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10 Things I've Done That You Might Not Have
I`ve had a few of my friends emailing this around , it could be fun to have as a topic here......
1. Almost got run over by West Ham & England Striker Tony Cottee 2. And a hearse 3. Got £45 worth of CDs free in London last weekend when the girl at the till ****ed up 4. Gave a girl an orgasm just by touching her ear 5. Watched my taxi driver in New York stop the car , get out & suddenly start beating the **** out of another taxi driver. 6. Told a prostitute in Amsterdam 'she couldn`t afford me' 7. Said hello to Fish from Marillion while he was taking a piss 8. Sent a picture of my 7 year old sister to a kids comic saying her hobbies were My Little Pony , Sindy Dolls & East 17 and they printed it in the comic & sent her a copy. She was 19 at the time. 9. Met Mr Bronson from Grange Hill 10.Told Matt Bellamy from Muse he`s an ******* in a chat room before he was famous |
1. Jumped off the roof of a car going 15 mph into a ditch
2. Get run over by a boat 3. Get hit in the face with a 7 iron 4. Loved a girl with all my heart 5. Gotten pulled over searched and ticketed for "looking suspicious" 6. Drove around downtown Minneapolis for an hour in a car that couldnt stop or it would die, in effect drininvg around downtown mineapolis In that bus from speed. 7. Gotten in fights, and won, with style to spare. 8. Acctually stay for a whole concert and talk to the band afterwards, not leave after the first set or 2. 9. Lived for 2 months on nothing. |
1. Tried to fly and ended up in hospital
2. Spent a night on the streets in Vienna and hung out with homeless guys for company 3. Had an orgasm from someone touching somewhere above my neck (I won't scare you further by going into details) 4. Used my hand as an ashtray on three occasions and gave myself three scars 5. Been hit on by a member of the Darkness' little bro 6. Went clubbing in Edinburgh till 5am and still made it to work on time in another city for 8am 7. Laughed in the Beta Band's face 8. Had a 2 litre bottle of juice poured over me by a random guy in a Rome supermarket, while wearing a white skirt 9. Overslept for a court case 10. Kissed Cat Power |
you lot are outrageous
Haha, I'm quite sure we don't. Well... not that I know of anyway!! Urban's point just reminded me of my own, and that it is reasonably unusual.
Ha ok fair enough.. Just seemed a little odd.
I'm pretty sure it wasn`t her
The girl I did it to had **** taste in music |
[QUOTE=Urban Hatemonger]I'm pretty sure it wasn`t her
*s******s* |
You`ll never split us
I wasnt talking bout me...
1. been to Japan to play basketball.twice! 2. been out with the same girl 3 times, with different people imbetween 3. jumped on a guys head, in primary school, in attempting to make him laugh (it was an accident) 4. Swallowed something chunky from the sea while surfing, still dont know what it was. 5. Swung a kid's (same kid from '3', just a few years later) head into a metal basketball pole. 6. Have tiger Wood's autograph (grandparents got it off him b4 he was famous) 7. In a band 8. Been on TV, in a magazine, in a newspaper both local and international. 9. had an illergic reation to some thing they gave me in hospital and nealy died if it wasnt for my mum. 10. Peerpressured a mate, to head-butt an egg i threw at him at school, then wash his hair in the toilet, then lick bird sh1t for about $3.00 AU. |
1.Madeout With My Cousin
2.Had sex with my best friend Jesse to last caress 3.Grab my brothers wifes butt 4.Worn my Exs pants regaurly 5.carreind a Care Bear through school all day (8th grade) 6.Went to my parents shirt in a pentagram shirt 7.Been Raped by my friend when she was high. 8.Spent the night at a girls house and we were sexually attracted to each otehr and all we did was fully clothed snuggle 9.Filled The Vaporizer With Dr. Pepper 10. BEEN TO A LEFTOVER CRACK CONCERT!!!!!! |
1. went to pick up food stamps in a limosine
2. been arrested for making terrorist threats 3. had 13 children on welfare 4. been shot twice 5. bitch burnt me wif gonorrhea twice - dat sh*t stings, naamean 6. changed my name to big baby jesus 7. made a speech at the grammyz 8. been arrested fo wearin body armor 9. spent a long vacation in tha pen 10. hid from tha federales |
^you know, none of that sh1t surprises me, even if it was true
Don't worry Delicate it was not me. ;) |
Some of these really made me laugh!!!
