Orangellah |
09-23-2005 06:33 PM |
My opinions:
Rap: The new stuff sucks because none if it's original and all they talk about is women, which gets annoying. Plus I have no respect for any music that demeans women. Older rap is alright like Public Enemy, because they actually talked about real issues etc., I usually don't listen to rap in my leisure time though.
Classic Rock: Awesome dudes, gotta love the oldies, that's where it all started.
Metal: I don't really care for metal, I like Metallica and Cradle Of Filth, that's about all the 'metal' I like. Hair metal sucks because it's all about image and women and ****.
Punk: My latest fetish. I've been getting into a lot of punk bands and I love them, it's catchy and I could listen to it for hours.
I think that's about it..