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Old 12-07-2010, 04:57 PM   #1 (permalink)
Partying on the inside
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Default The Zombie Apocalypse Game!!!

The Zombie


A player starts the game off at the beginning
of the Zombie Apocalypse. That player creates
a scenario and the rest of the players reply with
their choices/methods for surviving the scenario
using only the information given. The scenario
creator must create situations that can be survived,
and should have a prime survival method in mind.
The player(s) replying with the correct choices
(whatever leads to their survival of the scenario)
will be selected by the scenario creator as "survivors".
The first "survivor" will then create the next scenario
to move the story forward linearly.

Each first survivor will accumulate a point every time
they are the first to survive a scenario. These survivors
and their points will be edited into the scores portion of
this post. There are no points for surviving second,
shabbily, or becoming a casualty. But DO submit your
survival method, as the first survivor's method can
be bested. The best method then becomes the "first".
More on this below.

Scenarios should be reasonably realistic and solutions
should not be impossible to figure out.. nor should they
be too obvious. The idea is to create a scenario that
allows the player to weigh options and get creative, keeping
in mind that the player can only use the information
. Scenarios should include all details that pertain
to survival, no matter how ambiguous, as they may be used
by another survivor to better effect.
If a non-first survivor presents a better method of survival
that makes better use of the tools provided than the first
correct survivor's method, the scenario creator is obligated
to favor the better method. If the creator does not, then the
majority rule of all other players decides. A favored decision in
either case results in "first survivor" statuses, complete with
appropriate rankings.

Also... In order to attempt to survive a scenario, please quote
the scenario itself and include your solution outside of it.
other posts will be considered comments, and are not eligible as
survival attempts.

Once the story has reached its conclusion, (25 scenarios) the round
will end. The creator of the 25th scenario is an honor, as this player
will dictate how the story ends. When the final scenario is survived,
all the player's scores will be tallied and the player with the most
survivals will have the honor of writing his Zombie Apocalypse Legend.
The round will have been concluded and a new round will begin, with
the winner of the previous round creating the first scenario for the next.

There will be a closed thread called The Zombie Apocalypse Legends.
Each round winner can write and submit their own story based on all the
scenarios in the round. They can write themselves as the main protagonist
and claim their stake as a Zombie Apocalypse Legend. For scenarios that
were survived by other players, the 'legendary' may choose to include those
players as characters who 'saved his/her ass' in the story. They may also
choose to write themselves as the sole hero in those scenarios. The decision
will make obvious what kind of player you are, so choose wisely, and remember
the rule of Karma, because maybe the next Legendary may steal your glory too.

PLAYERS __________________SURVIVALS

Conan............................................. ............................2
Lateralus......................................... ............................1
ThePhanastasio.................................... .........................2
Storymilo......................................... .............................1


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Old 12-07-2010, 04:57 PM   #2 (permalink)
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OK. Initial scenario...

Los Angeles, 2012 (lol).
You are at home, watching the boob tube. A news flash comes on, exclaiming that a strange virus is spreading and people are being infected. Reports are already surfacing that confirms the infected are spreading the virus via bites. The infected are increasing in number and authorities are warning everyone to stay indoors. Your home contains normal home stuff. Fearing for your safety, you round up all the weapons you can. You have: 1 baseball bat, a variety of kitchen knives and utensils, a car with half a tank of gas, and standard access in and out of your home. A scratching noise at the window alerts you and you view 2 undead lazily bumping their heads into the glass. You've seen zombie movies before, and you know it's only a matter of time before they either get in or attract other zombies. You need to act. You need to flee to a less populated area. Using the tools you have, what do you do? And if you escape, what do you take with you?
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Old 12-07-2010, 06:09 PM   #3 (permalink)
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I hate you.
Originally Posted by Sansa Stark View Post
I'm down with Jesus, in that case.

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Old 12-07-2010, 06:11 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Old 12-07-2010, 06:16 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Well... clearly, if there are already undead at your doorstep, fleeing would be useless unless you've got a motorcycle or happen to be an olympic runner. (In this case, neither apply) The roads would be clogged to uselessness and we can safely assume that the more populated areas have gone to ****. It would appear that your only option is to barricade what you can, grab all the supplies you have (food, water, weapons), and further barricade yourself in a remote part of the house. Preferably an attic because some attics have possible escape routes such as windows or, if desperate, chimneys. Alternately, a basement would work.