I got stabbed once...but thats not to funny Seen Norah Jones live (I like her shhh) Ripped my leg open on a sprinkler head. Yeah thats 'bout it. Urban yours really made me laugh. |
Sweet jane -You beat me by 1, and location. I've had 2 cigerettes put out on me before. One on my hand and one on my arm.
Yellow Card-- never swallowed anything from the sea but one time I swallowed a tooth while eating grape nuts. Misfits-I went to a LOC concertt too so there. Did you go when they were being backed by stockyard stoics? I talked to stockyard after there set and I got there set list. Cool guys. Dirt--F*ckin word dawg |
10.fell down coming out of the liquor store and broke my ankle...sober mind you...
9.got my Grade 12! 8.was married with 2 kids in a 3 story house at 19.... 7.was owner of 4 cats 6.tasted the bottom of the fishtank 5.spit blood all over a cop 4.spent 5 consecutive nights in holding cells for public intoxication 3.smoked 6 smokes at once..passed out... 2.gave birth 2 times with no painkillers 1.got a 1 year ban from the local hospital |
I have four cats... And that fishtank thing is not nice! :p:
1. camped in the middle of a desert for a week (and I mean desert, as in nothing but sand)
2. rode a camel (lots) 3. had a building 15 minutes from my house bombed to the ground 4. dropped a 20 footer :D (went off a 20 foot cliff skiing, and landed) 5. rode on an elephant 6. had a cobra thrown at my head (unintentionally) 7. swam in the persian gulf 8. learned the difference in sound between a f14 fighter jet and a b12 bomber when it flies over your house 9. maintained a long distance relationship for 4 months (and counting :D) 10. grew up in saudi arabia |
Youve led an interesting life jibber. |
1. Smoked a J with Tesco Vee from the Meatmen
2. Gave Casey from D.I. a ride to his own show 3. Drank a beer with Citizen Fish at the bar before the doors to the show opened. 4. Got the guitarist from Blue Meanies to take his pants off during their encore. 5. Jumped over an 84 Camaro on a BMX bike 6. Collected old bomb shells up in the mountains in Hawaii 7. Slept on a pier in San Diego for 3 nights 8. Played my first club show with UK Subs where Charley announced that my band was the future of the punk scene. (ya i know he didnt mean "my band" in particular, but for a 16 yr old it was cool nonetheless) 9. Been shot at on 3 differant occasions by the same Samoan gang in 29 Palms California for defending my lil brother, and my bassists little brother. 10. Punched around 30 skinheads in my lifetime so far, the most rememberable being this old 40+ nazi that grabbed my drummer during one of the many clashes between punks and skins. |
1. started a semi-food fight on the last day of school
2. got pushed down the stairs at school 4 times in 3 months 3 .cracked my head open on my fire place twice 4 .layed in the middle of a bussy road at 3 in the morning and almost git hit by a car 5. i dyed my hair pink thats it...... |
*saw Tears for Fears last night :finger:
1. Laughed at a guy who punched me in the face
2. Chewed off (a good amount of) the embroidery on a girls pants 3. Cut my head open 3 times 4. Been given a Les Paul signature from the 70s 5. Tried to smoke pot but failed 6. Remeber left from right by scars on my hands 7. Skipped school, bought super soakers, snuck into an elemenatry school and filled them up, then went back to school soaking people as they left. 8. Listened to a William Shatner Record 9. Painted a giant landscape in my closet 10. Had a bastille day party |
1. Hitchhiked across the continental U.S. twice and up and down the west coast from Oregon>alaska>Arizona>oregon
2. Tried to light a cigarette while stoned off the kitchen sink faucet 3. Masturbated while on the phone with customer service reps 4. Tried to stop smoking pot and failed 5. Was homeless for 6 months 6. Ate earthworm pancakes 7. Cut off 8 years of dreadlocks so that I could get a job that I only kept for 5 weeks 8. Wiped my a$$ with slices of whitebread after secretly s**tting in public. 9. Cried while watching Monsters Inc. 10. fell thirty feet from a building, landed flat on my back, and walked away |
i say yours is the best so far ^
especialy the last one :) |
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