ladyislingering |
11-23-2013 11:43 PM |
Originally Posted by WhateverDude
(Post 1388476)
I can't speak for others but in my case it's really just that I can't actually afford new things or to waste anything. Agreed with Lady, clothing is expensive as **** so I only shop at thrift stores but have an incredibly hard time finding men's clothes that fit me and that I actually like. You'd think what with all the horrifying sweatshop labor over seas new clothes would be more affordable.
I have a lot of trouble finding pants/bluejeans because I'm very petite (and I'm just slim all through) and a lot of pants seem to be modeled after women who are 5'11" so if I'm super desperate I'll shop at new retail stores - but I also go for clearance racks (usually the smaller garments are left over - I don't know why this is but I once scored a nice pair of pants at JC Penney's for like $2 - and they lasted me almost 8 years!) because let's face it: women end up paying $15-20+ on low end bluejeans/pants and they're made so cheaply (Forever21, I'm looking at you!) that they wear out after a couple years.
Originally Posted by djchameleon
(Post 1388477)
Idk where you all are seeing these expensive clothes but I can easily find affordable clothes without going to a thrift shop.
Also consider for a second that men's clothing is made to last. Your shirts are at least twice as thick, your jeans have no give to them, and your shoes last forever! And it's usually more affordable than women's clothing (men's departments are also remarkably smaller in almost every major retailer - though it's huge (as big as women's, if not bigger) in the store I work in.