roscoe_the_first |
05-15-2015 02:29 AM |
If you want quotes just watch Downton Abbey and the quotes made by the Dowager Countess Voilet played by Maggie Smith. Here's a couple.
Isobel: How you hate to be wrong.
Countess Violet: I wouldn’t know, I’m not familiar with the sensation.
Martha Levinson: I have no wish to be a great lady.
Countess Violet: A decision that must be reenforced whenever you look in the glass.
“Principles are like prayers. Noble of course. But awkward at a party.”
Countess Violet: “You are quite wonderful the way you see room for improvement wherever you look. I never knew such reforming zeal.”
Mrs. Crawley: “I take that as a compliment.”
Countess Violet: “I must’ve said it wrong.”
“Don’t be defeatist, dear, it’s very middle class.”
“I’m a woman, Mary. I can be as contrary as I choose.”
And hundreds more