Originally Posted by Il Duce
i suppose if everybody puts him on ignore, he'll leave
leaving means accepting failure. and i've never failed before.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
I'd put him on Ignore, but I have gone from annoyed to amused. He's great fun to screw with.
Originally Posted by Bloozcrooz
Still think most of its intentional but **** it some of its still funny. Might as well cheer him on and hope to find amusment in his posts.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
Indeed. He's a great chew toy.
and they're accusing me of being the troll?
Originally Posted by Bloozcrooz
Yeah...if your getting the kind of responses and hate that he gets, he must be doin something right (in his mind). When your causing people to go out of their way to insult or patronize you to the extent he does, its got to be satisfying if that was your intent along. Gotta give it to him, he's redefined the essence and art of proffesional trolling...impressive actually.
the reason why they're insulting me is because i have certain opinions that doesn't match theirs. and suddenly gives me the 'troll' accusations. i don't know if i'd be happy or mad at your false interpretations of me, you make me sound like very smart and cunning, in a very negative way. i don't know what to say.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
Hehe. I actually love a good troll sometimes. Some of them just come off totally obvious and in need of an immediate ban, but then sometimes you get a good one that manages to skirt the rules while being a douche. They turn the usual circular forum conversations and inject a little bit of life and fun into them.
again, i'm not trolling. second, yes, i always bring the life at every place. and that's mainly because of my passion to be true to myself and without any pretentions.
Originally Posted by Pedestrian
I'd like to see a great deal more discussion, and I'd like to see more activity in the music forums.
i'd like that to happend too. my problem is there aren't a lot of mainstream pop fans here. almost all threads are created for metal bands, punk, rock, rap, etc. etc. where else can i post where the kind of music i really love exist here like lady gaga's thread, or jlo, beyonce, or even rebecca black. and most of these few threads of the mainstream pop are stained by those top40 list pop haters who just don't get it why mainstream pop is so popular.
that's the problem.