ladyislingering |
03-04-2015 05:52 PM |
Originally Posted by dreadnaught
(Post 1560313)
If the NSA wasn't lurking around this forum already, they certainly are now.
Most people don't kill other people, so they don't have anything to worry about. :laughing:
Originally Posted by The Batlord
(Post 1560314)
Just cause I'm a violent sexual sadist doesn't mean I can't be environmentally conscious.
Make sure to toss your corpses in the recycle bin rather than the trash, Batturd.
Originally Posted by Chula Vista
(Post 1560317)
Ya, he'd pretty much lost all self control by then.
His problem was that he was always looking for the next big thrill. That next disgusting thing he could do to push him over the edge in terms of his bloodlust.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
(Post 1560319)
As far as illustrating him as a soulless killing machine devoid of humanity, sure, but keeping severed, putrefying heads in his bedroom for the purpose of necrophilia is pretty squick too.
...I... I didn't know about that. Sounds like Jeffrey Dahmer. I don't think he fucked the head(s) he kept, but ... at that point you almost have to expect it.
Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
(Post 1560320)
Bundy ain't got nothing on Albert Fish.
Ugh. UGH. ALBERT. F UCKING. FISH. Now that guy was f ucked right up.