Originally Posted by boo boo
Well, i don't want to come off some douchebag with an overappreciation for antiquity, but he/she/it did just give an accurate description of most popular bands today, though that isn't to say there isn't great music today, but it's more scarse than ever before, theres some good stuff, which is much harder to find, then theres tons of dog poo thats just perfect for mainstream marketing, that is undeniable.... In the 70s we had bands like Journey and Dan Fogelberg, that was bad, in the 80s we had Air Supply and Lionel Ritchie, also pretty bad and in the 90s we had Hootie And The Blowfish and more european novelty techno acts than i can count, so yes, some real crap there... And NOW we have James Blunt, who is so hot now, you know he will inspire a whole bunch of immitators who will cash in on any new trend they can get their hands on, in other words, we're heading for an alltime high in crap this decade.
You can list a whole bunch of indie bands if you want, thats fine by me, there are some difinete good acts (Arcade Fire) but there are a lot of bands who i honestly don't think are worthy of all the praise critics give them, like Modest Mouse, Bright Eyes, The Shins, Interpol, TV On The Radio, etc... If these guys really are the saviors of rock, than i am not very optmistic when it comes to the future of music.... Just my take on it.