So after barricading the house and then barricading yourself in a secluded room, you make as little noise/smell as possible and wait it out as long as your supplies allow. (Two weeks to a month, realistically) After they run out, you have no choice but unbarricade and seek further resources. At this point, you have to hope that worst part of the initial infection has passed and the streets are rather desolate. From there, you make your way in the post-apocalyptic world...
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Old 12-07-2010, 06:33 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
OK. Initial scenario...

Los Angeles, 2012 (lol).
You are at home, watching the boob tube. A news flash comes on, exclaiming that a strange virus is spreading and people are being infected. Reports are already surfacing that confirms the infected are spreading the virus via bites. The infected are increasing in number and authorities are warning everyone to stay indoors. Your home contains normal home stuff. Fearing for your safety, you round up all the weapons you can. You have: 1 baseball bat, a variety of kitchen knives and utensils, a car with half a tank of gas, and standard access in and out of your home. A scratching noise at the window alerts you and you view 2 undead lazily bumping their heads into the glass. You've seen zombie movies before, and you know it's only a matter of time before they either get in or attract other zombies. You need to act. You need to flee to a less populated area. Using the tools you have, what do you do? And if you escape, what do you take with you?
I would take advantage of the time I have and act immediately. Since these two zombies have been lazily bumping their heads into my window, I assume they're rather slow moving - so outrunning them in the car won't be too hard. I only take the kitchen knives and utensils to use as weapons/survival tools and immediately go around back and drive away in my half-empty car, taking a route into the forest as far as I can go before I run out of gas.

I'd roll my car into the middle of the forest somewhere and use it as my shelter at night. I do my best to survive off the land, eating plants and drinking from creeks and streams, employing the kitchen utensils as survival tools.
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Old 12-07-2010, 06:53 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
OK. Initial scenario...

Los Angeles, 2012 (lol).
You are at home, watching the boob tube. A news flash comes on, exclaiming that a strange virus is spreading and people are being infected. Reports are already surfacing that confirms the infected are spreading the virus via bites. The infected are increasing in number and authorities are warning everyone to stay indoors. Your home contains normal home stuff. Fearing for your safety, you round up all the weapons you can. You have: 1 baseball bat, a variety of kitchen knives and utensils, a car with half a tank of gas, and standard access in and out of your home. A scratching noise at the window alerts you and you view 2 undead lazily bumping their heads into the glass. You've seen zombie movies before, and you know it's only a matter of time before they either get in or attract other zombies. You need to act. You need to flee to a less populated area. Using the tools you have, what do you do? And if you escape, what do you take with you?
I would quickly gather the baseball bat, and I would somehow find a way to jam the kitchen knives in the baseball bat, making a deadly bat with blunt force, but with cutting edge abilities :P. I take this with me, and I go out dodging the first fleet of zombies. I get my car, and go out, and make my way to the nearest shopping mall, hoping that I will pick up more survivors on the way. (did I play right?)
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Old 12-07-2010, 06:58 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
OK. Initial scenario...

Los Angeles, 2012 (lol).
You are at home, watching the boob tube. A news flash comes on, exclaiming that a strange virus is spreading and people are being infected. Reports are already surfacing that confirms the infected are spreading the virus via bites. The infected are increasing in number and authorities are warning everyone to stay indoors. Your home contains normal home stuff. Fearing for your safety, you round up all the weapons you can. You have: 1 baseball bat, a variety of kitchen knives and utensils, a car with half a tank of gas, and standard access in and out of your home. A scratching noise at the window alerts you and you view 2 undead lazily bumping their heads into the glass. You've seen zombie movies before, and you know it's only a matter of time before they either get in or attract other zombies. You need to act. You need to flee to a less populated area. Using the tools you have, what do you do? And if you escape, what do you take with you?

Judging by the fact that the zombies are lazily bumping their heads into the window, it looks like we have the classic shambling horde scenario here, so not a lot of intelligence, and no particular speed advantages for the zombies. In which case, a moving car is gonna be a pretty solid barrier against them. So priority is getting to the car, and getting out into the country where there are less people => less potential zombies. This also means you'll need to either stock the car with supplies (risky), or stock up on the way out.

