I said, "I mean yeah you diss america for alot of reasons blah blah thats all good. Then you go and wear eyeliner and dress like a trendy hot topic goth." I didn't diss them for dressing just for dressing like that, I dissed them for dressing like that and putting out a message like they do. Kind of hypocritical to dress extremely trendy then have lyrics like these "Don't wanna be an American idiot one nation controlled by the media information age of hysteria it's calling out to idiot America." don't ya think?
Oh yeah I wasn't responding to you singularly, but you always hear bashing based on their style - so I addressed - I only referenced your comment because I didn't want to be coming out of nowhere. I don't know if it's hypocritical... ironic, maybe. Green Day is creating some of these trends - some of it isn't trendy before they do it- but it's hard to pinpoint that kind of thing.
I don't think it's new to not like Green Day. I mean it's like that for everyband... some people are going to like you, some aren't. It's like that in every walk of life. It has, however, become trendy to openly bash Green Day - put down their fans - say they "suck" - call them the cliche "sell outs", "wannabes", "fake punks"... what have you....
I think that Green Day does deserve respect. They've made music through two decades of a radically changing music scene, staying true to their roots... they don't claim to be anything more than the 3 chord punk that they started out as - all the members are still there... they've accomplished great things. Yeah, they make a lot of money... does that make them sell outs? They make music that their audience likes... does that make them sell outs? With every album they try something new, they grow... does that make them sell outs? They dress accordingly to the styles of the day... sell outs? They make political statements in their music... sell outs?
Following that same syllogism... the Beatles are also sell outs.