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Urban Hat€monger ? 08-22-2005 07:30 PM

Things That Make You Laugh But Shouldn't...
My Top 5

1. People robbing cashpoint machines with JCBs
2. Australian cricketers getting hurt with fast deliveries
3. 7 year old kids in Slipknot t shirts
4. Pensioners getting conned by double glazing firms or those idiots that send off huge amounts of money to claim some 'prize'.
5. Extreme sports people getting in bad accidents

tdoc210 08-22-2005 07:44 PM


special people at walmart

MORESOAD4ME 08-22-2005 07:47 PM

isnt it funny wen u see a guy get hit in the nuts, but at the same time u symphothize for him cuz u no wat its like

tdoc210 08-22-2005 07:55 PM

^your username always makes me think more soda for me\

people falling when skiing

MORESOAD4ME 08-22-2005 08:06 PM

^lol i love it wen they fall, it looks very painful but thank god its not me..

tdoc210 08-22-2005 08:07 PM

^ yes i ski oh wait ill post this in the pain thread...

well any more soda for me i find it funny when the elderly cant operate things

MORESOAD4ME 08-22-2005 08:10 PM

i find it awfully funny to see some1 tripping on nuthing but there own feet!!

tdoc210 08-22-2005 08:13 PM

skinny people eating large quantities of food

MORESOAD4ME 08-22-2005 08:16 PM

THE funniest thing i think is seeing fat people doing sit ups, its hilarious watching them try to get up!! they always have to push up with there hands(no offense to fat ppl)

tdoc210 08-22-2005 08:17 PM

dude^ penguins thats it they make me laugh like im high or something god

Zygomycota 08-22-2005 08:19 PM

People with no teeth. heh

HomesickAtSpaceCamp 08-22-2005 09:26 PM

I dont really feel bad about thinking its funny but, when im behind an overwait person in line at a fast food reasturant and they order a large meal and a diet soda. I guess it goes with the skinny people and big meals.

xEmochicKx 08-22-2005 10:22 PM

when french montrealers call popcorn "puffcorn" and then give me attitude as if theyre so superior

SATCHMO 08-22-2005 11:02 PM

The word vagina.

xEmochicKx 08-22-2005 11:59 PM

when ppl fall down the stairs

blackTshirt 08-23-2005 01:44 AM

i always laugh when something bad happens, it's hard to choose
i'm not one of those who laugh when someone else trips and falls or whatever

for example: i was in my 4th grade and we were waiting for our teacher to come, after the break. when suddenly, one of my classmates, this little, skinny blonde guy, comes in the classroom with a huge cut on his face and blood dripping....
All the kids were like "whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
but, for some reason, i thoughht it was funny and i couldn't keep it in and the boy who was sitting in front of me saw that and we were both like "ccchhhhh", anyways the sound you make when you try not to laugh....
i felt bad about that, really

Motive Behind My Madness 08-23-2005 02:05 AM

Fat people running, when skateboarders fall and when iceskaters fall, basically anybody trying to be a hotshot fu**ing up.

Merkaba 08-23-2005 04:15 AM

The best one i think has to be the poor lady that tried singing the national anthem at that ice hockey game....

I never felt so sorry for someone in my life but i couldnt help laughing

1. Forgets the lyrics to anthem.
2. Tries a second time after apologising to crowd. Forgets them again. Goes back inside after crowd starts jeering.
3. Comes back out onto the ice to try for a third time and slips over onto her a*se. Crowd laughs and she hurries back inside crying.

It made it all the way over to the New Zealand news. I never laughed so much or felt so ashamed of myself in all my life :rofl:

pastor of muppets 08-23-2005 05:05 AM

^ i saw that too... hilarious....

Sneer 08-23-2005 06:22 AM

im quite skinny and i eat fuckloads of food. i can see why skinny people themselves would find it funny because they can eat as much as they want in the knowledge they wont pile on the pounds and become fat due to their metabolisms..

people falling out of wheelchairs. its so terrible for me to find it funny i know...but i cant help it.

gabbagabba_hey 08-23-2005 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
im quite skinny and i eat fuckloads of food. i can see why skinny people themselves would find it funny because they can eat as much as they want in the knowledge they wont pile on the pounds and become fat due to their metabolisms..

same here im very skinny and people think im anirexic until they see me stuffing my face at lunch

i find it funny when 6 year olds get in fights because when they play games they both want to be cindirella... and i cant help but laugh when people get hurt

THE INTERNET 08-23-2005 08:59 AM

i cant help but laugh at war.

Fenixpunk 08-23-2005 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by xEmochicKx
when ppl fall down the stairs

xEmochicKx 08-23-2005 10:06 AM

HAhahahah niice
Or you know like on AFV theres just random idiots falling off ladders or having their roofs collapse onto their heads! I find it so funny even though it must hurt like hell.

Oh heres one thinng i just start cracking up at for some reason and my friends think im a wackjob..Does anyone have the Samsung cell phone? Ok the ringtone called "serenade" makes me laugh so hard. I put it on purpose so when it rings in public ares people jsut look at me strangely..

tdoc210 08-23-2005 10:27 AM

^ dont believe in cell phones they cause brain cancer

xEmochicKx 08-23-2005 10:50 AM

only if you talk on them too much

xEmochicKx 08-23-2005 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by THE INTERNET
i cant help but laugh at war.

:eek: What is wrong with you???!

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-23-2005 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Fenixpunk

The great thing is i`ve actually seen that happen

Fenixpunk 08-23-2005 11:12 AM

most unfortunate events that happend to others make me laugh inside.

tdoc210 08-23-2005 11:24 AM

crocodile hunters getting bit

[MERIT] 08-23-2005 12:04 PM

those 120 lb. babies on maury that have to wear adult diapers and like to eat plates and plates of ribs:laughing:

HuKitKat 08-23-2005 02:35 PM

^ and the mothers who really think the kids are hungry!

right-track 08-23-2005 02:50 PM

People who suffer from Tourettes Syndrome and swear randomly at bemused people in public places.

Spike*Spiegel 08-23-2005 02:52 PM

some stupid girl, a few miles from my house, was on a bike and talking on a cell phone. she was 15 and was stopped at a train crossing.she waited until the train passed and then, withouth even waiting for the arms to go up, the dumb bitch walks right into another train that was on the other side. she died and everyone thinks its such a tragedy. i have a hard time stifling my giggles about it. i mean come on, if youre that stupid, you deserved it.

anticipation 08-23-2005 02:55 PM

Professional Juggling and "Do not encourage the panhandlers" signs

Fenixpunk 08-23-2005 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Gentleman Johnny
Professional Juggling and "Do not encourage the panhandlers" signs

you should enjoy this then

anticipation 08-23-2005 03:03 PM

that is like visual weed.


tdoc210 08-23-2005 06:17 PM

^ gentleman johhny make me laugh but shouldnt

THE INTERNET 08-23-2005 06:19 PM

drowning kittens

pastor of muppets 08-24-2005 07:45 AM

the english getting murdered at cricket....

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