Judging by the fact that the virus is transferred by bites, that means that fluids are going to be infectious, which pretty much rules out the baseball bat as a weapon because of excessive splatter. You could try take out some knees and stop the zombies from moving, but a proper knee-smash really requires being in front of the zombie at close range.... yeah. Knives are equally useless if said zombies are "undead" since only decapitation will stop them then, which is a bloody and difficult procedure with just a knife. So in terms of weapons, kinda screwed.

The only tactic that remains is distraction. I Pack a backpack/largest bag I have available with as much food and water as I can, and some essential supplies (first aid kit if I have it, etc.), my laptop (if i don't have a laptop, I'll deal with it at the end) and then find a radio. Being a musicophile, there's bound to be something working around the house to that effect. Now, setting up the radio at the furthest part of the house from the car, I turn it to a talking station of some sort, loud enough that the zombies outside can hear it, but not so loud as to attract other attention. when the zombies move, clearing a path to the car, I move as silently as I can to the car, get in, and get the hell out of there.

Sticking to wide roads as much as possible (less chance of getting cut off by abandoned cars), I make a beeline out of the city. Half a tank should be enough to get far enough away before i have to make a pitstop to refuel. At the earliest opportunity (small, low population suburb with a petrol/gas station with a fair degree of visibility around it), I stop and full the tank to the top, leaving the door open and the keys in the ignition (but not the engine on, for obvious reasons) in case a quick getaway is needed. If no zombies show on the horizon in this time, I make a quick foray into the station, keeping an eye outside at all times, for more food, and possibly some things I'd missed from my house: batteries, a radio if there wasn't a spare at my house, some better weapons for some long range killage if possible, wireless interwebs if I'm really lucky.

having stocked up properly, I'd move out of town further, and find somewhere to camp it out. Preferably up high, isolated and difficult to get to, but not far removed from civilisation two story at least is a necessity. The plan would be to knock out the stairs and put in a ladder system instead to screw any zombie attempts to get up over, and to scavenge the house for other supplies: does it have interwebs, food stuffs, is there a way of refrigerating stuff upstairs or would that have to be remedied.. etc etc. if a number of places seem possible, things like upstairs refrigeration, internet and easy-to-destroy-without-too-much-noise stairs would be ideal. Next stage would be to find a bicycle for decently fast but silent travel for supplies. After that, it would be a case of gathering weapons, food and other supplies as often as possible without attracting attention, and attempting to keep in contact with any other survivors. Laptop and wireless internet is the ideal, in which case so long as service lasts the web can be checked for groups fighting it out and for coordinating with other survivors. Without that, the radio, and hopefully a walkie-talkie of some sort for more primitive communication. Given the shamblingness of the zombies from their description, that should be enough to "survive", with a large chance of being able to take part in ending the problem should such an ending be remotely possible.

EDIT: lol @ the fact that 2 people responded in the time it took me to write that. guess that's what happens when I'm awake at 2am considering a zombie apocalypse...
"I found it eventually, at the bottom of a locker in a disused laboratory, with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard". Ever thought of going into Advertising?"

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Old 12-07-2010, 08:15 PM   #9 (permalink)
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RVCA didn't read the instructions.

Conan escapes first, having used the tools at his disposal (as indicated in the scenario) in the most quick and efficient way. Conan gains one survivor point.

Moonlit Sunshine also escapes, but has planned too far ahead of the scenario. Remember, your task is to simply survive the scenario and be ready for the next scenario. Don't over-think it. Each scenario is a moment where you make decisions based on the info you are given. Your prime directive is to survive that scenario and nothing more. If one player's escape constitutes a better management of time and resources than the first survivor, other players may challenge the ruling. Until then, Conan gains one point for surviving first.

Bear in mind, the initial scenario was meant to be simple so that everyone knows what's expected. Other scenarios by survivors may well end up being complicated and with more than one conclusion, with one of them being best. Good luck.

Next Scenario:

(Remember, Conan.. your scenario starts from where you ended up.. which is in the woods, and with the tools you brought with you, if you should choose to include or discard them in your scenario. Obviously, you can find things along the way as well.)
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Old 12-07-2010, 08:45 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
RVCA didn't read the instructions.
I didn't? How so?
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